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I nod and explain that I am working part-time while studying at college. As we chat, Amara walks over to the island, her hands full with a cup of coffee for Cain. “Here you go, Mr. Cain.” she smiles, placing the cup in front of him. Cain thanks her, taking a sip of the freshly brewed coffee.

Suddenly, Amara turns to Nan and asks, “Miss Mavis, did you want me to go shopping for you?”

Nan thinks for a moment before replying, “Oh no, it’s okay, Amara. I will take Tessie with me. Make it a ladies’ day.”

My grandmother redirects her gaze towards me and asks, “So, Tessie, college? Oh wait, did you meet Mike there?” Her tone is playful and a smug expression spreads across her face. I find myself at a loss for words, unsure how to respond to her question.

“Actually, it wasn’t at college where I first saw her,” Mike explains. He then tells a lie. “It was in a crowded club. Amidst the flashing lights and pulsing beats, she stood out like a shining star. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.” As he speaks, I glance over at Cain and he playfully rolls his eyes.

Meanwhile, my nan looks at Mike with warmth and affection. “That’s so sweet,” she exclaims. “What did you do then? Did you ask her to dance?”

Mike grins at the memory. “Yes, I did. And she said yes...”

At this point, Nate decides to interject with a teasing comment. “Don’t let him fool you, Mavis. His dancing skills are rubbish.”

A sudden burst of laughter erupts from our group. Amidst all the jokes and giggles, I feel Cain’s hand on my thigh. I quickly glance at my nan, hoping she doesn’t notice our subtle intimacy.

Suddenly, my nan interrupts our jovial moment, asking Nate for a favor. “Nate, dear,” she calls out, “Could I be cheeky and ask you to look at a leak in my bathroom?” Without hesitation, Nate agrees to help out. “Of course, no problem,” he responds politely. “I will need to run into town and get some bits from the hardware store, though.” Nan thanks him for his kindness and explains that she’ll be taking me out for the day.

“Amara will be here if you need anything. Feel free to play in the game room, help yourself to food, or take a walk on the grounds. We still have the ATVs in the barn, feel free to use them in the forest,” she says.

As soon as my nan mentioned the availability of the ATVs, the expressions on the trio’s faces changed utterly. Their eyes widened excitedly and their lips curled into wide grins. Evidently, the idea of riding ATVs had sparked something in them.

As my nan gets up from the stool, she apologizes, “You will have to forgive me. I need to go and ask Amara something.”

Nate smiles, waits for her to leave the kitchen, and asks me, “So...Tessie. How were cops and robbers last night?”

I can’t help but smirk at Cain and respond, “I enjoyed it…being gagged.”

They all look at each other and snigger.

I ask them if I will be okay going out with my nan. Cain reassures me, “Yeah. We are far away from home. You are safe here.” He then takes a sip of his coffee.


We approach the old, rustic, brown wooden barn. Cain and Nate take hold of the heavy doors and push them open with great effort. The hinges creak in protest as the doors finally give way, revealing a long-neglected interior. Dust and cobwebs cling to every surface like the barn has been abandoned for years. But as our eyes adjust to the dim light, we notice something that catches our attention: three gleaming ATVs parked neatly in a row and bathed in the bright sunlight streaming in from a small gap in the roof.

Nate casually hands his cigarette to Cain as he takes a deep drag. Meanwhile, Nate hops on a sleek, blue ATV and turns it on. “Whoa, I can’t believe they’re starting,” he exclaims with excitement.

Without hesitation, I jump on a vibrant, red ATV, and with one swift kick, it roars to life. Cain finishes the cigarette and crushes it under his boot before hopping on a powerful, black ATV. But it doesn’t start. He tries again, but still, nothing happens. Just as he’s about to give up, the engine suddenly roars to life. “Third time’s a charm,” he says with a grin before riding out of the barn.

I follow Cain’s lead and speed out of the rustic barn. The adrenaline rush is palpable as I hear Nate’s ATV revving behind us. Our journey takes us deep into the dense forest, with every bump causing my body to jolt up and down. I have to be quick and agile, dodging the branches that loom overhead by quickly ducking at the right moment. As I focus ahead, I can see Cain in the distance, his figure getting closer and closer as he races forward with unmatched speed.

The roaring sound of the ATV engine fills the air as Cain sharply turns to the left. I follow his lead, the wind blowing through my hair. As we speed through the dense forest, Cain slams on the brakes. My heart races in my chest as I try to catch my breath. We all stare in awe at what we see in front of us–a magnificent tree house perched high up in the branches of a towering tree. Its wooden beams and rustic charm make it look like something straight out of a storybook.

Cain eagerly leaps off the ATV and scales the ladder with determined strides as me and Nate watch from below. Nate calls out a warning for Cain to be cautious. Despite the warning, Cain continues his ascent, his grip tight and his eyes fixed on the treehouse. Suddenly, one of the ladder’s steps gives way beneath him, causing Cain to lose his balance and nearly fall. With all his strength, Cain manages to steady himself and pull himself up to the treehouse platform. He pants and he lets out a groan of relief.

Cain eagerly leans over the sturdy, wooden rail of the treehouse, beckoning us up with a spirited wave of his arm. Without hesitation, I take the lead and make my way up the ladder, each rung creaking under my weight. As I reach the top, I’m greeted with a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest and the guesthouse in the distance. The scenery is simply mesmerizing, and for a moment, I’m lost in the beauty of it all. Nate’s voice breaks the spell as he climbs up after me, his eyes widening in awe as he takes in the stunning view. “Nice,” he breathes.

Nate reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. The crinkling sound of the plastic wrapper fills the air. “Seriously...All you do is smoke. Why don’t you quit?” I ask, my arms crossed in front of my chest. The smoke from Nate’s cigarette lingers in the air, filling my lungs with a stale smell. “Yeah, Nate. Why don’t you quit…” Cain sarcastically says, a smirk on his face.

I turn to Cain, scowling. “You can shut up,” I snap jokily, my eyes narrowing at him.

Cain pushes open the door to the treehouse and it emits a loud creak that echoes through the silent forest. The interior of the treehouse is dark and gloomy; we can barely see anything inside. I push Cain ahead of me and follow him inside, our eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light. As we look around, we notice a small bed tucked away in the corner of the treehouse, covered with a thin blanket and some old cushions. Curiously, I ask Cain, “Do you think Tessie used to play in here when she was younger?” Cain shrugs his shoulders and sits on the old, rusted metal bed as it lets out a loud, high-pitched squeak. Suddenly, my attention is drawn towards something lying near his foot. “What’s that near your foot?” I ask, pointing toward an old notebook that seems to be sticking out from underneath the bed. Cain picks up the notebook and begins to flip through its pages, reading its contents intently. Intrigued, I join him on the bed, hoping to glimpse what’s written inside.

Cain is deeply engrossed in reading the notebook. He mumbles something under his breath and I can’t help but ask him what he’s reading. “Oh...Tessie,” he replies, still scanning the contents of the page. I try to peek over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of what’s written in the diary, but he seems guarded.

“What?” I prod him, curious to know more.

“It’s Tessie’s diary. Guess what...She lost her virginity in this treehouse,” Cain says with a mischievous glint in his eye. I can’t believe what I’m hearing and let out a chuckle. Just then, Nate walks in and inquires about what’s going on.

Cain shares, “She lost it on this bed. She says how it hurt and only lasted two minutes.”

“Ah man, that’s kinda cute, dude,” I express.

Cain passes the notebook to Nate, reads it, and chuckles, “Well...Well…”

Nate leisurely flips through the pages of a small notebook, his lips curling up into a smirk. After a few moments, he hands the notebook to Cain and places it on the bed. The room falls silent. Cain breaks the silence by asking Nate directly, “Did you really tell her you loved her?” Nate nods with a closed smile, indicating that it is true. Cain’s eyes squint slightly as he fires another question, “Did she say it back?” Nate nods. “She did,” he said, the weight of his confession hanging heavy in the air.

I look at Cain with a curious expression and ask, “Do you love her?” Cain stands up from the bed, puts his hands in his pocket, and shrugs. His face is tense and his eyes avoid Nate’s gaze.

“The last woman I thought loved me put me in foster care,” he mutters, the pain still fresh in his mind.

Nate doesn’t let it go and insists, “You didn’t answer the question, Cain…” Cain takes a deep breath and huffs, “Listen, love is uhh…a strong word. Alright?” he says, his voice trailing off as he disappears outside.

Nate and I exchange a knowing glance, the corners of our lips tugging upward in a smirk. It was evident that he held a deep affection for her, perhaps even love, but his fear of vulnerability prevented him from expressing his emotions. It’s not hard to see that Cain has a history of being guarded when it comes to emotions, especially when it involves women. I can’t help but sympathize with him.

I step outside and make my way to the wooden rail where he is leaning. His back is against the rail and he stands there with his arms crossed. He looks at me and says, “You’ve never admitted if you love her…” I avoid direct eye contact and shift my gaze from side to side, searching for an answer.

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