Your angels are nurturing and protecting you on your journey of expansion.
Embrace change and know that all that is occurring is in alignment with divine law.
Your angels are encouraging you to make space for laughter and happiness. Release the serious energy that you have been focusing on, as it is dampening your light and your gifts.
What you have been praying for and working on internally is now being brought to you through your experiences. Trust that the universe is directing you to the best possible outcome.
Your current experiences are echoes of past lives and past experiences in this lifetime. Open up your awareness so you can understand the messages and the patterns or wounds that can be healed at this time.
You are uniting with the divine feminine and are being guided to open your heart and mind to divine intervention.
The road ahead is not all yours to figure out. Trust in God and your angels, as they are leading you to joy and growth.
Recognition and reclamation of your gifts are important at this time.
When you remember who you really are, the road ahead will be paved for you.
Take time to acknowledge the gifts and talents of your loved ones—they need your light and positivity at this time.
Your angels are encouraging you to see through the eyes of your soul.
See your life being filled with wonder and opportunity, and experience the reality.
Your angels need your permission in order to intervene and provide guidance at this time. Call in their help and support if you are ready to be led to the next step.
Archangel Michael is on standby, ready to help you remove any negativity and blockages from your life in a safe and loving way. Call on him now.
Your angels are encouraging you to be aware of your own body and energy at this time. Self-awareness is key to increasing self-worth and connection.