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pr-sum, prdesse, prfu, prfutrus ( + dat.), be useful, benefit, profit

pr-teg, -ere, -tx, -tctum,lit. cover in front; defend, protect

prtinus,adv., lit. forward; at once, immediately

pro-ut,conj., just as, according as

pr-vectus, -a, -um,lit. carried forward; advanced (in years)

prverbium, -, proverb

* prvincia, -ae,f., province; sphere of duty

prvincilis, -e, of a province, provincial; prvincils, -ium, m. pl., inhabitants of a province, provincials

pr-voc  (1), call forth, provoke, challenge

* proximus, -a, -um, (superl. of propior), nearest, next, very near; proximum, -, n., neighborhood; proximus, -, m., neighbor (= vcnus)

prdns,gen. -entis, foreseeing, skilled, wise, prudent

prdenter,adv. ofprdns

prdentia, -ae,f., foresight, discretion; knowledge, skill

prunsus, -a, -um, covered with frost, frost-laden

prytanum, -, n., town hall

pblicnus, -, m., tax-collector, publican

pblic  (1), make public, publish

* pblicus, -a, -um, belonging to the people, public, common, general; rs pblica, commonwealth, state, republic, government; pblicum, -, n., a public place; pblic, adv., publicly

pudor, -ris,m., modesty, decency; shame, disgrace

* puella, -ae,f., girl, maiden, young woman

* puer, puer, m., boy; child

puerlis, -e, boyish, childish

pugillrs, -ium,m. pl., writing tablets

* pugna, -ae,f., fight, battle

* pugn  (1), fight

* pulcher, -chra, -chrum, beautiful

* pulchritd, -inis,f., beauty

pullus, -a, -um, dark

puls  (1), beat, strike

pulvis, -eris,m., dust

pmex, -icis,m., pumice

Pnicus, -a, -um, Punic, Carthaginian; Phoenician

* pni  (4), punish

prg  (1), cleanse, clean, clear up

purpura, -ae,f., purple garment, robe

purpureus, -a, -um, purple, dark red; bright, shining

prus, -a, -um, pure, undefiled

pusillus, -a, -um, very little, very small; pusillum, -, n., a very little, a trifle

* put  (1), think, suppose, consider

putre-faci, -ere, -fc, -factum, make rotten or friable

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