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Lokivigir smugly told Nikolaus, "You're getting the hang of wielding me."

Nikolaus, a little surprised at how fast he moved and how easy it seemed to kill the two corrupted abominations, nodded. He continued toward the tree. After hours of walking and not seeing anything, Nikolaus saw a small village in the distance. He asked Lokivigir if it would be a good idea to stop and rest in the village.

Lokivigir replied, "Yes, it should be safe. I sense no hint of corruption in the village."

Relieved, Nikolaus headed toward the village, his steps becoming more purposeful as he neared the outskirts. The village was a stark contrast to the corrupted landscape around it. Simple wooden houses stood undamaged, and a few villagers went about their daily routines, seemingly unaffected by the corruption that plagued the rest of Vanaheim.

As he entered the village, Nikolaus was greeted by curious glances and whispers. A tall, elderly man approached him, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and hope.

"Greetings, traveler. I am Eldor, the village elder. What brings you to our humble village?" the elder asked.

Nikolaus introduced himself and explained his mission to cleanse Vanaheim of the corruption. Eldor's eyes widened in recognition and respect.

"You are a brave soul, Nikolaus. Please, rest here and regain your strength. We have food and shelter to offer. Our village has remained untouched by the corruption, but we live in constant fear that it will reach us one day," Eldor said, his voice tinged with worry.

Nikolaus thanked Eldor and accepted the offer. As he settled into a modest cottage, the villagers provided him with food and fresh water. The simple meal was a welcome relief after his long journey. As he ate, Nikolaus couldn't help but notice the villagers' resilience. Despite the looming threat, they maintained a sense of normalcy and community.

After finishing his meal, Nikolaus decided to explore the village and learn more about its people. He spoke with several villagers, listening to their stories of survival and hope. The village had become a sanctuary for those who fled the corruption, and their strength inspired Nikolaus.

As night fell, Nikolaus found himself sitting by a fire, the warmth and crackling flames providing a sense of comfort. Eldor joined him, carrying a small, intricately carved wooden box.

"I have something that may aid you on your journey," Eldor said, opening the box to reveal a small, glowing crystal. "This is a shard of pure light, a remnant of Vanaheim's former glory. It has the power to repel the corruption and heal the land. Use it wisely, Nikolaus."

Nikolaus took the crystal, feeling its warmth and energy coursing through his hand. "Thank you, Eldor. This will be invaluable in my quest."

Eldor nodded, a look of determination in his eyes. "We believe in you, Nikolaus. You carry the hope of Vanaheim with you. May the gods guide and protect you."

With renewed resolve, Nikolaus retired for the night, the crystal safely tucked away. As he lay on the simple cot, his thoughts drifted to the challenges ahead and the possibility of restoring Vanaheim to its former beauty.

The next morning, Nikolaus woke with the dawn, ready to continue his journey. The villagers gathered to see him off, their faces filled with hope and gratitude.

"Safe travels, Nikolaus," Eldor said, clasping his hand. "May you find the strength to overcome the darkness and bring light back to our realm."

With Lokivigir at his side and the shard of pure light in his possession, Nikolaus set out toward the massive tree in the heart of Vanaheim. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he walked, the village slowly faded into the distance, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the daunting task before him. The fate of Vanaheim rested on his shoulders, but with each step, his determination grew stronger. He would cleanse the corruption and restore the realm, no matter the cost.

As he approached the tree, its immense size became more apparent. The withered leaves and blackened bark were a testament to the corruption's hold, but Nikolaus felt a glimmer of hope. With the shard of pure light and the guidance of Njord, he knew he had the power to cleanse the tree and restore Vanaheim.

The journey was far from over, but Nikolaus was ready. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with the support of his allies and the strength of his resolve, he would see Vanaheim restored to its former glory. The path was long and perilous, but Nikolaus was prepared to confront the darkness and bring light back to the world.

As Nikolaus walked, he asked Lokivigir if the tree was much further. Lokivigir laughed and told him there was still a day or two left before they would reach the base of the tree. Not wanting to give up, Nikolaus pressed on, thinking about all the people he had met from the other realms he had visited and the ones he met in this realm. He let these thoughts fuel him as he continued.

After hours of seeing nothing but wasteland, the sun slowly descended, and Nikolaus saw a small cave-like hole leading underground. He walked over to it and peered inside to see if it would be safe to spend the night there. Climbing into the hole, he found it empty and thought it might have been a home for one of the creatures before the corruption. Nikolaus then started a fire and led the smoke out through the entrance. He took out his waterskin, some bread, and dried meat. As he ate in silence, he looked out through the entrance and saw an ocean-blue moon hanging in the sky.

The moon reminded him of Hel's eyes, and the thought of her brought any worries to rest, allowing him to relax for the first time in a while. As he sat looking at the moon, thoughts of Bjornstad entered his mind. He longed to see his home again, but Hel had chosen him as her champion, and because of the love growing inside him for her, he would not let her down. Sleep came quickly for Nikolaus, and he dreamt of fishing in the sea and hauling in his catch, the happy faces of the villagers as he gave some of the fish away.

Nikolaus woke up and climbed out of the hole, the air still stale. He headed towards the tree with high hopes of healing this realm. A few hours later, he stood in front of the tree, its massive size towering above him. As he approached, he noticed a familiar dragon gnawing at the roots of the tree.

The dragon turned to face Nikolaus, an eerie smile spreading across its face. "I am the shadow of Níðhöggr," it hissed, its voice echoing with malevolence.

Nikolaus's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the gravity of the situation. The creature before him was not just any dragon, but a shadow of Níðhöggr. This malevolent being was likely a key part of the corruption plaguing Vanaheim.

Gathering his resolve, Nikolaus stood firm, his grip tightening around Lokivigir. "What do you want, shadow of Níðhöggr?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the tension.

The dragon's smile widened, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "I want what every shadow desires: to consume the light and spread darkness. This tree is but the beginning. Soon, all of Vanaheim will fall, and then the other realms will follow." Nikolaus's determination hardened.

Nikolaus watched as the shadow dragon started to move, its body coiling with serpentine grace as it tried to maneuver behind him. The dragon's movements were fluid and calculating, but Nikolaus's keen eyes scanned its form for the purplish-black opal. He spotted it—a long, ominous stone embedded in the dragon's chest, extending past its underbelly. Destroying that opal was the key to restoring Vanaheim.

Determined and focused, Nikolaus devised a plan. He would fake out the shadow dragon, making it think he was going after the stone directly. With a sudden burst of speed, Nikolaus rushed towards the dragon. The creature hissed and lunged, anticipating a head-on attack. At the last moment, Nikolaus veered to the side, his sword slicing through the air and slashing at the dragon's wings.

The dragon roared in pain, its wings flapping wildly as it tried to regain balance. Black, ichorous blood splattered from the wound, staining the ground. Lokivigir's voice echoed in Nikolaus's mind, urging him on. "Good move, Nikolaus. Keep it off balance!"

The shadow dragon writhed, its tail whipping around in an attempt to strike Nikolaus. He ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the lashing tail. The dragon's eyes glowed with fury, and it turned to face him, its mouth opening to unleash a torrent of dark flames.

Nikolaus anticipated the attack and leaped behind a nearby boulder, using it as a shield against the scorching flames. The heat was intense, but he remained unscathed. As the flames subsided, he emerged from his cover, charging at the dragon once more.

This time, he aimed for its legs, hoping to cripple the beast. His sword connected with the dragon's left hind leg, cutting deep into its flesh. The dragon staggered, its movements becoming more erratic and desperate. Nikolaus could see the opal glowing brighter, pulsating with malevolent energy.

"We're getting close," Lokivigir said. "One more well-placed strike, and you can reach the opal."

Nikolaus nodded, his resolve unshaken. He needed to end this quickly. The dragon, sensing its vulnerability, lashed out with renewed ferocity. Its claws raked across the ground, and this time, they found their mark, slashing across Nikolaus's side. He gritted his teeth against the pain, blood seeping from the wound, but he refused to back down.

Summoning the last of his strength, Nikolaus reached into his pouch and pulled out the shard of pure light. He held it aloft, and a brilliant, blinding light erupted from the crystal, engulfing the shadow dragon. The creature roared in agony, its movements becoming frantic and disoriented as it tried to shield itself from the intense light.

With the dragon momentarily blinded, Nikolaus seized his chance. He leaped towards the dragon, his sword poised for the decisive strike. The opal on the dragon's chest was exposed, pulsating with dark energy. Summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, Nikolaus plunged Lokivigir into the opal, the blade sinking deep into the purplish-black stone.

The dragon let out a deafening shriek, its body convulsing as the opal shattered into a thousand fragments. A blinding light erupted from the wound, engulfing the dragon and illuminating the entire area. Nikolaus closed his eyes and turned away. When the light finally faded, he looked at where the shadow's remains had been—now just scorched dirt. The tree started to crack and splinter. Before Nikolaus knew it, the tree began to fall. He placed his hand on the trunk now lying on the ground and whispered, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

As he stared at the fallen tree, he heard a familiar voice. He turned to see Njord, safe and uncorrupted. Relief washed over Nikolaus as Njord approached.

"Thank you, Nikolaus," Njord said, his voice filled with gratitude. "If you ever need help, call on me. For saving this realm, I owe you my life."

Before Nikolaus could respond, the wound he had gotten from the dragon's claws began to throb with increased pain. Njord noticed his discomfort and reached into his satchel, producing a bundle of herbs.

"These herbs are the best in all the nine realms," Njord said with a laugh. "Let me help you."

Nikolaus gratefully accepted the herbs. Njord crushed them into a paste and applied it to Nikolaus's wound. The pain began to ease almost immediately, and a soothing warmth spread through his body.

"You did well, Nikolaus," Njord said as he worked. "The corruption is gone, and Vanaheim will heal in time. The tree's fall was inevitable, but from its ashes, new life will spring. You've given us a chance to rebuild."

Nikolaus nodded, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. "I wish I could have done more."

"You did more than enough," Njord reassured him. "You've restored hope to this realm. That's something no one can ever take away."

As Njord finished treating the wound, he stood back and looked at Nikolaus with admiration. "Your journey is far from over, but know that you have allies here in Vanaheim. Whatever challenges lie ahead, you will face them with the strength and courage you have shown today."

Nikolaus felt a renewed sense of purpose. "Thank you, Njord. I won't forget your kindness."

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