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I press on, a silent guardian in this dangerous swamp, determined to see Mia safely through this ordeal—whether she wants my protection or not.

I continue my silent vigil, melding with the shadows of the swamp. As I track Mia through hip-deep water, my senses prickle with the awareness of another presence.

A predator, poised to strike, slithers toward her unsuspecting form. Without a ripple to betray my movement, I plunge beneath the surface, my powerful tail propelling me forward with lethal speed.

The serpentine beast, its fangs glistening with venom, never sees me coming. In a flash of scales and claws, I dispatch the creature, its lifeless body sinking into the murky depths. Mia remains blissfully unaware of the danger she just escaped, and I prefer it that way.

It’s far from the first time I’ve had to intervene, and I know it won’t be the last. The tally of deadly creatures I’ve eliminated to ensure her safety grows with each passing hour.

Mia has proven herself resourceful, but her small, soft form lacks the natural defenses needed to survive in this manufactured hell. No claws, no fangs, no thick hide—she’s woefully unprepared for the Loop’s monstrosities.

Her stubbornness in refusing my protection speaks to a naivety about the true nature of this place. Every rustling leaf, every ripple in the water could herald death, yet she pushes on as if she were traversing a garden path.

Regardless, I will remain steadfast in my guardianship, even if she never knows the extent of my efforts.

Eventually, the swamp’s oppressive embrace finally relents, giving way to a stretch of dry land. I watch from the cover of dense foliage as Mia emerges from the water. She shakes herself like a drenched animal, droplets flying from her curves as she stretches her limbs toward the sun. Exhaustion etches lines on her face, but a fire still burns in those deep brown eyes.

My gills flare.

She is… magnificent.

Her sodden garments cling to every luscious curve of her body, leaving little to the imagination. Drops of water trace tantalizing paths down her olive skin, and her wild mane of curls—so unlike the sleek fins of my people—captivates me.

A new burst of desire threatens to sweep away my resolve. I want to reveal myself, to gather her into my arms and claim her as my mate right then and there. But I force the impulse down, burying it deep.

This is not the time. Not yet.

Mia must come to me of her own accord. She must recognize me not just as a protector, but as an equal—a partner worthy of her strength and spirit. My titles, my power, my devotion—none of these impress her. And in her resistance, I find myself more determined than ever to prove my worth.

I will wait. I will watch. And when the moment is right, I will show her that I am more than just a silent guardian in the shadows. I am her destiny.

Just as Mia continues onward, I hear a rustle in the distance.

I position myself between her and the direction of the disturbance, my muscles tight and ready. The scent of Vornas soon assaults my gills, and I can almost taste his presence on my tongue.

Within moments, he emerges from the shadows, his striped fur glistening with moisture. A sneer twists his feline features as he locks eyes with me. “Well, well, well,” he purrs, his voice a silky taunt. “If it isn’t the mighty Krakenos, reduced to following a human female like a lost kitten.”

A growl vibrates through my entire body. “I am ensuring her safety from predators like you.”

His laugh grates against my nerves like claws on stone. “Me, a predator? You’re the one who’s obsessed, still following her after she turned you away.” He bares his fangs in a mocking grin. “Perhaps she prefers my warm furs over your cold scales.”

Rage floods my veins, and before I can stop myself, I lunge forward. My fist connects with his jaw, the impact sending shockwaves up my arm. Vornas staggers, surprise flashing in his eyes before they narrow with fury. He retaliates swiftly, his foot slamming into my midsection. The air rushes from my lungs, leaving me gasping.

We trade blows, our bodies a blur of motion. Even as we fight, I keep one eye on Mia’s direction, determined to keep her safe. In the corner of my vision, I spot a drone hovering nearby, its lens focused on our battle. Of course—this confrontation is being recorded for the entertainment of others.

The realization only fuels my anger. With a roar, I unleash a final, devastating blow. Vornas crumples to the ground, motionless.

I stand over him, chest heaving, the taste of victory bitter on my tongue.

Why must it be this way? Why are we, once mighty kings, reduced to fighting like animals for the amusement of unseen spectators?

But it’s no matter. I have dispensed of Vornas for now.

My fists clench as I turn to follow Mia’s trail. Her scent, intoxicating and familiar, has grown faint. With a jolt of panic, I realize how far she’s traveled while I was distracted.

I sprint through the swamp, my feet barely touching the ground. With a great relief, I finally spot her in the distance, and in that one second, my guard lowers.

That’s when I feel it—the ground shifting beneath my feet, the whisper of a rope tightening. In an instant, my world turns upside down. I’m yanked up by my ankles, my body jerking violently as I’m hoisted into the air. The breath rushes from my lungs, and I’m left dangling, my head spinning.

As I struggle against the snare, its grip only tightens.


Vornas must have set this trap before our confrontation. He knew I’d be less vigilant in my desperation to catch up with Mia, and I played right into his paws.

I curse myself for my carelessness, for letting my emotions cloud my judgment. Of course that cunning feline hadn’t revealed himself out of recklessness. It was all part of his scheme.

A strange sensation washes over me as I dangle helplessly in the air, caught in Vornas’s devious trap. It’s a feeling I’m unaccustomed to—vulnerability. I, Krakenos, the Aquarian Heir Apparent, reduced to this humiliating predicament.

The irony is not lost on me.

As I continue my struggle, a familiar scent catches my attention.

Mia. She’s close, and I can sense her hesitation as she undoubtedly debates whether to flee or investigate the commotion.

To my surprise, curiosity seems to win out over caution, and she steps out from the thicket to cautiously approach my suspended form.

Her mouth gapes open as she takes in the sight of me—a mighty warrior reduced to dangling helplessly like a caught fish.

A smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth. “What are you doing up there?”

Despite the indignity of my predicament, I let out a low chuckle. “Just hanging around. The view is quite spectacular from this angle.”

Mia stands beneath me, her gaze flickering between my suspended form and the surrounding swamp. Her brow furrows as she weighs her options, and I know exactly what she’s pondering. Should she leave me to my fate, or lend a hand?

To my surprise, her shoulders set with resolve. Perhaps she’s realized that in this deadly game, even reluctant allies are better than none at all.

I try to quash the surge of hope that rises in my chest. This is merely a tactical decision on her part, nothing more.

Regardless, a warmth spreads through me at her choice.

With determined steps, Mia approaches the base of the tree. Her nimble fingers trace the intricate workings of the snare, brow furrowed in concentration. I watch, mesmerized, as she methodically dismantles the trap. Each precise movement speaks of a keen intellect and a survivor’s instinct that I hadn’t fully appreciated before.

The rope slackens suddenly, and I brace myself for impact. My feet hit the ground with a muffled thud, and I shake off the last clinging tendrils of the snare.

As I straighten to my full height, I feel a rare emotion.


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