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“Bella, there’s some rope back at the boulder. Could you bring it back here.”

He watched Isabella rush off.

“What are you up too, mate? Why are you tracking us?”

“Just doing what I’m told. How did you escape the fire? I thought this was a waste of time searching the perimeter. Who are you, anyway?”

“Just a friend.”

Lucas heard footsteps behind him. Isabella, with the rope.

Lucas gripped the broken branch again. “Okay, up you get. Over to that tree there and sit down.” There was little resistance. Lucas tied him up and noticed the two-way radio. He grabbed it and turned the volume up.

There was a crackle sound. The two-way was on. “On my way, Groundhog.”

“What does that mean, Lucas?” Isabella asked.

That’s why the guy hadn’t resisted. He knew his partner would soon come and find him. “They’re on to us, Bella. This must be Groundhog. I would say they also have a GPS reading.”

Lucas stared across the grass plains towards the property. Could they make it? He heard the faint sound of a motorbike. Lucas wasn’t into firearms and didn’t want a shootout, particularly with Isabella around.

“Bella, I think we may need to change our strategy.”

29 – Vanishing tricks

AVA PERDU STARED AT HER HUSBAND AS SHE TOOK THE CALL. She placed the phone on the table. “They survived the fire. There must have been a tunnel. The boys are on to it. But I need to get them out of the area soon as Defence is moving in. A fire truck is working to put the fire out although I think the rain is helping them. It’s a hive of activity.” She ran her fingers through her hair.

Ava walked over to the large wall-sized window. She looked to see if there were any signs of the smoke from the property. It was not too far away, but the overcast sky blocked out any views of smoke.

Ava turned back towards her husband. “I know you won’t agree with this, but it will be less complicated if we eliminate the girl and her companion. So that’s what we’ll do. It may take a few days to find their bodies and we’ll deal with that at the time.”

“But why?”

“Because they’ve seen me and heard the things I said. We’ll survive without the girl and without the plant.”

‘But, Ava, I want to rid the world of this seeking God stuff.”

Her phone rang. She went and picked it up. “Yes . . . what! Okay. Get out of there quick smart.” She looked at her husband. He was reading something.

“They’ve vanished,” she said.

He looked up. “What do you mean, vanished?” Anthony Perdu got up from his seat and walked over to her. “Vanished?”

“Robbie said he watched it happen. The guy had one of the wallet-type phones. He did something, and he and the girl and their belongings just vanished. Zip . . . gone.”

“Vanished. How can people vanish?”

So it was true. The device was active again. The man had built another one. Ava’s assignment case notes described such a device, which was understood to be locked away somewhere secure. The device and the inventor were sought after by a number of countries, hers included. She believed her homeland had an advantage because their intelligence agencies detected complex electrical components being shipped to an Australian address—a post office box in that small country town. The particular components were linked to the previous transporting device. Ava’s skin tingled. She was close.

She would act dumb. “It could have something to do with those vanishing activities some years ago. Remember, those people in the city? Lots of strange things happened. Some people tried to connect it up to some religious beliefs.”

Anthony nodded. “I remember. There was talk of reflective cloaks or some device controlling the path of light rays. Some scientist stated people didn’t vanish but transformation optics made them blend in with the objects that surrounded them—they just became invisible. That must be what’s happened—they’ve blended into their surroundings like wearing a camouflaged cloak. But how is this girl tied to it?”

Ava was impressed with her husband’s knowledge of the event; it was almost as though he’d read her case notes. “Not sure about those theories as the people actually get transported to a different location, but I’ll explore and find out why she’s involved. Maybe she’s not. Leave it to me. My biggest concern is where have they gone? We need to get her before the others do. Her witnessing what took place in the barn may not be good for our business. Or us.”

“And what will you do with her?”

“I’ll see if she knows about the plant.” Ava looked towards the picture on the desk. She pointed. “Look at the picture. You haven’t forgotten? Then you know what I’ll do with her.”

30 – Where are they? 

AARON SAT AT HIS DESK REVIEWING HIS NOTES. He paused and looked out the office window. It was a still night. No movement in the large tree that watched over the courtyard. People were heading home draped in their long warm coats. Aaron needed to do the same soon.

He looked forward to meeting the professor. He also looked forward to closure. The device and the professor needed to be isolated. But give credit when it’s due. This man must have an incredible mind. Aaron looked forward to exploring it.

Why did they go back to Isabella’s parents place? What was there? Why didn’t the professor transport himself somewhere when he knew they were on to him? Many questions and he would need to involve the granddaughter now.

His phone lit up. It was his team leader.

“Hi, Aaron.”

“Hi, Michael.”

“We’re at the parent’s property.”

“Did you get the girl?”

“No, not yet. Crazy things have happened here.”

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