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Flattening a hand on the wall above my head, he raises the other to my cheek and strokes it gently with a single, crimson painted finger, igniting a fiery spark along its path.

He stole from you.

At the thought, my blood chills and all reverence over his brutal performance is instantly wiped clean. Fury bubbling to the surface, I snatch at his throat, hooking my leg around his knee and spinning us both as I slam his back to the wall.

“Don't touch me,” I hiss, tightening my hand around his throat in warning. 

His face softens, and he slowly raises his palms above his head. “I won't,” he promises in a soothing tone. “Not without your permission.”

“You killed them,” I accuse.

Darius nods. “I did.”

“That was not your punishment to give. It was mine!” I seethe.

Cocking his head to the side, his brows furrow. “This is my kingdom. Those males were my citizens.” His throat bobs on a swallow, pushing against my hand. “And you are mine to protect. Their punishment belonged to me.”

“You had no right!” My gums burn and I instantly clamp my lips together. Clenching the column of his throat once more, I shove off him and stride towards the opening to the alley with fisted hands. 

Calloused fingers wrap around my wrist as Darius whirls me around to face him. 

“I had every right!” he roars, his eyes burning in fury.

Growling, I flick his hand away and smack mine against his chest, shoving him back.

Blowing out a calming breath, he raises his palms. “I have every right when it comes to you,” he says softly. “I'll kill anyone who touches you.”

He doesn't understand. He was just trying to protect me.

My anger cools at the thought, dousing the indignant flames. In its place, a colossal wave of despair slams into me. Treading water, I struggle to take a breath. 

Feeling the burn within my gums recede to an ache, I unclench my lips. “It's not your fault, it's mine.” 

It’s true. I should've listened to Zander. He tried to warn me but I ignored him. All because I can't handle the emotions coursing through me, the emotions Darius awakened.

His eyes flash in anger and he stalks towards me. “This is not your fault. No female … or woman,” he adds, “ should have to worry about being assaulted while walking the streets.” 

“Not with this face,” I retort, smiling grimly as I point at my face. “I'm beautiful. Distracting. You said so yourself.” Laughing bitterly, I add, “Males just can't seem to help themselves, can they?”

“We can and we do.” He grits his teeth. “Some just choose not to.” 

“But why do they always have to choose me?” I whisper, my bottom lip quivering. “What is it about me that says they can take what does not belong to them?”

His expression morphs, contorting into one of torment; the same torment that etches his face flows down the bond and into me, clashing with mine. And I can take no more. No more pain, no more fear, just …no more.

“Is it my clothes? You said they showed too much.”

The waves crash over my head, dousing me in despair as they sweep me up within their depths. Sinking, sinking, sinking. The water swallows me whole, drowning me in agony. Fumbling with the laces of my vest, my fingers tremble as I desperately try to tear them apart.

“Stop,” Darius pleads as he places his hands atop mine, enfolding them within his. 

“Maybe that’s it,” I say, tears blurring my vision. “Or my face? Or all of it. Just take it, then. Take it all! I don't want it. Never have. Give me one of those ridiculous dresses and burn the skin on my face until only scars remain.” I unclasp my hands from his and raise his stiffened hand to my cheek. “I can't go through something like that again, Darius. I won't survive it. Help me. Please.”

Jaw clenched, Darius searches my eyes for several moments before his face softens and his stiffened hand relaxes, molding to my cheek. “How could I burn such perfection?” 

“Because it's a curse,” I choke out.

He shakes his head. “No, Lena. It's a blessing.”

My vision blurs even more as the tears brimming my eyes spill over, trailing down my cheek. “It's not just them, Darius. It's everyone. The actions of the cruel and corrupt may be more sinister than most, but everyone wants something from me. Wants to use me one way or another, no matter how honorable they may be.” My fingers travel toward his forearm and wrap around his wrist. “Can’t they see I can do no more? That I'm already doing everything I can, and if they continue to take, take, take, they'll deplete me to an empty shell with nothing left to give? Why can't they see, Darius? Why won't they just stay away and leave me be?”

He stares at me for a long moment, his arctic blue eyes a reflection of my own pain. I know he wishes he could save me from my agony but he can’t. Not from something that has already come to pass. Not from what has already come to be.

Stepping closer, he presses his chest against mine. Lifting his other palm to my other cheek, he cradles my face so gently, so carefully, it's as if he believes I could break with just a touch. “I don't know why there's evil in the world. I don't know why some males are cruel. If you're a good person, I don’t think it's something you can ever truly understand. But I do know if they're willing to harm you, they're willing to harm anyone.” His eyes flash in conviction as he swipes away my tears. “That has nothing to do with you.” 

His features soften as he strokes a light caress along my cheek with his thumb. “As for why people can't stay away from you, it's not because of your face or your beauty. It’s everything about you. It's because of who you are in here.” He presses a palm over my rapidly beating heart. “You're kind and caring. You’re whip smart and funny.” He chuckles. “Gods, you’re funny! No one makes me laugh like you do.” His smile slips, and his expression becomes serious once more. “You're fiery and strong. Protective of those you love. You have this way about you where you can make everyone around you feel special. Doesn't matter if they’re a prince or a beggar, you make them feel needed and cared for. When you walk into a room, all eyes fall on you, not because of your beautiful face, but because of the beauty of your soul. So bright and pure, it's like a bright star in a blackened sky. People feel if they could just share one word with you, one touch, one kiss, your light could swallow the darkness within them. The question isn't why they won't stay away, Lena. It's how can they?”

Affection lurches from him, hurtling down the bond into me, along with something else. Something so much more than affection or attraction or tenderness. It’s powerful, potent, and could be absolutely devastating. An emotion I'm too terrified to acknowledge.

Placing my hands atop his, I give him a watery smile. “Thank you.”

“No reason to thank me. Every word was the truth.”

“I know.”

His chest expands, regret lining his face as his hands fall to his sides and he steps back. Sniffling, I swipe beneath my nose and scan all the lifeless bodies scattered around me. 

It’s a good thing he got here so quickly. If he’d arrived even a minute later…

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