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“She remembered me for a moment…”

“I know, it was lovely.”

I stand on my tiptoes, feeling the warmth of his tears as I wipe them away from his face. He turns his head to look at me and I can see the gratitude in his eyes as he kisses me softly on the cheek.

“Thank you, baby,” he whispers, his voice choked with emotion.

“For what?”

“Meeting her,” he replies, his voice catching in his throat. “I wanted her to meet you. You two are the most important people to me.”

As I look into his eyes, I can see the depth of his love and the sincerity of his words. I lean in and gently kiss his lips, feeling his arms wrap tightly around me. We walk hand in hand out of the care home and I can feel the weight of his hand in mine, the warmth of his touch filling me with an overwhelming sense of comfort and security. We make our way to the car where Mike and Cain are waiting, ready to take us on our next adventure.

The Jeep moves forward and it feels like we’ve been driving forever. The serene melody of Ellie Goulding’s Starry Eyed fills the car, perfectly complement the starry night sky that’s just appeared as the daylight fades away. I’m sitting on the front seat with Cain’s hand resting on my thigh and his other hand confidently steering the wheel. Meanwhile, Nate is smoking a cigarette with the window rolled down as the smoke dissipates into the night air. The comforting presence of the three of them makes me feel so calm, as if nothing can go wrong.

Mike speaks up from the backseat, his stomach growling audibly. “I’m so hungry,” he complains.

I turn to face him, offering a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll be there very soon. My nan always has plenty of food on hand. You won’t go hungry for long.”

“She won’t mind all of us staying, will she, princess?” Cain asks, his hand gently caressing my thigh. I shake my head. “No, not at all.”

I hear Nate’s voice from the back. “The question is, who is the boyfriend?”

The trio all laugh. I can’t help but roll my eyes at their juvenile humor. Feeling uncomfortable, I didn’t know how to answer Nate’s question. However, before I can say anything, Cain gently squeezes my thigh in a reassuring manner. In response, I place my hand on top of his.

As we drive past the church, I notice a familiar sight–a fake cow. It stands in a patch of green grass, tethered to a post, as if waiting patiently for something. I can’t help but wonder why it is there in the first place.

Mike asks, “Did I just see a fake cow outside a church?”

I chuckle and reply, “Yeah, it’s been there since I can remember.”

We drive through the peaceful and quaint town. I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. It’s been years since I last visited, yet everything looks exactly as I remember it from childhood. The familiar storefronts and buildings line the streets, unchanged and timeless. The serene atmosphere of the town seems to wrap around me like a warm blanket and I can’t help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in this place that holds so many memories for me.

As we drive down the road, I nervously give Cain instructions to turn right. The thought of seeing my nan again after such a long time makes me uneasy. The last time I saw her was at my grandfather’s funeral and the memories of that day still haunt me. My nerves intensify as we approach the road to my nan’s and I can’t shake off the feeling of unease.

We begin our drive up the winding gravel path toward my grandmother’s house. Towering cypress shrubs flank either side of the road, their branches reaching up towards the sky. As we approach the massive brick estate, I can’t help but marvel at how little it has changed over the years. The white windows, framed by ivy that creeps up the walls, still glimmer in the sunlight. Two balconies overlook the gardens from the upper windows, adding to the estate’s grandeur. The gardens themselves are a sight to behold, with vibrant flowers blooming in every corner. The old oak tree still stands strong, its branches providing shade to the grassy lawn below. I spot the swing that I used to play on as a child, still hanging from one of the sturdy branches. As we pull up, my grandmother stands outside, looking just as I remember her. Her hair, now a soft shade of gray, is pulled back into a neat bun. She wears a light blue jumper and baggy jeans, giving off a comfortable and humble vibe. Despite the grandeur of her estate, she remains small and slight, standing no taller than five feet. She stands there, patiently waiting for our arrival, a warm smile spreading across her face.

As I open the car door, a rush of excitement floods through me.

Stepping out onto the gravel, I take a moment to breathe in the familiar surroundings. A gentle breeze ruffles my hair.

My nan’s arms outstretched in welcome. “Tessie, dear,” she says, her voice filled with love and affection.

I quicken my pace, eager to envelop myself in her embrace. As I reach her, I feel her arms wrap around me, pulling me close. The scent of her perfume washes over me, a comforting blend of floral notes and subtle musk, reminding me of countless happy memories spent in her company.

At that moment, surrounded by the familiar sights, sounds, and scents of my nan’s house, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. No matter how much time passes or how far I roam, It always feels like home with her.

“Did you have a safe journey?” my nan inquires.

“Yup, arrived in one piece. I see the town hasn’t changed at all.” I chuckle, pulling back slightly to meet her gaze.

Her hands still grasp my arms; I feel a sense of reassurance in her touch. Her eyes, filled with curiosity and warmth, roam over me, taking in every detail as if to reaffirm that I’m truly here, standing before her.

For a brief moment, we share a silent exchange, a bond strengthened by years of love and understanding. Then, her gaze shifts behind me and I follow her line of sight to see the trio stepping out of the Jeep.

As we walk over to them, anticipation bubbles within me and I wonder how my beloved nan will receive them. With a mix of nerves and excitement, I listen as she breaks the ice with her characteristic directness.

“So which of you is my granddaughter’s boyfriend, then?” she asks in a playful, inquisitive tone, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

The trio exchange glances, silently communicating as they gauge each other’s reactions. Then, with a sudden surge of confidence, Mike steps forward, his voice steady and polite.

“I am. It’s lovely to meet you. I’m Mike,” he declares, extending his hand with a gesture of greeting.

My nan meets his gaze, her expression softening into a smile as she takes in his appearance. She appraises him with a discerning eye. Her years of experience grant her an uncanny ability to read people easily.

With a nod of approval, she accepts his hand, her grip firm yet welcoming. “Likewise, Mike. It’s a pleasure to meet you finally,” she replies, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

And in that moment, as their hands clasp in a silent exchange of acknowledgment, I feel a sense of relief wash over me.

“So, who else do we have here, then?” My nan’s voice carries a genuine curiosity as she tucks her hands into her pockets, exuding a sense of casual ease. Her eyes sweep over, a glint of interest dancing in their depths.

With a smile, I take the cue to introduce Cain and Nate as Mike’s friends, their names rolling off my tongue with a sense of familiarity. My nan nods politely, her gaze shifting from one to the other as she extends her hand in a welcome gesture.

She shakes their hands firmly, her grip strong yet inviting, a silent acknowledgment of their presence. Her eyes linger on Cain for a moment longer, her gaze appraising as she takes in his stature with a quick, discerning glance.

“You are all very tall men, aren’t you?” she observes, her tone light, a hint of amusement tinging her words. A collective chuckle ripples through the group, breaking the ice and easing any lingering tension.

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