To avert calamities
Divine mercies
The overruling of wrath and the making of war to cease
Prayer Requests Expressed By Washington For the United States: (Section 10)
Peace to the end of time
That the citizens would be obedient to government
Brotherly love
Disposed to do justice
To love mercy
Pacific temper of mind
For a humble imitation of the Divine Author of our blessed religion
Long uninterrupted felicity
Such conduct that would merit continuing blessings
A wise and virtuous use of blessings
That all may turn out for the best
That the nation would not become a prey to anarchy or despotism
Prayer Requests Expressed By Washington For Churches: (Section 15)
For present and future happiness
For the blessings a gracious God bestows upon the righteous
For the preservation of civil and religious liberties
For the extension of knowledge, virtue, and true religion
To be conspicuous for religious character
To pass on religion to posterity in a pure and undefiled form
Because this book is about Washington’s religion, it is appropriate to distill some of the items that we might call Washington’s religious or spiritual prayer requests. The numbers attached to the following list refer to Washington’s written prayers found in appendix 3.
Some of the Religious Prayer Requests Expressed by Washington in His Written and Reciprocal Prayers
The extension of True Religion (13.4, 15.2)
Spiritual felicity (15.4)
Forgiveness of sins. (2.2, 2.5, 2.9, 80)
Mercy. (2.5, 60)
Favor in the hereafter. (6.7)
Spiritual and eternal happiness. (15.3, 21.9, 21.10)
Providential or temporal felicity. (57, 77)
God’s holy keeping. (7.1)
The blessings of a gracious God. (5.8, 68)
Virtuous conduct flowing from imitating Christ, the Divine Author of Christianity. (10.2)
A conspicuous religious character. (10.7)