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It’s then that the pact we made—Natalie, Chloe, and I—echoes in my ears. Our voices, hushed but determined, swore to find a way out together, to leave no one behind.

But now, alone in this cell, the weight of our situation threatens to crush me.

I glance around, taking in the alien tech that surrounds me. The sleek cryopod, the eerie hum of a floating drone outside the cell, the slight pressure of the translation device on my temple. It’s like I’ve stumbled onto a movie set, except the fear churning in my gut is all too real.

I scoff. What chance does an average, unremarkable woman like me have against all of this? I’ve always been a runner, bailing at the first sign of trouble. It’s why my life’s a patchwork of half-started relationships and job-hopping—no roots, no foundation, just me and my worn-out running shoes.

But now, as I press my palms against the floor, I realize there’s nowhere to run. The thought settles in my stomach like I’ve swallowed a stone.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. To get out of here, I’ll have to play along. Win their game, entertain their audience, and hope the Host deems us worthy of freedom, even if the very idea of being fought over like a prize pig at a county fair makes bile rise in my throat.

Unbidden, the image of Krakenos appears in my mind. The Aquarian warrior, with those bottomless black eyes that hinted at something—but I don’t know what.

A shudder ripples through my body as I wonder what he’d do if he won. Would I even survive whatever he wanted to do to me?

I clench my fists, pushing the thought away. No, I can’t go down that rabbit hole. I have to be strong, for Natalie and Chloe. We made a promise, and by God, I’m going to keep it.

My nails dig into my palms as I steel myself. Even if it means facing down my worst fears, I’ll find a way out of this. No more running. It’s time to stand and fight.

I try to center myself, letting my mind drift back to my life before all of this madness. It feels so distant now, but the memories are still vivid.

I remember my little apartment in the new town I moved to after my last relationship fell apart. It was supposed to be a fresh start, a chance to leave the pain and disappointment behind. I had landed a job as an elementary school teacher, and I was determined to make it work this time.

No more running away when things got tough. No more giving up.

I remember telling myself that this was it, my last chance to build something real. I had scraped together what little savings I had left and poured everything into this new beginning. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

I remember my classroom, and the bright faces of my students. I loved those kids, watching them learn and grow. That wasn’t to say it was easy; they could be a challenge, but it was the kind of challenge I enjoyed. Teaching was more than just a job to me—it was a chance to make a real difference in their lives, like the teachers who helped me through my tough childhood.

But now it all seems so far away.

I think of my fellow teachers, the parents, my neighbors… They barely knew me, and not just because I was new in town. I made sure to keep everyone at arm’s length, to build up walls around myself while I tried to get my life together.

Do they even know I’m missing? Is anyone looking for me, or have they assumed I left town as quietly as I had arrived?

The thought brings fresh tears to my eyes, and I angrily swipe them away.

I can’t afford to fall apart now. Not when Natalie and Chloe are counting on me. Not when our very survival is at stake.

I have to be strong.

I leap to my feet as a sudden mechanical hiss fills the cell. The door slides open and a sleek robotic drone enters, hovering in the air. Its metallic body gleams menacingly in the dim light.

“Mia Reyes,” it states in a monotone voice. “You have been selected as a prize for the new season of Loop Run.”

“What?” I exclaim, my heart dropping into my stomach. “So there’s a new season…? Does that mean Natalie survived? Did she escape?”

The drone continues, disregarding my questions. “Preparations will begin shortly. Please stand by.”

My hands ball into fists at my sides as I demand, “Tell me what happened to Natalie!”

But the drone simply continues its diagnostic tasks, beeping occasionally as it scans my vitals. It moves around me methodically, as if I’m nothing more than an object to be assessed.

“Please, just tell me she made it out,” I plead, my voice cracking. “I need to know there’s a way out of here.”

The drone finishes its scans and hovers back, its unblinking camera lens fixed on me. “All vitals normal,” it reports in that same emotionless tone. “Subject is fit for participation.” The drone then floats off, the cell door shutting with a final, damning thud, leaving me alone once more.

I slam my fists against the metal, a scream of frustration escaping my throat.

I’ll never get any answers, will I? I’ll never know why I have to go through this awful trial.

A strange noise draws my attention and I turn to see the cell door slide open again.

A bizarre figure enters, stepping into the light.

I recognize him then. It’s the host of this godforsaken game show.

Half of his body isn’t his own, his arms and legs made up of mechanical parts that whir and click with each movement. But it’s his face that I find most unsettling. His head is that of a beaked beast, with expressive feathered eyebrows and a charming yet eerie grin. He’s like no creature I’ve ever seen before.

And he only ever refers to himself as “the Host,” like he was made for this role and nothing else.

“Well, hello there!” the Host says, his voice booming with enthusiasm as he saunters into the cell, metal claws clacking against the floor. “Mia Reyes, our newest little prize. You’ve been chosen for the role of a lifetime!” He spreads his mismatched arms wide.

I back away until I hit the wall. “Chosen?” I echo. “For what?”

“Why, Loop Run, of course! The universe’s greatest reality show!” The Host gestures grandly around the cell as if presenting a lavish stage.

I don’t care about any of this. I just need to know one thing. “What happened to Natalie and Chloe? Did they make it out?”

The Host waves a dismissive hand. “Oh, don’t you worry about them. They’re old news! This season is all about you.”

He leans in close, his eyes gleaming with wicked delight. I turn my face away from his hot, metallic breath.

“Trust me, female, you’re in for the ride of your life,” the Host purrs. “Last season, the warriors cooperated far too much, but this season’s got a twist that’ll ensure they’ll be at each other’s throats for you. That’s all I will say, however. I wouldn’t want to spoil the big reveal…”

He pulls back with a manic chuckle, leaving me reeling. My mind races with questions, but I’m too stunned to voice them.

The Host finally backs away and heads for the door. “The opening ceremony will begin soon enough. Just behave and do as the drones tell you, and with any luck, you’ll be on your way to the finish line and back home. It really is that simple.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” I mumble, only for him to ignore my comment as he exits with a flourish. The cell door slams shut behind him, leaving me alone once more with only my racing thoughts and mounting dread for company.

So the warriors cooperated last time…

Maybe that bodes well for Natalie, and I’m glad for her if it did.

But the Host seems confident that this season’s twist will keep that from happening again.

He seems certain that the remaining warriors will be fighting tooth and claw for me.

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