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The sound of rushing arrows suddenly arose as Zahara’s tucked body came screaming down closer to the ground. Several arrows flew past Anders’ exposed upper half, others deflecting off Zahara’s scales before he reacted. Speaking the words and quickly summoning a shroud of energy, Anders created a thin shield covering the two of them from the small projectiles. Once he’d done this, the wooden shafts clanked and twanged as they bounced off the energy spacer between his dragon and their deadly paths.

Seeing Anders’ momentary focus on the arrows, Lageena seized the opportunity to hurl a ball of the crystal’s energy at them. Anders didn’t have time to react and would have become consumed by the energy’s trajectory, but Zahara moved for him. She quickly dodged the speeding light as it sparked along the outer edge of the shield Anders’ had created.

Although they’d managed to dodge the attack, Zahara’s track on Lageena had been compromised. She couldn’t complete their charge; they’d have to circle back before making another attempt. Anders held onto the energy. Though it strained him physically, the arrows continued to bounce off them until they’d climbed back out of range.

Anders panted, short of breath from holding such a significant barrier for so long. Well, that didn't work as well the second time around, he said between breaths.

No, some of those arrows cut my wings before you could begin blocking them, Zahara winced.

We’ll need to think of something else if we want to get close enough to attack her without the orcs shooting at us.

I might have an idea, Zahara said and she soared above the canyon walls and westward away from the town.

What are you doing? Lageena’s back there, Anders said pointing behind them with his sword.

I know, I have a plan.

Anders trusted her as she flew them out of sight of the battle. Turning around, she dropped back down into the canyon, flying low, just above the ground. She rushed back toward the western edge of Ryedale, banking down into the trough of the riverbank. Anders leaned forward as they flew just inches over the wide river using the riverbanks to conceal their attack. Anders prepared to fire a spell that Ivan had taught them using a large blade of energy extending from his sword, hopefully, he’d be able to sweep it at Lageena when Zahara flew up out of the riverbed.

Once beyond the town’s eastern edge, Zahara waited for two short breaths before initiating the assault. Anders heard only the whooshing of her wings catching air as she bolted up from the river. His arm was raised and pointed at where he imagined the former queen would be. As soon as she came into view, Anders shouted, swinging Lazuran down at the elf, not taking great aim before the blue light extended from his sword.

He watched Lageena’s horse rear at Zahara’s sudden approach behind them. The slash of energy exploded as it struck the ground next to Lageena. The splash of energy knocked her off her horse and she fell to the ground. Zahara quickly turned and buzzed over the orcs lining the road around the elf. She ripped into them with her claws as she flew just over their heads. The sharp eyes of the enemy archers hadn’t seen her coming. No arrows were fired until they’d already passed.

Zahara climbed through the air back to the height of the canyon rim. Anders watched the last of the dwarfs rush over the top to town. He let out a sigh of relief. Their plan to create a distraction had worked. The dwarfs would make it back to the right side of the fighting, but for how long Anders didn’t know. The orc army greatly outnumbered theirs. Since their plan to pinch them into town had failed, they would soon be forced to retreat to higher ground and hope the orcs didn’t pursue.

I think I got her that time, Anders said excited but feeling fatigued from having used more magic.

Your aim was off, but the blast was effective. I saw her fall to the ground, but I’m not sure she’ll stay down. We’ll need to get another shot at her if we want to make sure, Zahara said turning to fly over town again.

Anders looked toward Lageena’s last location. She was already back on her feet, holding the lead rope of her horse, trying to keep him from rearing with fright. While he spotted their target, Anders became aware of a line of elves and humans making a push through the orcs toward the river. Bright flashes and crashing led their charge.

Zahara, I think Ivan and Natalia are making a push to get at Lageena. We can help them.

Zahara saw the bright flashes snapping in quick succession as a pod of elves hacked their way deeper through the eastern reaches of town.

You’ll need to distract Lageena while I help them push from the ground, Anders said. He could sense Zahara’s confusion, so before she could reply, he explained, Each time we get close enough to attack, the orc archers force us to veer away because I’m exposed. The shield works, but it drains my energy more and more each time. Their arrows can’t penetrate your thick scales. You can continue the assault on her while I help the others advance toward her. It’s our best strategy.

Zahara flew low into the city, tilting her body so Anders could jump off and join the fighting on the ground. As she did, she said, Don’t make me regret this.

As Anders unleashed himself from the saddle, he replied, Keep Lageena distracted until we’re close, then join us on the ground. He slid down the length of her wing as she arced around a set of two-story wooden homes. Anders landed feet first on the ground, cushioning himself with a surge of energy as he rushed toward the advancing group of elves.

Zahara straightened herself and climbed, spotting Lageena as she searched frantically to locate the dragon. Clearly, the sneak attack from the riverbed caught her off guard; her jerking movements led Zahara to believe that they had her frightened. She flapped her wings to gain speed, then dove directly at Lageena, hoping she could keep the evil elf woman distracted long enough for Anders to help the others break through to her.

Arrows snapped as they struck her in the breast, several of them cutting into her broad wings. She fought through the pain, focusing on her task. The traitor queen was the first to act, sending a flash of light toward Zahara. With her heightened awareness, Zahara easily swerved around the attempt at her life and barreled directly at the elf. With Anders off of her back, she didn't fear the arrows would hurt him. This meant that she could fly in close. She released a deafening roar and lashed out with her talons as she cupped out of her dive. The traitor queen spurred her horse and the creature carried her out of the way, Zahara finding her claws clutching at nothingness. Zahara kept her eyes on Lageena as she turned, keenly aware of her long tail. A blue light sparked in Lageena’s hand, but before she could release the magic, Zahara flicked her tail. The motion strained her body and she momentarily had to retract her wings to avoid hurting herself with the unnatural pull. Her tail crashed into the elf’s horse, sending it toppling to the side as Lageena again fell from her mount.

Zahara spread her wings, catching herself just before touching the ground, orcs climbing over one another to flee the area where it looked as though she might crash. She pushed down with her legs, the force crunching orcs under her weight as she kicked herself back into the air. She shrieked as spears and arrows cut into the folds of her wings. Powering through the pain, Zahara flapped furiously, climbing out of range of the orc archers. She arched her head to locate the traitor queen, a smoldering crater of orc bodies left in the place where she’d sent Lageena tumbling from her horse.

Chapter 43


Anders drew on the stores of energy within his body and tried something he’d never done before. As he fell from Zahara’s wing, he separated a fragment of the summoned energy and sent the sliver rippling down through his legs. The energy acted as a buffer, and though it may have looked as though he’d crashed onto the ground from a great height, Anders landed softly, the energy slowing his momentum at the last moment before his feet touched the ground. He grinned and sprinted to catch up to the elves slashing their way through the orcs with renewed effort.

Flashes of blue light sparked as Anders’ companions fought their way deeper into the cluster of orcs. Anders knew his skills would best be used to aid in leading the charge, but a moving wall of bodies blocked his path. Searching for a break in the thicket of orcs surrounding the group, Anders realized he might have to cut his way through the orcs to reach the front line of his group’s charge, a nearly impossible task. As he closed in on the elves, Anders had an idea. Using the same principles as when he landed, Anders sent another burst of energy down one leg, while simultaneously pushing off of that leg with force. To his surprise and relief, he launched into the air and flew. Elves glanced up at him, taken by surprise as he sailed over their heads and came crashing down in a pile of orcs just beyond the main front in the urban battle.

The orcs hadn’t seen the sudden attack coming when Anders landed, quickly gaining his footing. Sweeping Lazuran in three long strokes, the sharpened blade cleared an area that would enable him to fight more strategically. Landing in front of the others had not been his goal, but this way he would only have to cut through several lines of orcs before his companions could reach him. Many of the orcs battling along the front line hadn’t seen him as he flew over their heads, which gave him the opening to quickly slash his way toward his friends. He moved with purpose, knowing the orcs behind him would soon be nipping at his heels with their thick blades.

While he used Lazuran to clear a path through lines of unsuspecting orcs, a series of blinding lights flashed and Anders instinctively shielded his eyes. The light momentarily stunned the orcs around him, allowing several figures to rush into the space he’d cleared. As Anders lowered his forearm, he found Natalia heaving her blade into two orcs at once, cutting down several more with swift motions as she came to his side. The other figure moved with the grace and skill of a seasoned soldier, but Anders didn’t recognize the slender form. As the spear spun, dancing elegantly within its wielder’s hands, Anders suddenly knew the figure to be Inama, the Lumbapi princess. She spun and flicked, killing orcs with ease as she advanced past Anders; Ivan, Nadir and Solomon followed. Ivan used his broadsword blocking and attacking with skill alongside Nadir, his elf companion who mirrored his movements. Anders became momentarily stunned when he saw Solomon burst through, wielding only a shield and defending himself from orc blades.

Inspired, Anders spun Lazuran with a quick rotation of his wrist and joined his comrades as they led the charge, cutting through chaos and advancing toward Lageena. Moving as a cohesive unit, those in front broke through the orc ranks. The elves supporting their charge cleaned up any left standing as they passed through. They had no need for communication; each individual seemed to understand how to continue the group’s momentum. Even Ivan was silent aloud and telepathically. All were focused intently on their tasks, working toward their shared goal. They had to kill the elf queen-turned-traitor. They had to kill Lageena here and now.

Anders fought with speed and skill, blocking and dodging blows meant to end his life. He didn’t think about manipulating Lazuran with his hand, he just felt the blade. The sword seemed to have a power of its own, leading him through the movements instead of him leading the blade. An awareness consumed him, one that brought clarity to his movements. He could see his moves three or four ahead of his actions. Lazuran guided his hand to swiftly kill the orcs in front of him. He quickly passed the others, clearing a path through the orcs, multiple sword lengths wide and gaining distance ahead of his fellow soldiers. Several more flashes of blinding light brought Anders back to reality. He slowed his pace, letting the others catch up. He glanced up and saw Zahara screaming down toward the ground, enemy arrows deflecting off her scales as she dove. Based on her trajectory, they were getting closer, pushing past the eastern edge of Ryedale and out into the broader valley.

Anders glanced over his shoulder to see the shingled rooftops rising from the sea of orcs. Suddenly, he grasped the gravity of his actions. In advancing the group of elves so rapidly, they’d become an island within the vast expanse of enemy fighters. Anders understood. This was how they would have to end the war. They would have to cut off Merglan’s influence by eliminating his powerful supporters, such as Lageena. They had to stop her or die trying.

His companions caught up, Inama and Nadir killing with skillful precision. Natalia and Ivan, appearing physically stressed, but continued to use what energy they could summon to attack the orcs while advancing with their blades. Solomon somehow forced his way through a sea of orcs using only a shield and magic to aid him.

How is he doing that? Anders wondered as he raised Lazuran to block an orc sword. The old man moved with the speed and strength of the elves, yet he was ancient. Anders couldn't see or sense a dragon near him and he didn’t have a crystal in his possession as Lageena did, as far as Anders could tell.

Zahara released a deafening roar, the sound booming throughout the canyon. Anders’ heart nearly stopped as he feared the worst. He fought with renewed vigor when he caught sight of his dragon pulling out of her dive. He let Lazuran take control once more and danced a deadly step as his blade killed more orcs. As the gap between their group and Lageena narrowed, Anders sensed the intensity within their group increase. Though she’d seemed untouchable when they started their push through Ryedale, their chance to take Lageena was rapidly approaching.

Suddenly Zahara tucked her wings and dropped in a sideways jerking motion. Anger welled in Anders at the possibility that Zahara had truly been hurt. He frantically hacked and stabbed out into the thicket of orcs. A bright light flashed among the muddled orc heads before him and for an instant he thought he could hear a voice, calling to him from inside Lazuran’s hilt. Before Anders could react, an explosion of light and energy erupted near Zahara’s most recent location. The orcs in front of him were lifted off the ground and thrust toward him. They slammed into Anders, driving him through the open space at his back, hitting him hard and leaving him dazed.

Anders groaned under the crushing weight of several orcs, trying hard to breathe. He struggled to move but couldn't force the hefty creatures off. He began to panic, his rapid breaths leaving him light-headed. In an act of desperation, he summoned his magic and sent pulses out of his body in every direction. The bodies of the orcs bounced in response to the energy and rolled to the sides. Before more could slide over on top of him, Anders scrambled to his feet and leapt up, orc bodies rolling back into the space where he'd been knocked down. Landing lightly on top of them, Anders felt lucky that he hadn’t lost his grip on Lazuran. He spun, ready to defend himself.

To his surprise, he found he was standing alone near the center of a smoldering crater. All of the orcs around him lay flattened, forming a burning layer uniformly covering the sunken half sphere in the ground. The center of the depression, not far from where he stood, was near where he’d last seen Lageena. Feeling a throbbing ache from the impact, Anders searched the area around him. Ivan and Natalia had been close by when the explosion occurred, but he stood alone among the wreckage.

Starting in the area where he’d last seen them, Anders pulled at the bodies of lifeless orcs. Suddenly he saw movement. An orc rolled onto its side and Ivan emerged. Rushing to his side, Anders helped Ivan climb out from under the pile of dead bodies.

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