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The first stop was the staff room. Mismatched tables and large comfy looking sofas gave the space a cosy, lived-in feel. A group of employees looked up from their conversation, greeting Rain and Sarah with friendly waves.

‘This is where everyone hangs out on their breaks,’ Sarah explained. ‘Go ahead and grab a coffee. I just need to get some paperwork from my office. Back in a jiffy!’

Rain nodded, trying to look nonchalant as she made her way over to the coffee station. As she poured herself a cup, a woman in a sharp grey suit sidled up next to her.

‘Well, hello there,’ she said, giving Rain a once-over that made her cheeks flush. ‘Haven’t seen you around before. New girl?’

Rain nodded, tongue-tied. The woman was stunning, with high cheekbones and eyes that sparkled with mischief.

‘I’m Alex,’ she said, extending a perfectly manicured hand. Rain shook it, trying not to notice how soft her skin was.

‘Rain. Nice to meet you.’

Alex’s smile widened. ‘Oh, I have a feeling you and I are going to get along just fine, Rain.’

Before Rain could respond, a familiar face appeared at her elbow. It was Denise, the receptionist.

‘I thought that was you!’ Denise said. ‘I’m so glad you got the job. I had a good feeling about you.’

Rain grinned, warmed by her enthusiasm. ‘Thanks, Denise. That means a lot.’

‘Denise is right, you know,’ a new voice chimed in. Rain turned to see a lanky redhead with a boyish grin. ‘Mr Larkins doesn’t hire just anyone. I’m Jack, by the way. Resident jack-of-all-trades and unofficial welcoming committee.’

Rain shook his offered hand, taking note of his bare ring finger. He seemed like the type to know everyone’s business – maybe he’d been friends with Fay. She made a mental note to seek him out later, when she could ask some discreet questions.

Alex placed her hand on Rain’s shoulder, giving her a flirtatious smile. ‘Anyway, I should get back to the bar. Someone needs to pour the drinks. But I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for you, new girl.’

With a wink, she walked off, leaving Rain slightly flustered.

Sarah reappeared then, a stack of papers in hand. ‘Ready to head to the kitchen? There’s someone I want you to meet.’

The kitchen was a hive of activity, the air thick with delicious aromas that made Rain’s stomach rumble. Sarah led her over to a tall, broad-shouldered man stirring an enormous pot of fragrant sauce.

‘Rain, this is Jimmy, our head chef. Jimmy, meet our newest team member.’

Jimmy looked up, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. ‘Ah, fresh blood! Welcome to the madhouse.’

Rain grinned, shaking his hand. She felt the cool press of a wedding band against her palm and couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was, with salt-and-pepper hair and a roguish charm. Just the type Fay always went for.

‘Whatever you’re making smells incredible,’ Rain said, inhaling deeply.

Jimmy’s chest puffed up with pride. ‘My secret recipe. Here, have a taste.’

He dipped a spoon into the pot and held it out to her. Rain hesitated for a moment, worried that her refined palate might give away her true identity as a chef. She took a careful sip, trying to mask her reaction as an explosion of flavour burst across her tongue.

‘Mmm, that’s delicious,’ Rain said, attempting to sound like an average person enjoying something tasty.

Jimmy’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Glad you like it! I’ve been perfecting this recipe for years.’

Rain resisted the urge to comment on the subtle blend of spices she detected. ‘Well, you’ve certainly got a talent for cooking.’

‘Thanks! You know, if you ever want to learn a few tricks, just let me know. I’m always happy to share my knowledge,’ Jimmy said with a wink.

Rain forced a laugh, trying to sound casual. ‘Oh, I’m not much of a cook myself. I can barely boil water without burning it.’

‘You’ll have to let her try your pasta dish some time, Jimmy,’ Sarah said before gesturing to Rain to follow her. ‘Right, let’s go and get you fitted for your uniform.’

Jimmy waved them off with a mock salute. ‘Don’t be a stranger, now,’ he called after her.

The uniform room was a cornucopia of crisply pressed outfits in varying styles and colours. Rain stood patiently as a no-nonsense seamstress took her measurements, Sarah’s soothing chatter filling the air.

With her brand-new uniform and schedule in hand, Rain felt a buzz of excitement as she said her goodbyes. She was in, and now it was only a matter of time before she started to uncover the truth about Fay’s disappearance. As she made her way down the corridor, she spotted Jack lounging against the exterior wall, cigarette in hand.

‘Hey, Jack!’ She greeted him with a friendly smile as she approached. ‘How’s it going?’

Jack stubbed out his cigarette and straightened up, offering a casual smile in return. ‘Oh, you know, same old. Are you looking forward to starting work?’

‘Yeah, this place is amazing,’ Rain said, glancing around the hotel grounds. ‘So, what do you do here?’

He shrugged. ‘Anything and everything.’

Rain arched an inquisitive brow. ‘Oh, really? Does that include cleaning?’

Jack laughed. ‘You’ve got to be kidding. That’s women’s work.’

‘Oi!’ Rain exclaimed, feigning offence.

‘Only kidding,’ he said. ‘To be honest, I wouldn’t have the energy. It’s non-stop, and don’t even get me started on the mess guests leave behind.’

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