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A jogger came past, an older man. He looked fit and had a crucifix tattooed on his bicep.

“Searching for meaning is an interesting thing,” Jack said. “My thoughts—or, should I say, my belief system—is being challenged at the moment.” He straightened his back up. He needed to adjust to the aluminium seat.

“Yes, we all have that longing for meaning. Most people ignore it or replace it with something else. Communities play a big role in giving meaning to people. What I’ve come to learn is that church is also a community. For some people, it’s only community. They don’t connect with God.”

“Interesting observation.”

“Yes. Our connection needs to be to God. We’re designed that way.”

“See, that’s where I get lost. My belief—and I think many others have the same view—is that we can do whatever we want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.”

“I’ve heard that before. It sounds simple but has many flaws. It’s camouflaged self-centeredness. It’s all about ourselves.” Erica touched Jack to indicate no malice. “The Lord tells us to think of others before ourselves. Put others before ourselves.”

Some scooter riders came past, not wearing helmets. He’d heard many excuses for people not wearing helmets. He’d even heard his own philosophy: they weren’t hurting anyone. He remembered telling people they needed to think of the effect it would have on others if they came off the scooter and had brain damage.

“You going to book them?” She laughed.

“Love to, but it won’t stop them from doing it again. Funny, they remind me of my philosophy and show how shallow it really is. I’ve told others to think of the impact their action should have on others.” He pointed to the scooter riders. “If they come off and hit their head on the concrete, someone may be looking after them for the rest of their life.”

“It comes back to God. One of the prophets said God’s people had committed two sins: they had forsaken Him, the spring of living water, and had dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that can’t hold water.”

He gave a small laugh. “How do you remember these things? These verses?”

She smiled. “We want to do our own things. Go our own way. It will never work. Man can’t be trusted without the spirit of God in him.”

She was getting wound up, but it was okay. “Some people can be trusted,” Jack said.

“I would like to think so, but it’s difficult. Difficult to be perfect, but that’s what we’re called to be.” Erica stood up. “I don’t like talking to you like this, Jack. I don’t want to scare you away again.”

He stood and gave her a hug. “It’s okay. I need to hear it.”

“Can I say one last thing?”

Jack stood back and gave her his attention.

“Those two witnesses in Jerusalem. It’s all in the Bible. Verbatim.”

Just like the size of the city concealed in Adventus. It was all in the Bible. But she would know that.

Part Four – The Passover

I ask a question. Will I find faith on the earth when I return?

A remnant of believers will remain. I come for them.

I will speak from my word. I will render to each one according to their works: to those who in patience and doing well seek for glory and honour and immortality, I will give eternal life. But those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.

34 - The note

April (two months later)


I write these words as the two witnesses lie dead on the streets of Jerusalem, as I’m sure you’re aware. I write because I’m not sure what’s going to happen next—there are so many different views of the last days proclaimed by prominent church leaders and so-called prophets.

The world is currently celebrating the death of these two people. They’d been proclaiming things the world didn’t want to hear. How blind the people are—the witnesses had supernatural powers they could have used to prevent their deaths, but they chose not to. It is similar to Jesus’s death.

The military build-up around Jerusalem before these two witnesses were killed is beyond belief. They obviously are expecting some kind of retaliation. I loathe to say it but maybe they are expecting the mothership to attack. But I digress.

Their bodies are on display for the world to see. Leaders will claim their supremacy as they have overcome the two witnesses, but it will be short-lived.

It’s now April, the month of Passover. Many believe this is the time the Lord will return. Passover celebrates when the Lord brought Israel out of the land of Egypt, freeing his people from the bondage of slavery. It was also the time Jesus was crucified, allowing those who believe to be freed from the bondage of sin. Many believe Passover will also be the time Jesus returns to set up his kingdom on Earth.

We’ve been reconnecting as a family for the past two months, and both Johnny and I look forward to living our lives with you. The main reason I am writing this is because we believe the day of the Lord is near. We’re not 100 percent sure what will happen, except that the Lord is returning. There’s talk that as believers we will come to meet and greet the Lord in the sky—some call this the rapture. There are other things we don’t fully understand. In particular, we’re told when we come to believe we move from death to eternal life. The dead in Christ will be raised on the last days and those alive will receive immortal bodies. Hopefully your mind is now tuned to believe what I say. I trust the Lord, and I believe we are in the very last days, and a great fear will come upon the world when the two witnesses come back to life.

Jack, our hope is that your heart is right with the Lord and you’ll be with us when we’re taken to meet the Lord. I don’t fully understand in what form this will be. We pray that you will be with us.

Love you always

Erica closed her notebook and placed it on the bedside table. She closed her eyes and sensed God’s peace upon her. She prayed Jack had a believing heart and wondered what an immortal body looked like. A brief sense of fear of the unknown entered her mind but she pushed that aside, knowing perfect love drives out fear. She had complete trust in the Lord. She just needed to remember that.

* * *

Jack turned from his computer at the sound of a soft cough. Cath.

“What does this mean?” He pointed to the screen displaying the latest news.

“It means the end is nigh. Our peaceful two months have come to an abrupt end.”

Jack looked at her. She was serious. “I thought those men were indestructible.”

“You haven’t been reading the Good Book, have you?”

He wasn’t a reader and felt a twinge of guilt as he knew there were other options besides reading. He’d been relying on Erica and Cath to keep him informed. But he wasn’t sure if he was a believer or not. He was too practical. Maybe too earthbound.

“Those men will come back to life in three and half days. That’s what Revelation chapter 11 tells us.”

“Okay, then. I’ll take your word on that.” She had the knowledge, he didn’t. He tapped the monitor showing an image of people dancing, some with rifles pointing to the sky. “The celebrations are amazing. And confusing. People are so happy to get rid of them that they’re leaving the bodies on public display?”

“Another amazing but sad thing is the crime statistics aren’t looking good any more. It’s as if the restraint on evil has been lifted. Violent crimes have escalated overnight. Our dear city is the busiest it’s been for some time. There are people everywhere. It aligns with the death of the two witnesses.”

“I give up. I’m not sure what to think any more.” He stood up and ran his hand through his hair.

“We’re in for a tough three and half days,” Cath said. “Especially believers. After that, I have no idea except you better sort out your faith. Something is coming, and it’s not a spaceship.”

Cath left to get them both a coffee. Jack returned to his seat and continued to check the news posts on his monitor.

There was an image of a church just down the road from police headquarters. It looked like a fire had caused severe damage. The article said a number of churches had been damaged overnight, some considerably.

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