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I feel Mia tense against my back, and I know my words have caught her off guard. But I press on, determined to bear it all. I need her to understand the depth of what I’m feeling, the significance of this bond between us.

“I know you must have obligations back on Earth, just as I have mine on Mythos. But this connection between us… It’s not something I can ignore. It’s a bond that defies the boundaries of our worlds and the differences in our species.”

Mia’s silence stretches on, her heartbeat quickening against my skin. When she finally speaks, her voice wavers with uncertainty.

“Krakenos, I…” She trails off, her words tumbling out in a rush. “This is a lot to take in. I’m still trying to make sense of everything that’s happened since I arrived here.”

I nod, understanding her hesitation. “I know,” I murmur, gentling my tone. “I simply wanted to offer you another perspective—a possible reason for all of this. And if you’re willing, I’d like to learn about your past. Where you come from. Perhaps we could uncover why fate has brought us together.” My voice softens further. “I want to know you, Mia. Your aspirations, your dreams, your fears. I want to understand everything about you.”

Mia shifts on my back. “I appreciate your honesty,” she says carefully, each word measured. “But I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about where I come from. It’s… complicated. There are parts of my past I’d rather leave behind.”

The pain in her voice is clear, and I resist the urge to turn and look at her. Instead, I focus on the water ahead, giving her the space she needs.

“I understand,” I say softly, swallowing my disappointment. “You don’t have to share anything you’re not ready to. But know that when—if—that time comes, I’m here to listen. Your past, whatever it may be, won’t change how I feel about you. I’m here for you, Mia, in whatever capacity you need.”

The tension in Mia’s body slowly ebbs. “Thank you, Krakenos,” she whispers, her breath warm against my neck.

There’s a pause, and when she speaks again, her voice carries a forced lightness. “For now, let’s focus on getting to the finish line in one piece.”

The strain in her words is clear, and I feel the wall she’s trying to build between us. But I won’t push her any further.

Her reluctance to open up is understandable, given the tumultuous circumstances of our meeting. Yet, I can’t quell the disappointment that threatens to pull me under.

My gills flutter rapidly, matching the erratic rhythm of my thoughts. The future of my people hangs in the balance, and Mia—this enigmatic human woman—might be the key. Without her, how can I ascend to my rightful place as king? How can I lead the Aquarians toward a future free from the plague’s shadow?

Forcing myself to focus, I scan the murky waters ahead. I must remain vigilant, protecting Mia not only from the deadly game we’re trapped in, but also from Vornas’s cunning schemes.

Yet, even as I navigate these perilous waters, a nagging fear nips at the edges of my mind. If I let Mia go, am I condemning my people to a slow, suffocating demise?

I shake my head, sending ripples through the water around us. No. I cannot force Mia into a role she doesn’t choose. To do so would be to betray everything I stand for as a leader and as a potential mate.

Steeling my resolve, I make a silent vow. I will be patient. I will earn Mia’s trust, proving myself worthy of her affection with every breath, every stroke through these alien waters.

Even if, in the end, I must watch her disappear beyond the horizon, taking with her the hopes of my people and the pieces of my heart.

Chapter 9


I cling tightly to Krakenos’s sleek back as he slices through the dark waters, my muscles tense and aching from holding on. The sea’s inky blackness envelops us, pressing in from all sides.

My heart races, not just from the alien environment, but from my conversation with Krakenos. His words echo in my mind, drowning out even the rush of water around us.

I’ve never felt so out of my element, both literally and figuratively. With each powerful stroke of Krakenos’s body, I’m reminded of how helpless I am in this vast, unfamiliar ocean—and how much I’m relying on a creature I barely understand.

And yet, it doesn’t feel terrible to have him protecting me.

How quickly things changed… Just yesterday, I was a trembling mess at the sight of him. My imagination ran wild with all the horrible things this alien warrior might do to me if he caught me.


Well, let’s just say things have taken an unexpected turn.

I’m starting to feel… God, I can’t believe I’m even thinking this… But I actually feel comfortable around him. It’s a strange feeling. My guard’s been up for so long, it might as well be part of my DNA, yet now…

I keep telling myself nothing’s really changed. I’m still dead set on crossing that finish line and busting out of this game show from hell. But, I’d be lying if I said Krakenos hasn’t surprised me.

When I told him I needed to focus on survival, I braced myself for the usual bullshit I’ve heard a million times before. Instead, he just nodded and accepted my wishes.

It’s almost laughable. Here I am, millions of miles from home, and the first person to make me feel genuinely safe is a blue-skinned alien who looks like a sexier Creature from the Black Lagoon.

What does that say about me?

Or, really, what does it say about the world I left behind?

Back on Earth, I was always running. From crappy relationships, dead-end jobs, the ghosts of my past that never seemed to quit haunting me. I never felt like I belonged anywhere.

But here, in the depths of an alien ocean with a guy who couldn’t be more different from me if he tried, I’m starting to feel… something.

A connection, maybe?

Krakenos is this ancient, powerful being with the fate of his entire species weighing on those broad shoulders of his. Yet when he looks at me, I feel like he’s seeing straight through to my core. Like all my baggage, all my hopes and fears, are laid out in front of him.

And the craziest part? He doesn’t seem to judge me for any of it.

It’s a weird feeling, for sure.

As we slice through the endless expanse of alien ocean, I find myself studying Krakenos from my perch on his back. His sleek blue body parts the waves with an effortless grace that takes my breath away. With each powerful stroke, I feel the ripple of his muscles beneath my thighs, a reminder of the strength coiled within him.

He’s a living contradiction—a creature that should terrify me, yet I’m captivated. The play of bioluminescent patterns across his skin is hypnotic, like watching the northern lights dance across a midnight sky.

My mind wanders to dangerous territory.

What if I’m making a huge mistake by pushing Krakenos away?

Could he be more than just another hurdle to overcome? Maybe he’s the unlikely ally I never knew I needed—someone who truly gets what it’s like to be backed into a corner, desperately searching for an escape route.

I bite my lip, hardly daring to entertain the idea that Krakenos might be the key to something I’ve been chasing my whole life. That elusive sense of belonging, of having a real purpose, of being part of something bigger than my own messed-up world.

I ignore these thoughts, my gaze drifting to the vast ocean stretching endlessly before us.

Yet despite myself, I find my mind wandering to a future I would have laughed off as impossible just days ago. A future where I’m not constantly looking over my shoulder, running from my demons. A future where I actually matter, where I can make a real difference.

The idea is both exhilarating and terrifying, setting off a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

But before I can spiral further down this rabbit hole, the water around us suddenly turns violent. Waves crash against Krakenos’s sides, and I hold tight, wondering just what is happening.

Are sens