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Avoiding land during the day, they were somewhere over the Marauder’s Sea later that afternoon when Anders felt Zahara’s connection go completely silent. He might not have noticed, but when she unexpectedly steered at a downward angle, Anders almost slid out of the saddle, having not bothered to bind himself to it with magic after their last stop. Catching himself on one of the saddle handles, Anders shouted into her mind waking her from her state.

What was that about? Anders asked as she corrected her trajectory.

Sorry Anders, I nodded off there. I’m so tired. Ever since we left Mount Orena I’ve not gotten a full night of sleep.

I know, I’m getting complacent and allowing myself to continue blankly as well.

I wish we could stop and sleep for days, Zahara said. Anders felt their connection re-establish itself. He could now sense her longing for a soft patch of grass in the warm sun.

I know, I want the same thing, but we’ve got to continue at least until we are close enough to make a connection with Ivan. They’ll need our help in the coming battle and if something went wrong with their plan, I’d feel responsible.

You’re right; we have too much at stake to stop now, but maybe when we’re closer we can rest for longer than a few hours at a time?

Yes. Once we’re back in the safety of others, we’ll be able to catch up on our sleep, but for now, we must continue.

Zahara and Anders pressed on through the night and edged closer to their counterparts sailing south along the coast. Anders found himself worrying more about his cousins, Britt, Max and Bo back in Grandwood. He knew something wasn’t right after his conversation with the Rolloan girl. He’d had days to think it over, but couldn’t act due to his responsibilities to the elves and trying to stop Merglan’s progress. The more he dwelled on it, the more frustrated he became. He had too much time on his hands during the long flight, enough time to start second-guessing his duties. He knew if he abandoned Ivan, Nadir and Natalia now and found his cousins living comfortably at their farmhouse near Grandwood, Ivan and the elves would never let him live it down if they survived. Anders and Zahara were the last hope at stopping the deadly sorcerer and his dragon from taking over Kartania.

Forcing himself to forget his worries for Thomas, Kirsten and the others, for the time being, Anders found his mind returning to Maija. Her beautiful amber hair and brown eyes. The way she smiled when Anders looked at her. The softness of her lips and the touch of her hand. He longed for her and for their lives to return to the ease of when they first met. Just imagining spending time together lulled Anders into a dreamlike state once more. This time, though, it wasn’t Zahara’s tilting that woke him. A sudden surge of energy passed through his body sending a tingling sensation from the tips of his fingers up, straight through to his heart. He lost his breath for a moment and thought he might collapse. Zahara seemed to feel it, too, because Anders felt panic flash through her mind, but quickly leave her once she realized she was okay.

Zahara are you okay?

I think so. Are you?

I thought for a moment I was being attacked. Did you feel that, too?

Yes, the tingling that ran from my limbs to my core, I felt it the same as you.

What do you think that was?

I’m not sure. It could have been the edge of an airmine that we set off. I had a similar sensation when we hit the last one over the Eastland Mountains.

Anders recalled when he’d been thrown from her back. He couldn’t remember feeling the tingling sensation, only the emptiness of sky beneath his body and falling endlessly while he watched the air around him rush past, waiting for the ground to catch up with him.

I can’t remember feeling that the last time, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Merglan anticipated we’d come this way from the Everlight Kingdom and planted several along the coast.

That sounds like something he’d do; that’s a cheap trick, Zahara cursed, anger rising within her.

We’d better fly farther off the coast, just in case he’s left more as a trap.

Zahara tilted, carrying them away from the coast and out over the open sea. Though they struggled to stay awake, Anders and Zahara flew through the night without a problem. From their height, Anders could see the sliver of light beginning to creep up beyond the horizon. He knew daylight would be coming soon and they were coming closer to areas where orcs might be making their way down to the Goblin’s Grove. Just as he began to scan the space below for any sign of enemies, Anders thought he felt a familiar presence. He wasn’t sure because it vanished when he recognized it. He was terribly tired but decided to investigate, telling Zahara to double back and pass over the area again. As they did, Anders focused his energy more specifically to pinpoint the sensation he thought he’d felt. Combing the waters below with nothing but rolling waves, he felt it – the hardened and callused mind of his mentor and traveling companion, Ivan. As soon as Ivan noticed another sorcerer’s mind discover him, Anders felt his walls shoot up, blocking him from all communication.

Realizing what he’d done, Anders and Zahara quickly sent feelers out to contact Natalia or Nadir. Luckily Nadir’s mind didn’t react as quickly as the riders’ so Anders could send him a message before Nadir shut him out completely. Once Nadir relayed the message to Ivan and Natalia, they opened their minds to communication again.

Anders, Zahara, I’m surprised to see you have returned sooner than expected, Ivan said speaking in both their minds.

We’ve been flying straight through each night and stopping to rest for only a few hours each day. We’re over-worked and desperately need rest. My wings are getting stiff and I can hardly keep my eyes open any longer, Zahara said, her voice weary.

I’ve been there before. I know exactly what that feels like myself. Unfortunately, it’s too risky for you two to stop inland now and I doubt you’d fit on our boats. Now that we’ve joined forces with the dwarfs, the elven ships are packed to the brim with warriors.

Why can’t we stop and rest on shore for a day and catch up with you later? Anders asked. It wouldn’t take us more than half a day make up the difference.

I’ve sent a messenger bird ahead to the Lumbapi people informing them of our plan. I received word back. They told us that Merglan has been moving orc forces from the Goblin’s Grove over to Southland over the past several days. From there the orcs have been marching toward Kingston. I’m confident Merglan’s mind is focused on this task and doesn’t know of our planned attack. If we want to keep it that way, we can’t risk you two being found out by a group of orcs passing through to Goblin’s Grove. We’ve intentionally made sure our ships are sailing well out of eyesight from the Eastland coastline, but we’ll soon be close enough to the narrows between Eastland and Southland where we could be spotted. We plan to pass through the narrows at night and dock near the Drakeshead to join the guerilla forces of the Lumbapi people.

Anders felt a wave of paranoia and stress wash over him. Zahara shared these feelings knowing neither of them had much strength left. He spoke only to Zahara saying, I don’t think I’ll be able to go much longer without rest and if we encounter foes along the way to the Drakeshead, we’ll need to fight. I’m not alert enough to be of any use.

I will crash into the water if we continue for much longer.

Anders voiced his frustrations with Ivan, We can’t continue that far without rest.

The silence between them grew as Anders waited for Ivan’s reply. It didn’t come.

What if we try to draw on some of the energy in Keanu’s sword? Anders asked, recalling how Ivan had told him the crystals could be used to store energy.

Anders could feel Ivan’s rage beginning to build, I expressly told you not to experiment with the crystal. We don’t understand what it could do to you.

But you yourself have mentioned several times that we know it can be used to store energy and that energy can be summoned upon when needed. I’m not suggesting we attempt to use the crystal to cast a spell, I’m suggesting Zahara and I withdraw a small amount of its energy to keep us awake until it’s safe to land, Anders pleaded.

I don’t know. It’s not a good idea. What if it alerts Merglan to our presence? Ivan said cautiously.

Zahara just told me she’s going to crash into the sea if she has to continue. We could risk resting on shore, but as you said, we will most likely be found out if we do that, Anders said.

Ivan groaned in his thoughts, I guess you make a valid argument. Okay, you can attempt to draw on a small amount of energy from the crystal, but Anders, he paused and waited for Anders’ reply.

Yes, Anders said after several long breaths of mental silence.

Don’t let the power consume you. You must break the connection almost instantly once you draw on the energy. I don’t know what will happen if you don’t break the link.

Okay, I won’t get carried away, Anders said dismissively.

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