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Manage it? I don't even know what I’m managing.

Turning away from him, I go to join the others near the fence when I stop in my tracks at the new arrivals. 

Kace hunches over himself, clutching his ribs as Zander rubs soothing circles on his back. Trip flails his arms around, babbling to Amara and Tristan who both sit on the top rail of the fence. But the only person who holds my attention is Lena.

The cool wind sweeps her rippled, raven hair to the side. Her arms drape casually over the fence. With one leg hitched on the bottom rung, her eyes twinkle in mirth as she tosses her head back, exposing her elegant neck as she laughs. A laugh that radiates so much joy and happiness, so full of life, I suck in a breath at the sight.

Gods, she truly is stunning.

Tenderness fills me as I study where her jewels should be. The gems that should be illuminated with her heightened emotion. But I only find those circular shaped scars. I saw that joy in her before, but after learning she's an empath, and a human one at that, it’s awe inspiring how she can find the strength to love life after experiencing what I’m sure must be a dark past.

With her beauty, her Gifts, and her human weaknesses, there's not a being alive who wouldn't do whatever's necessary to add her to their arsenal. But not as a person. She’d be an object. A weapon. Someone to be owned and used instead of worshipped as she deserves. I can't imagine what horrors she's experienced, all because she was born with a Gift unbelonging to her race. But I also suspect it's something I’ll never want to know.

Protectiveness flares within me, overshadowing the tenderness as I vow right then and there to never allow that to happen to her. I don't know what she’s experienced, but I'll die before I allow someone to dim that light in her eyes. The ferociousness of my resolve has me reeling back as I realize how much I want to be the one to safeguard her from such evil. How even though she's lied and kept secrets, a betrayal all in itself, I want to be the one who protects her from the darkness of the world. Not Tristan or Zander. Not Kace or Griffin. Sure as fuck not another lover, but me. Only me.

A deep guffaw causes a frown to tug at my lips, and my gaze drifts towards the male with whom she's speaking. As usual when I’m around Lena, I see little besides her, but I now notice who has her smiling and laughing. The one who’s causing her such joy. And it's a kick to the teeth when I see Ajax peering down at her with a besotted expression that I'm all too familiar with.

Blind jealousy rears its head and I frantically search for the bond that was once considered an unwelcome connection, but now a vital one, only to find that she’s cut it off once again. Smothered all her emotions so she can make moon eyes at him without my knowledge.

A low growl rumbles menacingly from my chest and I fist my hands at my sides, stalking towards the duplicitous female and the traitorous rookie.

“Annnnd that's the crazy I was talking about.” Griffin rushes forward and steps into my path, raising his palms. “This is what I was warning you of. Your emotions are turbulent when it comes to her. You have to control it.” 


“Or not,” he grumbles, quickly stepping aside.

I stalk forward and stop before the pair, but neither of them notice me. Smiling up at Ajax, Lena places her palm on his chest and curls her fingers into his vest as he peers down at her.

Possessiveness creeps up my spine and my veins sizzle with rage. “What are you doing?”

Ajax's startled gaze whips towards mine while Lena’s brows furrow in confusion.

“We’re talking,” she says, her hand still resting on Ajax’s chest.

I suck on my teeth. “Looks like a lot more than talking.”  

“Well, that's all we're doing.” Her expression hardens. “Not that it’s any of your concern.”

Hearing her deny my claim in the presence of another, my throat burns with the truth of it. “Like hell it isn’t!” 

She narrows her eyes. “I'm confused as to why you think you have any say in who I do or don’t speak to, but to soothe your fragile feelings,” she says, to which I bristle in response, “I was introducing myself to Ajax here, because you so rudely didn't do so at the tavern yesterday.” She smiles up at Ajax. “But then I noticed his beautiful necklace.”

I look more closely at the hand I thought she placed on his chest, when in actuality she's holding a silver medallion with a rune stamped in the center, attached to a chain wrapped around his neck. A common token amongst most humans and some of the lower classed fae. An emblem of the True God.

Her explanation is plausible and seemingly innocent, yet it does nothing to lessen my anger.

“Get back to work,” I bark at Ajax. He scurries along, joining Griffin, Kace, and Trip in their practice bout. I round on Lena. “And you stop distracting my guards.” She startles and I lean over the fence, whispering in her ear. “Don't pretend you aren’t aware that every male has been gawking at you from the moment you set foot in the training yard. They can hardly train while drooling over you.”

She stiffens and digs her nails into the wood railing. “Don't forget to include yourself along with your slobbering guards. You are their leader, of course.”

“How can I not, when you show up here wearing that?” I reply, breathing in her alluring scent. Then I grit my teeth and pull back when I notice a hint of Ajax’s scent mixed with hers.

“I like what I’m wearing,” she says, frowning down at her clothes. 

“So do I and every other male of breeding age.”

She narrows her eyes, irritation and anger glinting within their depths. I search for the bond again, wondering if I’m feeling her anger in addition to my own, but I only feel my own emotions. The bond’s still present, of course. The lively tether is almost tangible to the touch, but it’s static. Suffocated. She’s somehow taught herself how to control it to a certain extent. And I’m baffled as to how. 

“Why did you do it?” I ask. She cocks her head to the side and stares at me questioningly. “Cut off the link, I mean.” 

She blinks. “I don't know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes you do.” I press myself against the fence, her knees brushing against my leg as I peer down at her. “Is it so you could flirt with Ajax without me knowing?”

“We were just talking. That’s all,” she says in a hushed voice, her somber eyes searching my own. “He's not the one I want.”

“Who is?”

“I think you know.” 

I grunt in response. Placing both hands on the top railing, I tower over her, but she remains unmoving, doing nothing as her breasts flatten against me. “Open the bond.” 

She laughs. “No.”

Muttering a curse, I push off the fence and swipe my hands through my hair. “How did you cut it off?”

“You haven't figured it out yet?” When I don't answer, she smirks and pats my chest. “It appears you have some thinking to do.” 

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