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Mia’s smile grows, her eyes shining with a newfound confidence. “Okay. If you’re sure, then I won’t worry.”

As the spacecraft carries us closer to Mythos, to the start of our new life together, I feel a sense of purpose that I’ve never known before.

I just hope that my people, and the entirety of Mythos, is ready for a change as big as this one.

The stars blur past the viewport, streaks of light against the inky darkness of space as the next couple of hours pass. It is then that I see a familiar planet in the viewscreen, and I stand with Mia, my hand resting on the small of her back as we watch the planet grow larger before us.

Bands of emerald and sapphire swirl across its surface, vibrant against the void.



A tightness builds in my chest, excitement and trepidation warring within me. It’s been so long. How many cycles have passed since I last walked the coral halls of the palace? Since I last swam the cerulean depths of the Grendalian Sea? And now, to return with Mia at my side… Everything will be different.

Mia leans forward as she takes in the sight of my home. “It’s beautiful,” she breathes, her voice filled with awe.

I nod with pride. “It is. And soon, it will be your home.”

As we approach the planet’s surface, the spacecraft dips lower, skimming over the vast canyons that blanket the land. Mia gasps as we pass over a towering Drakari castle, its granite walls glinting in the sunlight. The structure is a reflection of the strength and resilience of the Drakari people, carved into the face of a sheer cliff.

“Is that where the Drakari live?” Mia asks, her gaze fixed on the castle as it recedes into the distance.

“Yes, that’s one of their strongholds. The Drakari are fierce warriors, but they also have a deep appreciation for art and architecture.”

We continue our descent, soaring over the sprawling forests that mark the territory of the Saberkai. I catch a glimpse of one of their cities, its buildings carved into the giant mother trees, connected by a network of bridges and walkways. It’s a sight that never fails to impress me, a reminder of the ingenuity and adaptability of the Saberkai.

As we continue on, I note that the planet seems relatively unchanged, with no obvious signs of conflict or strife. It’s a relief, but also a surprise. I had expected to see more evidence of the tensions between the races, especially in the absence of both Vornas and myself.

Perhaps Draven has managed to maintain the delicate balance of power in our absence. However, will he be troubled by my return? Might it spark a new round of conflict?

Only time will tell.

As the spacecraft nears the shoreline, the vast expanse of the Aquarian oceans comes into view. Mia leans closer to the viewport, seeing the shimmering blue waters that stretch out to the horizon.

“It’s amazing,” she whispers, her voice filled with reverence.

I smile. “Of course it is.”

The shuttle begins its final descent, aiming for a spot near the shore. Mia’s hand finds mine, her fingers intertwining with my own as we brace for landing.

Once the shuttle touches down, I turn to Mia. “Are you ready?”

She takes a deep breath, her eyes meeting mine. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“I’ll be with you every step of the way,” I promise.

Together, we make our way to the shuttle’s exit. As the doors slide open, we’re greeted by the salty sea air and a welcoming breeze.

I watch as Mia takes her first hesitant steps onto the shores of Mythos. It’s a moment I know I will never forget, the start of a journey that will change both of our lives forever.

As Mia and I step onto the shore, I squeeze her hand gently before releasing it. “Watch,” I say, before wading into the water, feeling the cool embrace of the ocean welcome me home like a long-lost child.

As the waves lap at my chest, I close my eyes and let out a melodic call, a sound that vibrates through my very being. The call resonates outward through the water in rippling waves.

This summoning call has been passed down through generations of Aquarian royalty. It speaks of return, of hope, of a new era dawning.

I open my eyes and turn back to Mia. She stands at the water’s edge, waiting to see what will happen next.

Gradually, the water around me begins to stir, and dark shapes move beneath the surface, growing larger as they approach. I hear Mia gasp as the first Aquarian breaks through the waves, and I grin with pride at the majesty of my people.

It’s Elder Naia, her scales a deep blue that fades to silver at the edges, like the depths of the ocean meeting the foam of breaking waves. Her webbed hands part the water as she swims toward me, her black eyes shining with joyful recognition and hope.

Soon, more of my people emerge from the depths, a beautiful collection of colors and forms. Some are sleek and streamlined, built for speed, while others are broader and more muscular, adapted for the crushing pressures of the deep. Their colors range from vibrant teals to deep indigos, some with patterns of dots or stripes adorning their skin.

Once all are gathered, Elder Naia speaks, her voice carrying the weight of authority and the warmth of a maternal figure. “Krakenos,” she begins. “We had begun to fear…”

I incline my head respectfully, understanding the unspoken worry. “Yes, Elder Naia. But you needn’t worry any longer. The tides of fate have turned in our favor.”

Elder Naia’s gaze shifts to Mia, who stands transfixed by the gathering crowd of Aquarians. “Is she…?” she asks, her tone reverent yet cautious. I see the questions in her eyes, the desperate hope warring with centuries of disappointment.

I nod. “She is. I have finally found my mate.” I gesture for Mia to join us in the shallows. She hesitates for a moment before stepping into the water, shivering slightly at its coolness. I resist the urge to go to her, knowing she must make this first step on her own.

As Mia wades toward us, I notice the other Aquarians drawing closer, their eyes wide with fascination.

“This is Mia,” I announce, my voice carrying across the water with the authority of my station. “She comes from a distant world, and she carries within her the key to our salvation. With her, we have a chance to break the curse that has plagued our people for so long.”

A murmur ripples through the gathered Aquarians, like a wave of hope spreading outward. I see it blooming in their eyes, mixed with uncertainty and a touch of fear at the unknown. Change, even when desperately needed, is never easy.

Mia reaches my side, and I place a protective hand on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her skin against my palm. She looks up at me and whispers, “There are so many of them.”

I smile reassuringly. “And each one of them is here to welcome you, Mia. You represent a new beginning for our people, a hope we had almost forgotten could exist.”

As the Aquarians continue to gather, their numbers swelling until the sea seems alive with bodies, I feel a shift in the water. A hush falls over the crowd, and I know what’s coming next.

I turn my gaze to the horizon, where the sea has begun to part. A massive form rises from the depths, water cascading off scales that gleam like polished armor in the sunlight.

I squeeze Mia’s shoulder gently and say, “Prepare yourself. You’re about to meet my father.”

Chapter 18


I stand beside Mia, feeling her tension as the ocean churns before us. The waters roil and froth, parting like a great maw to reveal my father’s colossal form. King Tritonos ascends from the abyss, his scales shimmering with an iridescent brilliance that puts the sun’s reflection to shame. His presence commands reverence, each movement sending ripples across the sea’s surface as if the very ocean bows to his will.

Mia’s sharp intake of breath draws my attention. Her mouth is agape as she sees my father for the first time. Her reaction is understandable; even I, having grown up in his shadow, find myself awed by his majesty.

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