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I bury my face into Cain’s chest, my tears flowing freely. “I didn’t get any time with her,” I sob, the weight of regret and sorrow crushing me like a vice.

Cain’s arms wrap around me in a tight embrace, offering me the solace and support I desperately need in this moment of overwhelming grief.

In the quiet of the room, I can hear the soft sounds of sniffles and stifled sobs as the trio cry with me.



Two and a half weeks have passed since my nan’s passing. The funeral was a beautiful send-off and she is buried next to my grandad. Life moves forward amidst the weight of grief and loss. The reading of her will unveil a mix of emotions as the distribution of her estate unfolds. My cousin, Florence, received a lump sum of money, while I am entrusted with the estate and a substantial inheritance. However, excluding my brother and younger cousins from the will, as the will was drawn up before their births adds, another layer of complexity to an already delicate situation.

My mother’s plea for the house, citing it as her birthright after being informed she was not included in the will, brings a new challenge. I refused, of course. The decision to stand firm in my resolve is not easy and is met with resistance and resentment from some corners of my family. Yet, I know deep down that it is the right choice, a testament to my love and respect for my nan’s wishes and the importance of honoring her memory in the most meaningful way possible.

Amid these difficult decisions and emotional turmoil, I find solace in the trio’s support. They have been amazing. I move forward, carrying the lessons learned from my nan’s life and the values she instilled in me, knowing that her spirit will always guide me on the path ahead.

I sit on the sofa, enveloped in the comfort of my loungewear. The familiar sounds of the guys bustling about outside offer a sense of normalcy amid my grief. However, the arrival of Amara at my door interrupts the quiet solitude of my thoughts.

“Please come in, Amara,” I offer, gesturing for her to enter as she stands on the threshold.

“Miss—” she says.

My eyebrows raise at her for calling me Miss.

“Tessie. Sorry. Will you be moving into the main house?” Amara inquires, her strong Greek accent lending a sense of warmth and familiarity to her words.

I pause for a moment, considering her question carefully before responding. “I’m not sure yet, Amara,” I reply honestly.

Amara places a gentle hand on my shoulder, her touch a comforting reassurance amidst the turmoil of my emotions. “I don’t mean to come off rude,” she begins, her voice soft yet firm. “You haven’t left the house for over two weeks. Miss Mavis would not like you locked away like this. I know death is a horrible thing, but this is not what Miss Mavis would have wanted.”

Her words strike a chord within me, a gentle reminder of my nan’s unwavering spirit and the importance of honoring her memory in the most meaningful way possible. I realize she speaks the truth–my nan would want me to live my life to the fullest, even in the face of loss and sorrow.

With a nod of understanding, I offer Amara a grateful smile. She leaves, her words lingering in the air like a gentle breeze, guiding me towards a path of healing and renewal in the wake of my nan’s passing.

I open the curtains and windows to let some fresh air into the room. I catch sight of the trio standing around the Jeep, their heads bent in concentration as they tinker with it. The sound of their laughter and chatter drifts in through the open windows.

I can’t help but smile as I soak in the scene before me, knowing deep down that this is precisely what my nan would have wanted–for me to embrace life fully and find joy in the simple pleasures that surround me.

Just as I’m lost in thought, my phone rings, pulling me back to the present moment. I glance and see Rae’s name flashing on the screen. Without hesitation, I pick up the phone.

“Hey, Rae.”

“Tess…” she cries.

“What’s up?”

“Me and Archie broke up.”

“Oh, Rae, I’m really sorry to hear that.”

I wasn’t sorry they broke up, but I had to lie to her. I hear her cry over the phone. I hadn’t told her about my nan’s passing yet.

“Why don’t you stay with me for a night?”

“I don’t want to be any trouble, Tess.”

“Seriously, it’s fine. You will be doing me a favor, taking my mind off things. My nan passed.”

“Tess! I am so sorry. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It’s fine, Rae…Listen, I’ll text you the address.”

“Ok. I can be there late afternoon.”

“Oh, Rae! Uhh, don’t tell Archie the address or anything.”

“Trust me, I’m never speaking to him again. I’ll see you later.”

I end the call. Knowing that Rae will be joining me tonight warms my heart. I can’t help but smile at the thought of spending time with her.

With a spring in my step, I make my way to the front door, the trio’s laughter echoing in the air. The day suddenly feels brighter and I look forward to the evening ahead.

I feel the fresh air on my face. Amara was right; I haven’t felt it in over two weeks. As I approach the trio I can sense their confusion as they look at me. Nate’s arms envelop me in a comforting embrace, his concern evident in his question.

“Are you ok, baby?” he asks, his voice filled with genuine care.

I offer him a small smile, grateful for his support. “Yeah, I just need to get on with my life like my nan would have wanted,” I reply.

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