secris, -is,f., ax
s-crits, -ttis,f., freedom from care, confidence; safety, security
s-crus, -a, -um, free from care, safe, secure
secus,adv., otherwise; prep. + acc. (ante-class. and late Lat.) along, near, beside
* sed,conj., but
sdti, -nis,f., an allaying, soothing; see (EL, official seat of a bishop or other church official)
* sede, -re, sd, sessum, sit
* sds, -is,f., seat, abode, home, place
sd-iti, -nis,f., lit. a going apart; dissension, quarrel
sd-itisus, -a, -um, turbulent, rebellious, quarrelsome
sd (1), settle, soothe, check, stop
sdul, adv., earnestly; purposely, designedly
sgnis, -e, slow, sluggish
sgniter,adv., sluggishly, slowly
s-greg (1), separate, set apart
s-iung, -ere, -inx, -inctum, separate
semel,adv., once
smen, -inis,n., seed
Semramis, -idis,f., wife of Ninus, king of Assyria
smi-vvus, -a, -um, half alive = half dead
* semper,adv., always
sempiternus, -a, -um, everlasting, eternal
sentor, -ris,m., senator
* sentus, -s,m., senate
senects, -ttis,f., old age
senex, senis,m. lf. adj. or noun, old or an old man (woman); compar. senior, -ris, m., older, elderly or an elderly man (between 45 and 60 years of age)
senlis, -e, of an old man, old man’s
senior:compar. ofsenex
snsus, -s,m., feeling, sensation, understanding, opinion, meaning
* sententia, -ae,f., thought, opinion; vote
* senti, -re, sns, snsum, feel, think, perceive
spartim,adv., separately, apart
s-par (1), separate
sepeli, -re, -v, sepultum, bury
septem,indecl., seven
September,gen. -bris,adj., belonging to September, of September; September (sc. mnsis), -bris, m., September
septem-decim = septendecim
septnrium, -, n., that which consists of seven = the seven gifts of the Spirit (seeVeni Sancte Spiritus)
septen-decim,indecl., seventeen
septis,adv., seven times