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Ravaryn’s King Elidyr startles and his eyes widen. “Eight?” 

I nod. “Not only that, but four of them appeared to be newly dead.”

The rulers glance between each other, concern radiating from them until booming laughter draws all our gazes.

“How can you tell they're newly dead?” King Luthais of Raetia says on a lingering laugh. “Dead is dead.'” 

“They were in an early stage of decomposition,” I reply, careful to keep my tone neutral in spite of my rising anger. “Unlike the Soulless we more commonly encounter.” 

Elidyr rubs his jaw. “That is unsettling.”

“Have there been any disappearance within your kingdoms?” I ask. “Any new attacks we've not been made aware of?” 

All shake their heads in answer.

Luthais crosses his legs, lounging back in his chair with an arrogant smirk. “It's obvious they came from Brecca.” 

Annoyed, I clench my hands into fists, but my expression remains impassive. “Their clothing wasn’t that of the humans. The creatures appeared to have originally come from one of our kingdoms.”

Luthais arches a brow. “You're basing this off their clothing?”

“It's unlikely they undress themselves before they’re killed,” Celene says with a roll of her eyes, just as irritated with the insufferable immortal as I am.

“Of course not,” he replies, pasting on that charming smile. “But I imagine their clothes were dirty and worn. One couldn't possibly be able to determine which kingdom they came from based off such little information.”

“It's an issue we need to address,” I snap, at my wits end with the fool's attempts to undermine me.

Elidyr leans forward and places his clasped hands on the table. “What do you propose we do?”  

Relieved to move this discussion forward, I direct my answer to him. “More patrols, fortify our defenses, and notify the people.” Bracing myself, I inhale a long breath through my nostrils and say what I know will be the most difficult for the rulers to accept. “I also recommend sending a scouting party up the Mandala Mountains.”

A strained silence thickens the air as they all stare at me in shock. 

“That's a dangerous task to undertake, based on such scant information,” King Olivier of Egralong says, his face betraying no emotion. 

Feeling as if foreboding claws scrape across my neck, I straighten in my seat and meet each of their gazes. “The frequency of attacks are increasing and the Soulless are adding to their ranks. Possibly from our very own citizens.”

Stabbing my finger onto the oak table, I continue. “I believe the Gods Cursed are planning something, and we need to know what that is. They have been quiet for too long, but why is that?” I ask, resting my arms on the table and clasping my hands together. “They hate us just as much as we do them, and with no known way to kill them, they may as well be indestructible. They could slaughter us all, yet they've done nothing.” Shaking my head, my lips flatten to an angry line. “No, that's not right. They've been waiting. Plotting. But plotting what?” I meet each pair of eyes as I add to the gravity. “We must search for these answers, or else I fear the bloodshed will be one from which we won't recover.”

Silence reigns while they ponder my words.

“Where was this ambush?” Elidyr asks. “The one from today.” 

“Practically at our gates.”

“So close,” Celene mumbles, her fingertips pressed to her lips.

Hope rises in me as I watch them consider my plans, only for it to quickly dwindle.

“I commend you on your dedication to your position,” Luthais says in a tone thickened with sarcasm. “But the Cursed haven't been seen nor heard from in over thirty years, besides the occasional Soulless attacks that are quietly quelled. Why would I send my people across the border when I know it would not only be a death wish, but would most likely provoke the Gods Cursed?” I open my mouth to speak, but he barrels on. “Regarding the matter of how close they are to your gates… I would assume that to be an isolated security issue within your own kingdom.”

I stiffen, offended he would assume my guards are inadequate or lacking in any way. “There are constant patrols, and my guards are highly trained.”

“I'm sure they are.” He dismisses me with a regal flick of his hand. “This very well may be simply an unusual occurrence. Or…. it may be due to a larger issue.”

“Your meaning?” Adelphia asks, her tone laced with tightly leashed anger.

Luthais exhales a long, dramatic sigh. “I’d rather not say, but as a friend of Cascadonia, I'd be remiss if I didn't. When there is instability or weakness within a ruling party, oftentimes that reflects in their citizens.” His lips slowly curve into a snide smirk. “The guards are your people, are they not?”

Fuck! She's going to lose her shit.

If I thought Queen Adelphia was furious before, I couldn't have been more wrong. Eyes searing King Luthais with her wrath alone, jewels blazing, palms glittering teal – Stars save us, she's going to kill him! – she barely restrains herself before saying menacingly slow, “There is no weakness in my kingdom.”

The fool is either daft or delusional if he can't see she's moments away from fileting him alive when that smirk widens. 

“Of course, Adelphia, of course! But if your people are having difficulty controlling such a simple matter, there must be an even greater issue at heart. And you are their ruling monarch.”

Feeling her wrath as a tangible entity, I'm both dreading and hopeful for his certain death. Until the pressure lessens with Olivier' s commanding voice.

“I'll take into account the information provided. More patrols and fortifying defenses is practical advice, but based on what little I've heard today, I won't be sending my people on such a dangerous excursion that could possibly incite the Gods Cursed. Not without more evidence.” 

Feeling both helpless and furious at the people who are oathbound to protect their own, I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on the armrests of the chair. “Your people need to know.”

“That would cause unnecessary panic,” Olivier replies, unflinching from my gaze. “Prove to me the situation is as dire as you say, and we'll plan accordingly.”

My orange topaz and starlight jewels suddenly flare of their own accord. Scenting smoke, I glance down at my hands gripped tightly around the armrests and find my palms glittering with orange flames. Slowly unfurling my fingers, I release the chair and attempt to dampen my anger, but I’m met with minimal success.

Olivier continues, taking no notice or care to my volatile state. “Until then, I'll make the changes I previously stated. Now, if that's all for today…” He pushes back his chair, the wooden legs scraping across the floor as he rises to his feet. “I have other business to attend to.” Giving Queen Adelphia a single, brusque nod, he strides to the door before leaving the room altogether.

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