Rock Chick #8 Rock Chick Revolution by  Kristen Ashley read online free
English Books

Rock Chick #8 Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley read online free

  • Marcus
  • Marcus
  • 03-Jun-2023, 12:36
  • 0 комментариев
  • 4 426 просмотров

Read fast, study well by reading books online free Rock Chick #8 Rock Chick Revolution by  Kristen Ashley read online free

Kristen Ashley- read books online free

Ally Nightingale, a member of the Rock Chicks, is harboring secrets that she has not even shared with her close friends. However, there are two men in her life who are aware of what she's been up to. One of them is a steadfast ally, always supporting her, while the other holds her heart, unknowingly.

As Ally reflects on the past year, she comes to two realizations. First, she believes she will never have her own "Hot Bunch" guy, a desirable partner that every Rock Chick should have. Second, she recognizes that being a Nightingale is an integral part of her identity, even though she's uncertain about what that entails.

When her secrets begin to unravel, the men in her life respond differently. Darius Tucker, a lifelong friend, stands by her side as he always has. However, Ren Zano, the man she loves, is unsure how to handle the situation. The Rock Chicks, the Hot Bunch, and the entire Fortnum's gang also get involved, leading to the emergence of a Rock Chick Revolution.

Ally finds herself in a position where she must take control of the situation and prove her worth. She firmly believes that, as a Rock Chick, she deserves to be with her ideal partner. Determined to keep the man she wants, Ally embraces her Nightingale lineage and strives to make everything right.

Driven by her strong sense of identity and the support of her friends, Ally sets out to claim the happiness she deserves, defying any obstacles that come her way. She is ready to fight for her love and her place among the Rock Chicks because, ultimately, she knows she is a Nightingale through and through.
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