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Kirdy Wook had come up to listen. He said in disgust:

"Aries, you are hysterical!"

"Call it what you like! I just don't want Glawen keeping score every time I blow my nose."

Uther appeared to ponder.

"It's a difficult situation. What should we do?"

Aries pounded his fist into the palm of his meaty hand.


reconsider this flawed election!"

Kirdy chuckled.

"It's clear that Aries must have his way.

Uther, what is proper procedure, as defined in the bylaws?"

"Proper procedure be Mowed!" declared Aries.

"We need only tell the blighter that a mistake was made and that he is not a Bold Lion after all."

"Impossible," said Kirdy.

"He was voted in unanimously."

"Well, we can't have dissension," said Uther.

"Tonight we'll call a special meeting and Aries can bring an action to expel if he's willing to take the risk."

Aries stuttered: "I did not say expel! I said 'not admit'!"

"We must work within the bylaws," said Uther.

"You need six votes out of eight to expel, and if you fail, you're out yourself. You won't get Glawen's vote; that's certain.


"I nominated Glawen; I'd look pretty silly voting to turf him out."

"I seconded the nomination, and the same applies to me.

Aries, it looks as if the vote has gone against you. Do you propose to resign?"

"No," said Aries.

"Forget the special meeting. I'll work this out some other way."

A remarkable set of events, each controlling the shape of the next in sequence, received its first impulse at a class in social anthropology at the lyceum.

The class, a prerequisite for graduation, was taught by Professor Yvon Dace, one of the least predictable of a notably unconventional faculty. Dace looked his part, with a high forehead, a few lank wisps of dust-colored hair, mournful dark eyes, a button nose, a long upper lip and an odd little crab apple of a chin.

Professor Dace's somewhat diffident appearance was belied by his conduct, which was often surprising. At the beginning of the term he made his position clear.

"Whatever you have heard about me, dismiss it. I do not regard my class as a confrontation between the clear light of my intellect and twenty-two examples of sloth and wilful stupidity. The exact number may be only half that, if we are lucky, and of course varies from term to term. Despite all, I am a kindly man, patient and thorough, but if I must elucidate the obvious more than twice, I often become gloomy.

"As for the subject matter, we can hope only to acquaint ourselves with the large outline, though we will often pause to focus upon interesting details. I recommend subsidiary reading, which, incidentally, will improve your grade. Anyone who negotiates the ten volumes of Baron Bodissey's Life in addition to the assigned texts will automatically receive at minimum a passing grade. Needless to say, I will satisfy myself that this reading has actually taken place.

"Some of you may consider my teaching techniques rather casual. Others will wonder how I arrive at your proper grade. There is no mystery here. I grade partly from examination results, partly from a subjective, or even subconscious, evaluation, I lack sympathy with both mysticism and stupidity; I hope that you will control any such tendencies during our discussions. I must admit that beautiful girls face a special handicap; I must constantly guard against giving these delicious creatures all that they want and more. I might add that ugly girls fare no better, since then I must take into account my kindly pangs of guilt and pity.

"Enough of the side issues; to the work itself, which you will find to be fascinating, rich in drama, humor and pathos. Your first assignment is Parts One and Two of The World of the Goddess Gaea, by Michael Yeaton. Are there questions? Yes?"

Ottillie Veder said: "I am a girl. How will I know whether my bad grade is because you admire me or because you find me disgusting and repulsive?"

"Nothing could be simpler. Arrange to meet me out on the beach with a blanket and a bottle of good wine. If I do not appear, your most pessimistic fears will be confirmed. Now, then, as for today ..."

The girls of the class, along with Ottillie Veder, included Cynissa and Zanny Diffin; Tara and Zaraide Laverty; Mornifer and Jerdys Wook; Adare and Clare Clattuc; Vervice Offaw; Wayness Tamm from Riverview House, and others. The Bold Lions were represented by Glawen and Aries Clattuc, Kiper Laverty, Kirdy Wook, Ling Diffin and Shugart Veder.

Two weeks of the term went by, then one day Professor Dace leaned back into his chair.

"Today we deviate from our usual procedure, and undertake some anthropological fieldwork here in the class. Everyone has doubtless taken note of the individuals normally present during this period. Two of these persons derive from cultures somewhat alien to that of Araminta Station. One of them is myself, but I could not, without flagrant loss of dignity, allow the class to use me as a case study. Therefore we will focus our attention upon that intriguing individual who calls herself Wayness, and hope that her dignity is proof to the trial. Observe her now as she sits at her desk, evaluating this startling turn of events. Her composure is worthy of note; she neither titters, rolls her eyes nor crouches in a nervous huddle.

Aha! At last she laughs! She is mortal after all! To a keen and educated eye a variety of subtle signals indicates her alien background: for instance, the odd manner in which she holds her pencil."

Kiper Laverty, sitting next to Wayness, called out: "That is not a pencil; she has borrowed my new fidget rod."

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