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Six Weeks Later

The ball diamonds at the local high school hum with excitement as several teams from nearby counties come together for the annual Baseball Invades the Rockies tournament on this extremely hot summer day.

Bear and I sit perched on the metal bleachers at Diamond One, proudly sporting our matching green and white raglan jerseys with the number eleven in support of Gunnar.

Beside us, Hollis and Poppy radiate the same energy, their cheers rivaling ours as they root for Mike. Penny and Harlow sit opposite them, completing our spirited team.

The stakes are high as we battle for first place. In addition to the tournament trophy, the winning team will be awarded a grand prize of $2,500 to donate to a charity of their choosing.

It’s been a close game right from the start, and it has created a lot of tension, especially from the opposing team. They have yelled at the poor ump all game, challenging every call he has made, and it only escalates as we head into the final inning with Mike stepping up to the pitcher’s mound.

“You got this, Mountie Mike!” Poppy cheers, her ice cream slowly succumbing to the sweltering heat as she roots for her big brother. “Strike him out.”

Bear barks his support, prompting a smile from each of us.

“Does he look nervous to you?” Poppy asks, shifting her gaze to Hollis.

“Maybe a little,” Hollis replies. “It’s a close game and there’s always a lot of pressure on a pitcher.”

“I’m sure the heat isn’t helping,” Harlow adds, fanning herself with the tournament’s brochure. “It’s hotter than Satan’s aaa…butt out here.”

Poppy giggles at the quick correction.

I agree with Harlow. A blistering heatwave has swept through the Rockies this past week and it has been relentless. It’s even forced Gunnar and me to seek refuge at his place for its air conditioning, a luxury my house lacks. I never deemed it necessary, not when our winters are as long as they are. However, this week has me strongly reconsidering.

“I’m gonna head down there,” Poppy declares, rising from her seat. “Just in case he needs a pep talk.”

“Watch your step,” Hollis cautions. “And keep an eye out for any stray balls.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” Poppy beckons for Bear to follow, and the two navigate the bleachers effortlessly, leaping from bench to bench.

“It’s adorable how much she loves her big brother,” Penny comments with a smile.

“It really is,” Hollis agrees, her affection for Poppy evident.

Mike deserves every bit of that love. He has sacrificed a lot to raise his little sister, and I know he wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m glad they both have Hollis now, especially knowing how much Poppy has longed for a stronger family dynamic. It’s one of the many reasons we were thrilled when Mike popped the question during their trip to Disneyland. We have also grown quite fond of the California native and we’re grateful to have her as part of our group.

“How are the wedding plans coming along?” I ask, knowing she’s been in full preparation mode.

“Amazing,” she beams, her smile stretching from ear to ear. “Thanks to Harlow.”

Harlow waves away the compliment. “I can’t take all the credit. You make it easier by knowing what you want. Sometimes, that’s the hardest part.”

I can’t imagine not knowing. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve dreamed about my wedding day, envisioning every last detail.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Hollis cuts back in. “We need to pick a day to go dress shopping. I was hoping to do it before Poppy goes back to school. Can you guys make that work?”

I nod, feeling a surge of excitement all over again at getting to be a bridesmaid. “Just let me know when and where, and I’ll be there.”

“Me too,” Penny adds, her smile displaying the same enthusiasm.

Harlow leans over, nudging my shoulder playfully. “The real question is whether Elle will need alterations for a baby bump.”

A laugh escapes me. “With the way things are going, I don’t think that’s something we need to worry about.” I keep my tone light despite my pang of disappointment, knowing it’s ridiculous to feel this way. It can take months, heck, even years, to conceive, but it can also take just one time, and I had hoped that would have been the case for Gunnar and me. It wasn’t, and every time that bitch Aunt Flow shows up, it’s a major punch to the stomach.

“I’m sure it will happen for you guys soon,” Penny offers gently, picking up on my disappointment.

“Definitely,” Hollis echoes.

“And look at the bright side,” Harlow says. “At least you get to keep having mind-blowing sex with your hot best friend.”

Penny and Hollis share a chuckle while I smile in response. That is certainly a perk, but these past couple of months with Gunnar have been about so much more than that. It’s about coming home to him every night and sharing our day over dinner. About snuggling on the couch and watching a movie before taking Bear out for a late-night walk, all while reminiscing about our childhood. It’s about pleasuring each other in ways that extend far beyond the physical and ending the night in each other’s arms, discussing our hopes and dreams for the future before finally drifting off to sleep.

It’s everything I have ever wanted for myself, everything I hoped for, but even better than I imagined because it’s with my best friend.

“God, the smile on your face right now is so sweet it’s almost sickening,” Harlow comments, bringing me back to the moment.

I burst into laughter, this one more genuine.

“I’m serious. Not even my brides look this way on their wedding day. I’m totally envious. Of both of you,” she adds, sweeping her gaze between Hollis and me.

“Same.” Penny sighs.

Hollis flashes me a knowing smile. “Who knows, maybe you and Gunnar won’t be far behind Mike and me in tying the knot …”

That statement has me choking out another laugh. “Uh, let’s not jump the gun just yet.”

Harlow gapes at the response. “Jump the gun? Seriously?” she questions. “You two have known each other for most of your lives and are trying to have a baby. You’ve already made the jump, Elle, and you jumped so damn far, I don’t think there’s any way back.”

She makes a valid point.

While marrying Gunnar would complete the dream, the deal is to take it one step at a time. It’s what was agreed upon, and I intend to uphold that, even if my heart has already surpassed it.

A commotion on the field draws our attention back to the game. Looking over, I see that we’re already up to bat, with Dawson hitting a double that ties up the game.

Our crowd erupts into cheers, the excitement echoing through the stands.

“I see Dawson is still quite the athlete,” Harlow muses, shooting a look at Penny.

“Surprise, surprise,” she grumbles, her voice loaded with sarcasm, but there’s also no denying the pain hidden beneath the surface.

Dawson and Penny were once high school sweethearts. Voted most popular couple from our graduating class and most likely to marry, their breakup came as a huge shock to everyone, especially their closest friends. Penny has always been vague about the details of their split, but her pain has radiated for years. According to Gunnar, Dawson was just as broken up about it. It wasn’t long after that he left for the U.S. to play college football for a few years.

I had hoped after some distance between them, they might be able to make amends or at least become friends. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened, and I’m not sure it ever will.

I’m pulled from the thought as Gunnar steps up to bat.

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