128. posito: = deposito; Ovid often uses a simple vb. in place of a compound.
130. vitarit: = vitaverit.
gestit: gestire,to desire eagerly, be eager.
131. utque…sic (132): and although…still.
visa…in arbore formam: lit., the shape in the seen tree = the shape of the tree which she saw.
132. incertam: OBJ. COMPL. agreeing with eam understood.
pomi: pomum,fruit.
haeret: haerere,to stick, hesitate, be uncertain.
an: conj., or, whether.
haec sit: sc. arbor.
Thisbe returns to the scene and, finding Pyramus dead, kills herself.
“Pyramus and Thisbe” Jacopo Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) 1650–1660
Arte & Immagini srl/CORBIS.
Ecce metu nondum posito, ne fallat amantem, illa redit iuvenemque oculis animoque requirit, 130 quantaque vitarit narrare pericula gestit. Utque locum et visa cognoscit in arbore formam, sic facit incertam pomi color. Haeret an haec sit. Dum dubitat, tremebunda videt pulsare cruentum membra solum retroque pedem tulit, oraque buxo 135 pallidiora gerens exhorruit aequoris instar, quod tremit exigua cum summum stringitur aura. Sed postquam remorata suos cognovit amores, percutit indignos claro plangore lacertos, et laniata comas amplexaque corpus amatum 140 vulnera supplevit lacrimis fletumque cruori miscuit, et gelidis in vultibus oscula figens, “Pyrame,” clamavit, “quis te mihi casus ademit? Pyrame, responde! tua te carissima Thisbe nominat. Exaudi vultusque attolle iacentes!”
133. tremebunda…membra (134): trembling limbs, subj. of pulsare.
cruentum…solum (134):bloody soil.
134. retro: adv., backward.
134. ora…gerens (135): instead of bearing her features we say with features.
buxo: buxum,box-tree, boxwood.
135. exhorruit: exhorrere, to shudder.
aequoris: aequor,level surface, sea.
instar: indecl. n. noun, image, likeness; + gen., like.
136. exigua: scanty, small, slight.
summum:its surface.
stringitur: stringere,to touch lightly, graze.
aura:air, breeze, wind.
137. remorata: remorari, to linger.
amores: here, as often, lover.
138. percutit: percutere, to strike.
claro: here, loud.
plangore: plangor,striking, blow, lamentation, wailing; the repetition of the long O sound (ASSONANCE) is perhaps onomatopoetic.
lacertos: lacertus,upper arm.
139. laniata: laniare, to tear (at); reflexive pass. with dir. obj.
comas: coma,hair (of the head).
amplexa: amplecti,to embrace.
140. supplevit: supplere, to fill up.
fletum: fletus,weeping.
cruori: misceo may be used with the dat. as here, or with cum.