torridus, -a, -um, parched, burnt
torus, -, m., couch, cushion
* tot,indecl., so many
totaliter,adv., totally, completely (ML)
totins,adv., so many times, so often
* ttus, -a, -um (gen. ttus), whole, entire
trabs, trabis,f., a beam of wood
tracttus, -s,m., handling, treatment
tract (1), handle, manage, treat
trditi, -nis,f., a handing over, surrender; a handing down, instruction, tradition
* tr-d, -ere, -did, -ditum, hand over, surrender; hand down, transmit
tr-dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum, lead across, conduct; spend, pass
* trah, -ere, trax, tractum, drag; draw, assume, acquire; influence, cause
tr-ici, -ere, -ic, -iectum, throw across, bring across, transfer
trames, -itis,m., path
tr-n (1), swim across
tranquillits, -ttis,f., quietness, calmness, peace, tranquility
tranquillus, -a, -um, quiet, calm
trns,prep. + acc., across
trnscend, -ere, -scend, -scnsum, climb over, pass over
* trns-o, -re, -i, -itum, go across, pass beyond, transgress, violate; (of time) go by, pass
trns-fer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum, bring across, transfer, transport; translate
trns-fuga, -ae,m., deserter
trnsili, -re, -silu, leap over or across
trnsitrius, -a, -um, having a passage through; passing, transitory (EL)
trns-itus, -s,m., a crossing, passage
trns-me (1), go over or across
trns-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum, send over or across; go over, cross over; intrust
trns-verber, lit. strike through; pierce
trns-versus, -a, -um, transverse, crosswise
Trasumennus, -, m., Lake Trasimeno (Lago di Perugia), where Hannibal defeated Flaminius in 217 B.C.
Trebia, -ae,m., a tributary of the Po River in northern Italy
tre-cent, -ae, -a, three hundred
tredecis,adv., thirteen times
tremebundus, -a, -um, trembling, quivering
trem, -ere, -u, tremble, shudder
tremor, -ris,m., a trembling; earthquake
tremulus, -a, -um, trembling, quivering
trepidti, -nis,f., agitation, alarm, nervousness
trepid (1), be agitated, alarmed, anxious