Ideally, choose a sport that relies on your body and your mind, something that will not only get you moving but also thinking. Yoga is a good option or any of the sports that use a racquet or a bat.
Four Details Exercise:
This exercise aims to note the details then recall them later on. The Four Details Exercise is sometimes referred to as passive memory training. The four details exercise relies on your skills of observation and visualization. Examples are:
Describing a Candle
First, close your eyes and use your imagination to tell yourself that when you open your eyes, there will be a candle on the table in front of you. Now here are the four details to observe:
How big is the candle?
Has any of the candles melted away?
Is it close to you or far away?
What do you think the candle weighs?
Describing an Apple
Try to imagine you have an apple, think about what it might feel like what it looks like, and that you are going to bite it. Imagine it traveling through your digestive system. Here are the four details to observe: What does apple taste like?
Is the apple crisp or soft?
Does the apple seem real?
What color is the apple?
Exercises with Numbers
To boost your brain and cognitive function, numeracy is superb. Here is a rapid exercise:
1. Choose a number with three digits.
2. Add three to that number three times.
3. Minus seven from the new number seven times.
4. Repeat this five times.
You can also do it with a four-digit number:
1. Choose a number with four digits.
2. Add twelve to that number twelve times.
3. Minus eleven from the new number eleven times.
This exercise works to strengthen your brain because you need to store a lot of information in your memory as you do to complete the training.
Repeating and Recalling What You Hear
This exercise trains your head to focus on what people are saying and then storing it in the memory. To do this, repeat the words in your mind as they are being spoken. Don’t say it out loud, though, or people will think you are trying to be smart or you are strange! When you repeat what’s stated in your mind, your memory is being asked to recall the information. Therefore it’s exercising your brain.
Visualizing Exercise
Practice making pictures in your head. Associate that picture with what you are trying to learn and store in your memory. By creating images, you are essentially creating your mnemonic to help you recall.
Some of the benefits of visualizing include remembering what you are told more correctly, being present, showing interest in others, and the ability to reduce conflict because of the information you can recall.
Using a Metronome
A metronome is a tool used in music to help the player keep time. It makes a clicking sound regularly, depending on the time you set it to.
Although this exercise might not directly help improve your memory, it improves your ability to concentrate. Simply place the metronome to a reasonable speed, and clap your hands every time it clicks. As you get better at it, increase the speed. If you can do this with just one minute between the clicks, you are doing fantastic, as this is very difficult to achieve.
Memory Palace
This kind of palace won’t house a princess, but it can help you create an incredible memory resource. To make the memory palace, you need
to use both your visual and spatial memory. Follow these steps to build your memory palace:
1. Select a place that is well known to you, such as your workplace or your home.
2. Imagine entering the area and plan out the route from the front door through the house or office. Take note of features that are distinctive that you can use to store memories.
3. Create a list of 20 grocery items you want to memorize.
4. Thinking about one or two of the grocery items at a time, create a mental image of them in different parts of the palace. Make the pictures interact with the part of the castle they are in; for example, imagine a vast apple opening the back door. The funnier you can make the image in your mind, the more comfortable you will recall it.