F709.3 Country of thieves, 38
F802.1 Big rocks grow from little rocks, 73
F821.1.5 Dress of gold, silver, color of sun, moon, and stars, 4
F1071 Prodigious jump, 40
F1088 Extraordinary escapes, 40
G61 Relative’s flesh eaten unwittingly, 5
G204 Girl in service of witch, 2
G211.1.7 Witch in form of cat, 21
G211.2.7 Witch in form of a hare, 18
G243 Witch’s sabbath, 14
G269.4 Curse by disappointed witch, 23
G271.3 Use of salt in exorcism of witch, 55
G271.4.1(a) Exorcism by burning or boiling animal heart stuck with pins (commonly nine) (B), 45
G273.4 Witch powerless to cross stream, 18
G275.1 Witch carried off by devil, 22
G283.1.2.3 Witch raises wind to sink ships of people who have injured her, 21
G295*(g) Wizard produces gunboats from pieces of wood in water (B), 44
G295*(k) Wizard throws cannon ball several thousand feet to prevent second marriage of wife who thought him dead (B), 44
G303.9.1.1 Devil as builder of bridge, 51
G303.9.4.4 Devil tempts cleric (hermit), 34
G303.16.3 Devil’s power avoided by the cross, 17
G661.1 Ogre’s secret overheard from tree, 43
G681 Ogre gives riddle on pain of death, 15
H36.1 Slipper test, 4
H335.4 Suitor task: to defeat enemies, 44
H381 Bride test: thrift, 49
H521 Test: guessing unknown propounder’s name, 3
H524.1 “What am I thinking?” “That I am the priest.”, 63
H691.1 Riddle: How much does the moon weigh?, 63
H1092 Tasks: spinning impossible amount in one night, 3
J1341.11 Hired men sing of displeasure with food; change song when food is improved, 83
J1495.1 Person runs from actual or supposed ghost, 54
J1795.2* Man finds mirror, thinks it is a picture of his grandfather (B), 77
J1904.2.1 Fools try to hedge the cuckoo so that they will have summer the year round, 72
J2214(b) Woman eats her first banana just before her train enters a tunnel (B), 67
J2415 Foolish imitation of lucky man, 8
J2466.1 A pebble for each sin, 57