"It will be a pleasure."
"Goodnight, Glawen."
At the appointed hour, Glawen arrived at the Old Arbor. He made his way to that corner preempted by the Bold Lions for their Den, and took a seat, somewhat apart, in the shadows.
Three of the members, Kirdy Wook, Cloyd Diffin and Jardine Laverty, were already on hand, and a moment later Shugart Veder and the two Offaws, Uther and Kiper, appeared.
Grand Pouncer Uther Offaw addressed the group.
"This meeting was called tonight by reason of an alarming development requiring our instant attention. As we know, there has been chronic trouble with the Yips and it seems to be getting worse--so bad in fact that the authorities were canceling all excursions, including the Rip-roar! However, I am happy to report that Kirdy today made forceful representations in high places. He pointed out that we had already
made our preparations, and in short exerted full lion power.
As a result he managed to get the order rescinded. For this we owe Kirdy three rousing growls: let's hear them loud and clear! Hurrah, Kirdy!"
Dutifully the Lions voiced three growls of approval.
"Very good! Happily the disaster is averted! Kirdy, do you have anything to say?"
"Well, yes. Tardy Diffin's resignation leaves an opening in the group, for which place I'd like to nominate a fine long-tailed creature with a resplendent mane: Glawen Clattuc! He will bring agility and clever new tactics to our pride!"
Uther Offaw cried out: "A great choice! I'll second that nomination myself! Is there any discussion? Any objection?
In that case, I declare Glawen Clattuc unanimously elected a full-fledged Bold Lion. Three growls of acclamation for Glawen Clattuc, and let them ring loud!"
The growls were rendered with gusto and Glawen thereby became a Bold Lion.
On the following day Aries waited by the portal which opened between Wansey Way and the lyceum terrace. Presently Uther Offaw came past. Aries stepped forward.
"Uther, just a minute, if you please!"
Uther paused.
"Make it quick, like a good fellow; I can spare just a minute."
"What I have to say is important," declared Aries.
"It may take more than a minute."
"Well, one way or another, get on with it! What do you want:
the assignment sheet? Here it is; you'll have to work the problems yourself;
I haven't got to them yet."
Aries pushed the sheet aside.
"I've just heard about last night's meeting. To my utter shock, I find that Glawen has been taken into the Bold Lions."
(' "True, by unanimous acclamation. An excellent choice;
don't you agree?"
"In no way, shape, form, color or smell! And I'll tell you why:
Glawen simply does not have the right stuff! He's the bashful sort, always peeking around corners. As I see it, the Bold Lions are a driving hell-for-breakfast bunch who always come out on top, and devil take the hindmost! Glawen?
A sorry little milksop, if truth must be told."
Uther pursed his lips.
"I am surprised to hear this! The rest of the membership feels that we've made quite a good catch."
"Doesn't anyone have common sense? Why go out of our way to enroll a Bureau B spy to report every little peccadillo to the authorities?"
Uther gave a wry laugh.
"Come now! Kirdy is Bureau B and you don't raise a howl."
Aries blinked and considered.
"Well, Kirdy is a Mummer and that makes a difference, believe me. He's not a prig and knows when it's best to ignore the red tape."
Uther said reasonably: "It really makes no difference. I for one intend to break no laws."
"Nor do I! But now we'll have to gauge every innocent little indiscretion, just to make sure Glawen is not offended."