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I almost wished Iā€™d stayed now. I didnā€™t know he had an appointment tonight or I would have. Another chance to get him to try to break the rules. I was quickly learning that this wasnā€™t a situation where I had no control. I had all of it, to a degree.

I felt empowered, far more than Iā€™d ever been before, and as if I was the one who held all the reins. Mr. Dark might lead us both, he might have the final say, but it was what I did, how I acted, and what I said that really mattered.

It had been a night of discovery and wonder. Maybe that was clichĆ©, but it was true. Iā€™d learned so much from him, and I wanted to have it all over again.

I did wish Iā€™d picked something closer to my real name, though. It had been odd to hear him call me Stephanie. Maybe I should have picked Emma, or something like that, something that wouldnā€™t sound so ā€¦ different. Iā€™d decided on Stephanie so he wouldnā€™t know my real name. I wasnā€™t ashamed of what Iā€™d done, but I didnā€™t want to bring shame to my family.

If people found out that Emily Thompson was working at a gentlemen's club

and had sold her evenings to a stranger, then life as we knew it would be over.

Weā€™d be shunned from the circles that had always looked to us for leadership. Iā€™d be laughed at, mocked, and probably kicked out of every charity I took part in.

Roxie hadnā€™t been, but she came into the one we worked together on with her background in the open. I was supposed to marry someone nice and quiet, deferential to my brothers and father, who would give me babies to carry on the Thompson traditions, even if they werenā€™t Thompsons by name.

Anger surged through me for a moment. I hated my family sometimes. Not

necessarily the people, but what we stood for, the constraints placed upon us by our name. Iā€™d heard, ā€œyouā€™re a Thompson, act like itā€ so many times while Iā€™d been growing up that I didnā€™t know what it was like to not act like a Thompson.

Except, I never really had.

I was what the Thompson males wanted me to be. But now, with Mr. Dark, I

could be exactly what I wanted to be, while at the same time, I could still be what my nature made me ā€¦ a sub. I wondered then if Stephanie had become a

new persona for me. She was almost real, almost something ā€¦ other.

She took what she wanted, now that she knew what it was, and sheā€™d sat there on her knees to suck that delicious dick like sheā€™d been born to do it. I knew I was no expert, but heā€™d got off, and that was all the skill Iā€™d needed, right? Well, to make it nice would take practice, but heā€™d reached the goal point anyway.

I didnā€™t feel bad about it. It felt erotically dirty actually, naughty, to think about the memory. Iā€™d loved it when his tongue had been on me. Iā€™d loved how heā€™d touched me, but Iā€™d adored it when he put me on my knees. I might have said that wasnā€™t all I wanted to do, but heā€™d noticed that Iā€™d said it and realized Iā€™d wanted my own pleasure, but I really did want to do that with a man. And heā€™d given me that experience.

I wondered how many women knew you could get off without being naked?

My cheeks turned red, but I grinned anyway. Heā€™d touched me with such strong, sure hands, even a little roughly a few times, and Iā€™d loved it.

I guess weā€™d have to explore later, find out what it was I really liked. I kind of wanted him to try a whip on me, but not like, make me scream from pain and fear whip me. A nice sensual sting of pain.

I wanted more than that. I wanted to be a mess of begging need for relief, but I knew that would take time, and I didnā€™t think a few hours in the night was enough. Like my virginity, the point where we could engage in a long night of trusting BDSM was for the future. If heā€™d wanted one.

Heā€™d said he was a three-day kind of man, though. I wondered if Iā€™d give him my virginity then. Heā€™d be gone after that, and Iā€™d go back to my normal life, to pretend I was a daddyā€™s girl still. Would I want to give that to him if he was only going to leave me?

I wasnā€™t sure, even if Iā€™d been certain last night. I was really impressed that heā€™d told me no, but it was an example of supreme control that he had. Not many men would have been able to say no when a woman was begging for their dick, I thought with a giggle.

ā€œFuucccck!ā€ I droned out. ā€œWhat am I going to do all day?ā€

I had nothing to do, at all, and so I decided to head out to the Boardwalk and see what was happening out there. I soon found myself lost in a horde of tourists, all of them trying to take in the sights. I hated vacations like that, where you had to cram everything into two days, and youā€™d go home exhausted.

That was why I hadnā€™t gone to Italy yet, even though Iā€™d wanted to. I wanted to go when I had months to travel around, to slowly take in the sights and scenery. My family hadnā€™t given me that time. Even now, two of my brothers still didnā€™t quite get that I wasnā€™t the family doormat anymore.

Luckily, my parents had left me alone, but they were still away. That might change when they came home. Iā€™d hoped not, it was hard enough to be upset with my brothers. I heard my phone buzz, saw it was Mason again, and turned my phone off. They had to learn to respect that I wasnā€™t going to be at their beck and call anymore.

Iā€™d miss a call from Roxie, if I left the phone off, but I knew sheā€™d be getting ready to perform and then spend her evening with Freddy. Heā€™d been cuter than Iā€™d thought heā€™d be, and I could see why she liked him now. The way his huge hand had wrapped around her bottom had made something like jealousy prick between my shoulders. I wanted that one day, that intimacy, that possessiveness that let you both be comfortable with such an intimate touch as an open


I found myself at a clothing store and went in to look around. I bought a few bikinis, a couple sun dresses, and an umbrella for the beach that came with a beach mat. I decided to go out to the beach and sit for a while, even if I wouldnā€™t let my skin near the sun.

I found a shop that sold art supplies, along with other tourist needs, and bought a pad and pencil. I sat on the beach and did something I hadnā€™t done in years. I still had the knack for it, even if the lines werenā€™t so great now. The drawing came to life, and I was pleased with it, even if it was only a picture of the ocean and the golden sand in front of me.

It wasnā€™t the drawing that was important; it was that Iā€™d had time to do it that mattered. Normally, I was too stressed to sit and put pencil to paper. Iā€™d wanted to draw my nieces and nephews since they were born, but my schedule had been too hectic for that. Iā€™d never had time, and if I did have a moment, I took care of my errands and the most pressing needs. Drawing and relaxation hadnā€™t been on that list.

Now, Iā€™d have time to learn yoga and maybe even start to paint again. I could practice on the piano, if I wanted to, and maybe even read a whole book. I hadnā€™t stroked any keys in over a year, so Iā€™d probably sound terrible, but who cared?

I had a new life, a new independence to get on with. So what if my brothers hadnā€™t quite figured that out yet? They would; they werenā€™t bad men after all.

Just assholes, I thought with a forgiving smile. They couldnā€™t help it if theyā€™d been raised that way.

It was my father and motherā€™s fault the boys treated me like that. Later, when Iā€™d been old enough to say Iā€™d wanted to do something else, theyā€™d all ignored me. Theyā€™d just bulldozed over my tiny voice and kept going on with their plans.

Not anymore. Iā€™d change my phone number if that was what it took, but I would no longer be at their beck and call.

Not now that I was a woman. Well, almost, anyway. There was one final act

to complete before I could say my womanhood was accomplished. Iā€™d wait for

Mr. Dark, and on that final night, if he still didnā€™t want to break the contract, Iā€™d push him until he did exactly what Iā€™d want him to. I wasnā€™t sure how yet, but I

had some time to study up on the whole thing. Iā€™d be prepared for battle the next time I saw him.



I woke up slowly, confused about where I was. It didnā€™t feel like my

bed, but then, I was used to that. I traveled a lot, so being in an unfamiliar bed was common. Where was I?

My brain kicked in a little, and I remembered I was at Elmoā€™s, not at home.

Iā€™d been with Stephanie and stayed the night with her. I could have gone home, but after what Iā€™d put her through, I thought sheā€™d need me to be there with her.

Iā€™d rocked her world, and I wasnā€™t the least bit bashful about admitting it.

I swiped at my face to wipe the sleep away and then reached for her. My hand met empty air, and I turned my head to see the bed was empty. I thought perhaps sheā€™d gone out for some reason, but then I saw a note on the table beside the bed. I rolled over, a smile on my face despite the fact that Iā€™d woken up alone.

Sheā€™d been an intriguing little number, Iā€™d give her that. I thought weā€™d have three consecutive days together, but she had gone home, so I guessed it would be different days. Or something like that ā€¦ I needed coffee to think straight. I made a pot after I put my clothes on and washed up and thought about the night before.

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