You are being guided to spend some time journeying and dreaming so that you can clear any thoughts or intentions that could get in the way of your light.
You are in a space where you could light up the world of someone around you. Remember that there’s a light inside you and it’s infectious.
Bring your whole self to your friendships and relationships today.
Your current situation is moving toward a resolution. Know that angels and ascended masters are guiding you toward a higher purpose.
Your angels are shining a harmonious light on your current situation.
Know that peace and serenity are close.
Your angels are glad that you have been willing to release emotionally draining situations from your past. Your road ahead is clear.
Take time to connect deeply with those you love and those who love you, so that you can reignite your light. You deserve to be cherished.
Trust that the signs you are receiving are messages that you are indeed on the right path and that God is supportive of your journey.
Your angels are dancing in celebration of all your personal and professional achievements. Take time to acknowledge your hard work.
The next step on your journey involves you connecting to the voices and messages of the powerful female saints, deities, and masters of the past.
They are with you now. Be their voice in the world.
Your experiences have all been for a reason. Angel guidance is encouraging you to trust in your power, purpose, and path. You have an essential role to play in the world.
Ascended masters are encouraging you to dial in and connect with them at this time, as they have powerful downloads of information that will increase your awareness and understanding.
You are being encouraged to make time to connect to your own self, as that will help you connect to God’s plan.
Jesus is with you and wants you to know that he is guiding you. You have light within you that can overcome all the shadows that you face.