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She seriously considered cancelling it. Avoiding Sydney would undoubtedly draw attention from their mother, but facing her meant navigating around the looming tension that she knew would hang between them.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Lauren’s phone buzzed with an incoming call. Sydney’s name flashed on the screen, and for a moment, Lauren simply stared at it, paralysed by indecision. Finally, with a resigned sigh, she picked up.

‘Hey, Syd.’

‘Hey yourself. Just wanted to let you know I’m running late,’ Sydney’s voice crackled through the phone amidst background chatter.

‘Where are you?’

‘Getting us a coffee. Thought we’d need something to kick-start our brain cells.’

Lauren laughed. ‘Great idea.’

‘I was thinking . . . maybe a slice of tiramisu to go with? Or is that too indulgent?’

Lauren envisioned the delectable dessert. ‘Mmm, I think we can make an exception, just this once.’

‘Okay, great. See you soon.’

Lauren disconnected the call, feeling marginally lighter. It was a small olive branch from her sister, but an olive branch nonetheless. Maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to move past this ugliness, to be the united front they’d always been.

Voices drifting through her office door caught Lauren’s attention, particularly when she recognised them as Rain’s and Mr Larkins’s. Instinctively, she rose from her seat, moving silently to stand behind the door, pressing her ear against the cool wood, straining to make out what was being said.

‘So, as discussed, your primary duties will involve cleaning and maintaining guest rooms to the highest standard.’

‘I should think so, the amount of money they pay to stay here,’ Rain responded.

The urge to step out into the hallway to see Rain’s face was almost overwhelming, but Lauren held herself in check, hardly daring to breathe until the voices faded away down the corridor.

She remained by the door, so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the approaching footsteps until it was too late. The door flew open without warning, catching her squarely on the forehead and sending her staggering back with a yelp of pain.

‘Oh my god, Lauren! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?’

Sydney rushed into the room, hastily setting down the drinks and a pink bakery box before reaching for her sister. Wincing, Lauren raised her hand to her throbbing forehead. ‘I’m fine. It was my own fault.’

‘What on earth were you doing standing behind the door like that?’ Sydney gently removed Lauren’s hand and inspected the area.

‘Um, nothing . . . I was just being nosy.’

Sydney’s eyes narrowed, a slow, sly smile spreading across her lips. ‘It wouldn’t happen to be that gorgeous brunette I just passed in the corridor, would it?’

A blush heated Lauren’s cheeks, and she knew she’d been caught.

‘Maybe,’ she said.

Sydney’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Wait, seriously? I was just teasing, but . . . Lauren, is this what you were going to tell me about yesterday? The thing that had you all, I don’t know . . . glowy?’

Lauren bit her lip, then nodded. Sydney let out a soft squeal of excitement.

‘Oh my god, okay, you have to tell me everything. And I mean everything. Here, sit.’

She guided Lauren gently towards the small sofa before grabbing their coffees and the tiramisu. For the next half an hour, the events of the last few days came pouring out of her – the electric first meeting, the stolen kiss, the agonising moment of truth.

Sydney listened with rapt attention, gasping and sighing in all the right places.

When Lauren finally fell silent, emotionally wrung out, Sydney reached for her hand.

‘So . . . what happens now?’ she asked gently.

‘Nothing. I’m married, Syd. I have a child. It’s not like I can just run off into the sunset with her.’

‘Says who?’ Sydney countered. ‘Lauren, you deserve to be happy. Really, truly happy. And if this woman, if Rain . . . if she makes you feel something you haven’t felt in a long time . . . isn’t that worth fighting for?’

‘It’s not that simple,’ Lauren said, her throat tight.

‘Isn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can think of a million reasons why you should leave Jake . . . and not a single one why you should stay.’

‘Ben,’ Lauren said.

Sydney’s expression softened. ‘I know you want to put him first. But Lauren . . . staying in a loveless marriage, forcing yourself to be miserable day in and day out . . . how is that good for him in the long run? Don’t you think he deserves to see his mum living happily?’

A sob caught in Lauren’s throat, and Sydney pulled her into a crushing hug. Lauren clung to her, tears spilling down her cheeks.

‘I’m scared,’ Lauren admitted, the words muffled against Sydney’s shoulder. ‘I’m scared of losing everything. Of being alone.’

Sydney pulled back, cupping Lauren’s face in her hands. ‘You will never be alone, do you hear me? You have me, you have Gran, you have Ollie . . . we are here for you, no matter what. And if you’re not ready to make any big moves, that’s okay. But just . . . don’t write off the possibility of happiness.’

Lauren sniffled, managing a watery smile. ‘I’ll try.’

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