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Amalric visits Constantinople;


10 September

Saladin ends Fatimid caliphate; Egypt submits to Abbasid caliphate.


15 May

Death of Nur ad-Din;



Sicilian fleet besieges Alexandria;


11 July

Death of Amalric;


15 July

Coronation of Baldwin IV;


28 October

Saladin seizes control of Damascus.



Baldwin IV leads raids in the vicinity of Damascus and defeats Saracen forces under Saladin’s brother Turan Shah at Ayn al Jarr; release of Raynald de Chatillon;


17 September

Seljuk Turks defeat Byzantine army under Emperor Manuel I at the Battle of Myriocephalon;


October or November

Marriage of Princess Sibylla to William ‘Longsword’ de Montferrat.



Death of William de Montferrat, possibly from malaria;



Arrival of Philip, Count of Flanders, with large crusading force;


25 November

Baldwin IV decisively defeats Saladin at the Battle of Montgisard following Saladin’s first invasion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.



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