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Nikolaus nodded, gripping Lokivigir tightly. The tunnel opened into a vast cavern, the Heart Forge. The sight before him was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Massive forges lined the walls, each one spewing out dark smoke. Corrupted dwarves, their eyes glowing with malevolent light, worked tirelessly, creating weapons and armor infused with dark energy.

Nikolaus nodded, gripping Lokivigir tightly. The tunnel opened into a vast cavern, the Heart Forge. The sight before him was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Massive forges lined the walls, each one spewing out dark smoke. Several non-corrupted dwarves were mining and working the forge under duress, their faces etched with exhaustion and despair. In front of the forge stood a figure with a crown on its head.

Dvalin whispered urgently, "That is the King. The corruption has twisted his body into the thing we see now."

Nikolaus studied the King and noticed that the King's weapon also had an opal embedded in it. He turned to Dvalin and asked, "Why do the weapons also have opals?"

Dvalin replied, "It was a safeguard the King came up with after being corrupted. It allows the corruption to continue a fight even after the first host falls."

Nikolaus looked back at the King, who was now staring directly at them. With a loud bellow, the King called out, "Intruders in the Heart Forge!"

Thinking quickly, Nikolaus told the two dwarves, "Find a way to block the soldiers from getting in. We need to buy as much time as possible."

Dvalin and Thorin nodded and ran off to carry out the task. Meanwhile, the King jumped high into the air, bringing his massive axe down hard in front of Nikolaus. Nikolaus rolled to the side just in time, the ground shaking from the impact.

The King recovered quickly and swung his axe horizontally. Nikolaus blocked with Lokivigir, but the force of the blow sent him skidding backward. The King's strength was immense, and the dark energy from the opal made him even more formidable.

Nikolaus knew he needed to get close to the King to strike the opal. He dodged another powerful swing and closed the distance, aiming for the opal embedded in the King's weapon. His strike connected, causing the opal to crack slightly, but the King roared in fury and backhanded Nikolaus, sending him crashing into a wall.

Pain shot through Nikolaus's body, but he forced himself to stand. He couldn't give up now. The King charged at him, and Nikolaus narrowly avoided another devastating blow. He countered with a slash to the King's side, but the corrupted ruler seemed barely affected.

As the battle raged on, Nikolaus managed to land several more blows on the opal, each strike weakening it further. The King, however, was relentless. He landed a heavy hit on Nikolaus's shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain and drop to one knee.

"Nikolaus, you must focus!" Lokivigir's voice echoed in his mind. "The opal is close to breaking!"

Summoning the last of his strength, Nikolaus dodged another attack and lunged forward, driving Lokivigir into the opal with all his might. The opal shattered, and a blinding light erupted from the King's weapon.

The King roared and, with intense fury, started swinging wildly at Nikolaus. He tried to dodge every attack, but a few got through, wounding him on his arm and side.

After dodging for a while, Nikolaus saw an opening to strike the King. As the King delivered another blow downward towards Nikolaus, he lunged forward, stabbing the opal. The King howled in pain before he dropped to the ground, leaving nothing but a blackened patch of earth.

Screams and howling came from the forge door. As the sounds died down, they opened the doors to see blackened ground everywhere. The enslaved dwarves ran to Nikolaus, Thorin, and Dvalin, thanking them for saving them. Clutching his wounds, Nikolaus found a quiet corner to rest, his body in pain.

As he rested, Lokivigir laughed and said, "You must love these brushes with death because that is all that seems to happen when you go into a fight."

Nikolaus chuckled, then winced from the pain. Dvalin walked over to Nikolaus and thanked him, inviting him to a feast in his honor because the realm was safe once again. Nikolaus accepted the offer. They left the Heart Forge and entered the Mountain Palace. Several dwarf women and children went into the kitchen to prepare food while Nikolaus and several other dwarves sat around a table talking about the days of old when the Gods would ask for weapons.

After the food had come out and they had all eaten, Nikolaus was taken to a room to rest. As he slept, he saw Hel, but this time it wasn’t a pleasant sight. She was restrained by the tendrils of the corruption. Next to her was a tall and large figure smiling, holding a blade against Hel's throat. The figure spoke with chilling words, "I'm waiting."

Nikolaus jolted awake, sweating and wondering if Hel was okay. Lokivigir, sensing something was wrong, asked what had happened. Nikolaus told him about the dream.

"Helheim is our next destination," Nikolaus said with determination. "I won't let Hel fall to the corruption."

With a renewed sense of urgency, Nikolaus prepared himself for the journey ahead. The challenges in Nidavellir had been great, but the looming threat to Helheim—and to Hel herself—was even more dire. He knew he had to move quickly and decisively.

Before leaving, Dvalin and Thorin provided Nikolaus with provisions and healing herbs. "Take these," Dvalin said. "You’ll need your strength for the battles ahead. And remember, you always have allies here in Nidavellir."

"Thank you," Nikolaus replied. "Your support means a lot."

With Lokivigir at his side and the image of Hel in peril driving him forward, Nikolaus left the Mountain Palace. His mission to save all the realms seemed distant now; his focus was solely on saving Hel. Nothing else mattered.

As he traveled, the image of Hel in danger consumed his thoughts. His mission to save the realms was abandoned; all that mattered now was Hel. He would face any challenge, endure any pain, to save her. The fate of the realms could wait. Hel was his only focus, and he would not rest until she was safe in his arms.

Chapter 9: Descent into Helheim

Nikolaus walked for hours, his only thought being how to get to Helheim. The image of Hel in peril drove him forward with a relentless urgency. He stumbled across an old burial mound, its presence striking him with a sense of familiarity. He walked up to a door, and as he opened it, an unseen force pulled him in. The next thing Nikolaus knew, he awoke on the ground.

"Welcome to Helheim," Lokivigir's voice echoed in his mind.

Nikolaus looked up, seeing a desolate land stretched before him. The sky was a dull gray, and the air was thick with an oppressive heaviness. Worry gnawed at him, and he asked Lokivigir, "Has the corruption taken over this realm as well?"

Silence filled the air for a moment before Lokivigir responded, "There is only one source of corruption in this realm, and that is at Hel's Great Hall."

Nikolaus's heart tightened with fear and determination. He knew that the battle ahead would be unlike any he had faced before. He had to reach Hel's Great Hall and confront whatever force threatened her.

The land of Helheim was treacherous, filled with jagged rocks and treacherous paths. Nikolaus moved carefully, his senses heightened for any sign of danger. The silence was unsettling, broken only by the occasional gust of wind.

As he made his way through the barren landscape, Nikolaus's mind raced with thoughts of Hel. He couldn't shake the image of her restrained by the tendrils of corruption, the blade held against her throat by the mysterious figure. The urgency of his mission pressed heavily on him.

Hours passed as he navigated the twisted paths of Helheim. The oppressive atmosphere weighed down on him, but he pressed on, driven by his unwavering determination to save Hel. The terrain grew more challenging, and Nikolaus had to rely on his instincts to find the safest route.

Eventually, he reached a vantage point where he could see Hel's Great Hall in the distance. The structure loomed ominously, shrouded in a dark aura that pulsed with malevolent energy. The sight filled Nikolaus with both dread and resolve.

"Lokivigir, what can you tell me about the Great Hall?" Nikolaus asked, his eyes fixed on the distant structure.

"It is the heart of Helheim, where Hel presides over the dead," Lokivigir explained. "But now, it is also the source of the corruption that has taken hold of this realm. Be prepared, Nikolaus. The battle ahead will be unlike any you have faced before."

Nikolaus nodded, his grip tightening on Lokivigir. "I am ready. I will save Hel and cleanse this realm."

Lokivigir, with an unsettled voice, asked, "What will you do if Hel has also been corrupted?"

With a heavy heart, Nikolaus replied, "If that comes to pass, I wouldn't be able to kill her. But I would find a way to release her from the grip of the corruption."

As they reached the Great Hall, the doors slammed open with a black gust of wind. The voice of the figure echoed outward, "Hurry, mortal. The Goddess may not last much longer." The figure laughed, and the Great Hall fell silent once more.

Nikolaus stepped closer, his resolve unwavering. Suddenly, a horde of corrupted creatures rushed out, weapons at the ready. Their eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and their movements were frenzied and erratic.

Nikolaus prepared for the fight, his muscles tensing as he raised Lokivigir. The first wave of creatures lunged at him with claws and crude weapons. He swung his blade with precision, cutting down the nearest attackers. The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the air, and Nikolaus moved with the grace and power of a seasoned warrior.

As more creatures poured out of the Great Hall, Nikolaus fought valiantly, blocking strikes and countering with swift, deadly blows. Despite the overwhelming numbers, he held his ground, driven by his determination to reach Hel. The creatures showed no signs of stopping, their relentless assault testing Nikolaus's endurance.

Lokivigir's voice echoed in his mind, providing guidance and encouragement. "Keep your focus, Nikolaus. Remember, our goal is to reach Hel and free her from the corruption."

Nikolaus nodded, his resolve unshaken. He continued to fight, his movements becoming a blur of steel and determination. The creatures fell one by one, but more took their place, emerging from the darkness of the Great Hall.

Suddenly, a particularly large and vicious creature broke through the ranks, its eyes burning with a fiercer light. It swung a massive, jagged blade at Nikolaus, who barely managed to block the strike. The force of the blow pushed him back, but he quickly regained his footing.

"This one is different," Lokivigir warned. "Be careful, Nikolaus."

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