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With a shrug, I set off the road towards town, the quiet streets unfolding before me.

Realizing I have time to spare, I take a leisurely walk to the pharmacy. The sun is warm against my skin as I stroll along the familiar streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the town I now call home.

I make my way through the alley toward the pharmacy and the familiar chime of the store bell announces my arrival. The lady behind the counter is occupied with customers, so I take the opportunity to browse the aisles, gathering the essential items I need.

After paying for my purchases, I walk back through the alley, the cool breeze brushing against my skin as I make my way to the hardware store. My phone buzzes with Rae’s name flashing on the screen. I answer with a smile, eager to catch up.

“Heya,” I greet

“Hi. You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m all good. How are you?” I reply.

“I am good. You might get some flowers delivered to the house this morning. Archie has sent

them. He still thinks I’m there. I’m trying to ghost him, but it’s so hard,” Rae confesses.

My heart skips a beat at her revelation.

“What...You told Archie the address?” I ask, a hint of concern creeping into my voice.

“Yeah, it’s only flowers, Tess…” Rae’s response is calm.

I can’t shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of my stomach.

“Wait, Rae, I’ll call you back,” I say hastily, ending the call before she can respond.

Panic surges through me as I hang up on Rae, my mind racing with the implications of Archie knowing my address. With trembling fingers, I go to call the guys, but before I can dial, a noise draws my attention.

Looking up from my phone, my heart skips a beat as I see a black car and two men in black suits standing at the end of the alley. Fear grips me as I begin to back away, my eyes locked with theirs, every instinct screaming for me to flee.

But before I can react, a noise behind me shatters the silence. Strong arms encircle me before I turn around, lifting me off my feet. My phone is swiftly taken from my grasp, and before I can utter a sound, a gloved hand covers my mouth, stifling any attempt at a scream.

Terror surges through me as I struggle against my captor, but their grip is unyielding. My heart pounds in my chest as I am drug backward, the world spinning in a blur of fear and confusion.

I kick my legs out, desperation fueling every movement. Another man in a black suit grabs hold of my legs, rendering my attempts at resistance futile. With terrifying efficiency, I am lifted and placed into the backseat of the car, the doors slamming shut and locking.

I am trapped between two imposing figures, but I continue to lash out, kicking and hitting with all the strength I can muster. But my efforts only seem to provoke further violence, and before I can react, a sharp slap lands across my face with stunning force.

Pain explodes across my cheek, the metallic taste of blood flooding my mouth as my nose begins to bleed. Tears well in my eyes as I struggle to comprehend the horror of the situation, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.


We sit at the kitchen island, eating toast. Tessie’s absence gnaws at me, a nagging sense of unease clouding my mind.

Amara’s entrance breaks the silence, her Greek accent cutting through the tension like a knife. I acknowledge her with a nod.

“Hello, Amara,” Nate greets her.

I check my watch and realize it’s been over an hour since Tessie had left the house. My heart pounds in my chest as I address Amara, my voice trembling with worry.

“Is Tessie at the guesthouse then, Amara?” I ask. Dread fills me.

Confusion flickers across Amara’s face. “I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Cain,” she replies, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

My stomach churns with dread as I press further. “She was meant to meet you at the hardware store?” I question, desperation creeping into my voice.

Amara’s response hit me like a blow to the gut. “Oh, yes. She didn’t turn up. I assumed she forgot,” she admits, her words sending a shockwave of fear coursing through me.

Without hesitation, Nate, Mike, and I exchange a knowing glance, the unspoken fear between us driving us into action. Dropping everything in our hands, we bolt for the door, a sense of urgency propelling us forward as we race toward the Jeep. Our hearts pound with dread.

“Try calling her!” I shout at Nate.

“I’m trying. It’s going straight to voicemail!”

“I swear if Archie has done anything to her,” Mike says with rage.

We pile into the car. The air seems to crackle with tension, thick and palpable. My heart pounds against my chest like a caged animal.

The engine roars to life, but the sound seems distant, drowned out by the frantic drumming of my own heartbeat. Every bump in the road sent a jolt of anxiety coursing through me, each turn of the wheel accompanied by a sharp intake of breath. I can feel the weight of the unknown pressing down on us.

I can’t shake off this feeling of fear until I have the reassurance that she is secure and sound, nestled in the comfort of my arms.

If anything has happened to her, I couldn’t go on living.


As the blindfold is abruptly pulled away, the harsh light assaults my eyes, causing them to squint against the sudden onslaught. Blinking rapidly, I struggle to adjust to the brightness and I am disoriented and vulnerable in unfamiliar surroundings.

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