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Rhialto had no more to say and with Osherl moved somewhat away from the village, where Osherl established a comfortable pavilion of dark blue silk. On a heavy red and blue rug of intricate pattern Osherl arranged a massive table of carved dark timber surrounded by four low chairs with dark red velvet cushions. Outside the structure he laid down a similar rug and a second table, for occasions when the day was fine. Above he arranged a canopy and at each corner placed a tall black iron pedestal with a lamp of many facets.

Leaving Osherl sitting at the interior table, Rhialto climbed into the sky, up through the overcast and out into a glare of vermilion sunlight charged with an acrid blue overtone.

The time was middle afternoon; the sun hung half-way down the sky. The cloud-cover extended without break for as far as Rhialto could see in all directions. He looked through the pleurmalion, and to his pleasure discovered the dark spot hanging in the sky somewhat to the north and east of where he stood.

Rhialto ran at speed above the clouds and ranged himself immediately below the spot, then dropped down through the overcast and toward the forest below. Finally he reached the forest floor, where he made a quick and superficial search, finding nothing.

Returning to the pavilion, Rhialto found Osherl sitting as before. Rhialto described his activities. “My search definitely lacked accuracy. Tomorrow you shall mount as high as possible with the pleurmalion and post yourself precisely under the spot. From this point you will lower a weighted cord until it dangles close to the forest, where we can hope to find the Perciplex … What is that savage hooting and yelping sound?”

Osherl looked out through the silken flap at the front of the pavilion. “The villagers are excited; they are calling out in enthusiasm.”

“Curious,” said Rhialto. “Perhaps Doulka, rather than cooperate, has seen fit to cut off his nose … Otherwise they would seem to have little reason to rejoice. Now then, another thought has occurred to me: why does the blue spot fly so high in the air?”

“No mystery there: for reasons of far visibility.”

“All very well, but surely another signal could have served more efficiently: for instance, a rod of blue light, conspicuous from afar, but also accurate at its lower end.”

“In candour, I do not understand Sarsem’s motives, unless he truly took Hache-Moncour’s injunctions to heart.”

“Oh? What injunctions were these?”

“Just idle badinage, or so I suppose. Hache-Moncour ordered that the sky-spot be made to perform so rudely that you would never truly strike home to the crystal, but would forever be chasing it back and forth like some mad fool chasing the will o’ the wisp.”

“I see. And why did you not tell me this before? No matter; the day will come when you learn who controls your indenture points: me or Hache-Moncour … That howling and whooping is incessant! Doulka must be cutting off his nose an inch at a time. Osherl, order them to quiet.”

“It seems a harmless jollity; they are merely preparing a feast.”

Rhialto looked up alertly. “A feast? Of what sort?”

“The last of the Paragons: a maiden who has only just emerged from the alabaster egg. After ingestion is under way, the noise no doubt will abate.”

Rhialto leapt to his feet. “Osherl, words fail me. Come along, on the double-quick.”

Striding back to the village, Rhialto found Doulka sitting before his hut on a pair of enormous down pillows, his nose tied in a poultice. Preparations for a feast were under way, with women of the village cutting and slicing roots, vegetables, and seasonings to the specifications of their recipe. In a pen to the side stood the last of the Paragons: a maiden whom a butcher might classify in the ‘slightly smaller than medium’ range, of ‘choice quality’, ‘tender if lacking in excessive fat’. Her garments had disintegrated during her long sleep; she wore nothing but a necklace of copper and turquoise. Haggard with fear she looked through the bars of the pen as a pair of hulking apprentice butchers arranged a work table and began to sharpen their implements.

Doulka the Trundleman saw the approach of Rhialto and Osherl with a scowl. “What is it this time? We are preparing to indulge ourselves in a last feast of quality. Your business must wait, unless you have come to relieve me of my pain.”

Rhialto said: “There will be no feast, unless you yourself wish to climb into the pot. Osherl, bring the lady from the pen and provide her suitable garments.”

Osherl split the pen into a million motes, and draped the girl’s body in a pale blue robe. Doulka cried out in grief and the villagers went so far as to take up weapons. For distraction, Osherl evoked four blue goblins eight feet tall. Hopping forward and gnashing their fangs, they sent the villagers fleeing with high heels into the forest.

Rhialto, Osherl and the dazed maiden returned to the pavilion, where Rhialto served her a cordial, and explained the circumstances in a gentle voice. She listened with a blank gaze and perhaps understood something of what Rhialto told her, for presently she wept tears of grief. Rhialto had mixed an anodyne into the cordial, and her grief became a languid dream-state in which the disasters of her life were without emotive force, and she was content to sit close beside Rhialto and take comfort from his presence.

Osherl looked on with cynicism. “Rhialto, you are a curious creature, one of an obstinate and enigmatic race.”

“How so?”

“Poor Doulka is desolate; his folk creep through the forest, afraid to go home for fear of goblins; meanwhile you console and flatter this mindless female.”

Rhialto responded with quiet dignity: “I am motivated by gallantry, which is a sentiment beyond your understanding.”

“Bah!” said Osherl. “You are as vain as a jay-cock and already you are planning fine postures to strike in front of this pubescent little creature, with whom you will presently attempt a set of amorous pastimes. Meanwhile Doulka goes hungry and my indenture is as irksome as ever.”

Rhialto reflected a moment. “Osherl, you are clever but not clever enough. I am not so easily distracted as you would hope. Therefore, let us now resume our conversation. What else have you concealed from me in connection with Sarsem and Hache-Moncour?”

“I gave little attention to their strategies. You should have specified the topics in which you were interested.”

“Before the fact? I can not know whether I am interested or not until the plans are made.”

“In truth, I know little more than you. Hache-Moncour hopes to advance his own cause, with Sarsem’s help, but this is no surprise.”

“Sarsem is playing a dangerous game. Ultimately he will suffer the penalties of duplicity! Let all others learn from Sarsem’s despicable example!”

“Ah well, who knows how the game will go?” said Osherl airily.

“And what do you mean by that?”

Osherl would say no more, and Rhialto with pointed displeasure sent him out into the night to guard the pavilion. Osherl eased his task by setting up four large goblin’s heads glowing with a ghastly blue luminosity, which startled Rhialto himself when he stepped out to see how went the night.

Returning within, Rhialto arranged a couch for the maiden, where she presently slept the sleep of emotional exhaustion. A short time later Rhialto also took his repose.

In the morning the maiden awoke composed but listless. Rhialto arranged a bath of perfumed water in the lavatory, while Osherl, using the guise of a serving woman, laid out for her use a crisp outfit of white duck trousers, a scarlet coat trimmed with golden buttons and black frogging, and black ankle-boots trimmed with red floss. She bathed, dressed, ordered her ear-length black hair, and came tentatively out into the main chamber where Rhialto joined her at breakfast.

Through the power of the glossolary, he spoke to her in her own tongue: “You have suffered a terrible tragedy, and I offer you my sympathy. My name is Rhialto; like yourself I am not native to this dreary epoch. May I inquire your name?”

At first the maiden seemed indisposed to respond, then said in a resigned voice: “My secrets are no longer of consequence. In my personal thought-language I have named myself ‘Furud Dawn-stuff’ or ‘Exquisite Dawn-thing’. At my school I won a credential as ‘Shalukhe’ or ‘Expert Water-Swimmer’ and this was used as my friend-name.”

“That seems a good name, and it is the name I will use, unless you prefer otherwise.”

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