Nile, River 69, 93, 96, 106
Nippon Times 201
Nisibis, Euphrates 148
Amamalya Ayakwa 229
Australian languages 232
classifiers 246, 251–2
Micronesian languages and 251
number as 63
Polynesian languages and 251
Tongan 246, 251
number lines 15, 31–62, 99. See also wild number lines
number neurons 23–4
defined 64–5
reality of 64–5
number sense (before counting) 11–30
estimating 13–25, 20
subitising 26–30, 27
number symbols 1, 2, 4, 5, 134–85, 286, 287–8, 289
Americas and 7, 253–4, 272–5, 276–7
Arabic numerals see Arabic numerals
beads see beads
Chinese 187, 188–95, 192
decimal system and 113–14
Fertile Crescent, invention and use of in 6, 68–98, 75, 89, 93
Greece see Greece
Indian see India
machines and see machines, counting
number sense and 11, 19, 22–3
Oceania and 226, 249
Roman see Roman Empire
number theory 63, 121, 151
number words 5, 11, 36, 289
Americas and 7, 253, 260–1, 276–7, 281–2, 284–5
Anindilyakwa and 229–34
Arabic 148–56, 155
decimal see decimal system
East Asia and 186, 191, 193
emergence of 31, 36–7, 57–65, 69–98, 75, 89, 93, 99, 287