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“Here’s a question,” she chirps, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “If you had to kiss, marry and kill one. Who would it be?”

I chuckle softly, shaking my head at her cheeky inquiry. “I’m not even gonna answer that, Rae.”

“You’re boring,” she teases, her playful pout drawing a grin from me.

With a mock-serious expression, I grab a nearby pillow and launch it at her, the soft projectile sailing through the air with playful intent.

The room fills with our laughter, the carefree exchange of playful banter.

“I might stay for another night. If that’s ok with you? Not too sure yet.”

“That’s fine. It’s nice to have you here,” I reassure her.

In the quiet exchange, the unspoken comfort of companionship bridges any gaps of uncertainty. I find solace in the simple pleasure of her company and I am grateful for the warmth of friendship that filled the space between us.


Nate, Cain, and I sit in companionable silence, each lost in our thoughts. The weight of recent weeks hung in the air like a heavy blanket, but amidst it all was a glimmer of hope.

“It’s nice to see Tessie laugh after the past weeks. Rae has definitely helped,” I state, a note of gratitude coloring my words as I reflect on the positive change in Tessie’s demeanor.

Cain nods in agreement, his expression thoughtful. “Hopefully, Rae hasn’t told Archie where she has gone,” he muses, raising both brows in concern.

Nate chimes in with reassuring news. “Nah. Tessie told me earlier that Rae and Archie are done,” he explains, his tone conveying relief.

The conversation shifts, turning toward the uncertain future that lies ahead. “Can’t believe Tessie owns the estate now. Are we going to live here now?” I ponder aloud, glancing around the room, which now feels familiar.

“Where Tessie goes, I go. I can move my mother into a care home close by,” Nate declares, his loyalty to Tessie unwavering. In that moment, we sip on our whisky and contemplate the twists and turns of fate.


The morning light filters weakly through the kitchen window, casting long shadows across the tiled floor as I sit at the island, my eyelids heavy with sleep. The previous night’s conversation with Rae stretched into the early hours, leaving me drowsy and disoriented.

Cain expertly flips bacon in the skillet and the savory aroma fills the air. Nate’s silhouette is visible through the window, his silhouette in smoke as he indulges in his morning ritual. Mike has headed to the store in towns.

Suddenly, Rae walks into the kitchen, her overnight bag slung over her shoulder and sunglasses on her head. “I’ve decided I’m going to head home,” she announces, her attention absorbed by the glow of her phone screen.

I hop off the stool, concern flickering in my tired eyes. “Oh, ok. You’re welcome to stay, Rae,” I offer, moving closer to her.

But it seems she didn’t hear me; her focus is fixed on her phone. Cain coughs lightly and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Well, thank you for cheering up, Tessie,” he interjects, his tone warm with gratitude.

Rae finally glances up from her phone, offering a smile. “It’s fine, really. Anything for my girl,” she replies, her words carrying a genuine sincerity that warmed my heart.

Realizing that Rae is set on leaving, I nod and smile. “Right, well, I’d better show you out then,” I say softly, leading her towards the front door.

Cain graciously takes Rae’s overnight bag and follows behind us.

Rae kisses me on the cheek, her lips leaving a faint warmth against my skin. I return her hug, holding her for a moment longer, wanting to prolong the farewell. “Drive safe and text me when you get home,” I say.

“Of course. Thank you for letting me stay. Tell Mike I said bye,” Rae replies, her tone casual yet filled with warmth as she steps back from our embrace. Her eyes lingering for a moment before turning towards Nate.

Nate approaches with his usual easy stride, wrapping Rae in a quick hug. She leans close, whispering something into his ear with a mischievous glint. Nate releases her from the embrace.

Rae then turns to Cain, giving him a quick hug before straightening up and glancing back at us one last time. With a wave, she makes her way to her car, the sound of her engine humming to life punctuating the air.

The three of us make our way back into the house and the question burning in my mind can no longer be contained. “What did Rae whisper in your ear?” I ask Nate.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Nate replies with a playful grin, his words dripping with mystery.

Cain can’t help but roll his eyes at Nate’s cryptic response. “That makes no sense, dude. She’s trying to find out by asking,” he chimes in, shaking his head in amusement.

We enter the kitchen, the smell of sizzling bacon filling the air as Nate and I settle onto stools.

Cain plates up the bacon sandwiches, passing one to me with a nod. “Thank you,” I say appreciatively, eyeing the delicious creation on my plate.

Next, he hands a plate to Nate, who can’t resist adding a touch of playful banter. “Thank you, housewife,” Nate remarks with a smirk, aiming to tease Cain.

Cain’s reaction is immediate, his expression shifting to a scowl as he shoots a mock glare at Nate. Despite his attempt to appear stern, a small chuckle escapes me at Nate’s quip, unable to contain my amusement.

“Asshole,” Cain mutters under his breath, though his playful irritation is evident as he grabs a plate for himself, joining us at the island.

The kitchen buzzes with the sounds of clinking plates and friendly banter as we indulge in the simple pleasure of having breakfast together.

Surprise blooms in my chest as I turn my head and see Mike standing at the kitchen door, a bouquet of vibrant flowers in his hand. The colors seem to brighten the room even more as he approaches, his smile warm and genuine.

He kisses me gently before passing the bouquet into my hands. “For you,” he says simply, his eyes reflecting the affection behind the gesture.

My heart swells with gratitude as I take in the beauty of the flowers. “Oh, wow. They are beautiful, Mike,” I exclaim, genuinely touched by his thoughtfulness.

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