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between series dragons Dragon world creatures magic books Walker fantasy mentors fierce humans warriors cunning adversaries mystical characters explores themes

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“We might’ve been late to learn what the riders had told the humans, but what’s done is done. What we do next is what matters,” Nadir said. He motioned for them to continue toward the warriors gathered near the city. 

Natalia fell in with the front again. After being healed in Eastland, her legs weren’t as fast as they’d once been. She struggled to keep up with the sprinting pace Nadir had set for the Elf Army after she reached their camp at dawn. Now that there appeared to be time before the fighting began, Nadir slowed to a jog so Natalia could easily keep up.  

Drawing closer to the humans, Natalia was surprised to see them in battle formation. She heard someone shout in Rolloan. Shortly after that the front lines formed a shield wall and lowered their spears. What are they doing? Natalia wondered. Don’t they know we’re here to help them?   

Nadir held up his hand to slow their group. The elves slowed to a walk and stopped fifty yards from the threatening group of warriors. Natalia looked to him with concern. The small army of elves did not show aggression toward them and kept their swords sheathed.  

In a voice loud enough so that he could be heard from across the gap, the Elf King called out to the Rollo Island warriors. “Friends!” he shouted. “There is no need to defend yourselves; we are here to help you! Have you made contact with those in the city?” 

Natalia stood in silence with the others, waiting for a response. For a tense moment, no one replied. Finally, when Nadir was about to try to make contact again, a gap formed in the shield wall. A broad-shouldered man with black hair and a heavy beard emerged. Battle armor covered his tattooed skin. Natalia recognized him as the confrontational one in their meeting: Red, the Chief who’d lost control of his nation. 

“Where’s the other one?” Natalia asked Nadir. 

“What other one?” 

“Anders’ friend, Britt. I thought she was in command?” 

“Red banished her with Anders in Grandwood. Not surprising that once Red got away from our support, he’s done this again,” Nadir said. 

“Or had them executed,” Natalia said.  

“He did want her out of the picture,” Nadir said. “It was plain to see at the meeting in Brookside.” 

“But Max was with her. He wouldn’t let that happen without a fight and her ship had two crystal bearers on board.” 

Nadir shrugged. “I’ll make sure to ask him about it,” he said as he walked slowly toward Red, who stood defiantly out in front of the shield wall with his feet spread wide.  

Natalia stood at the ready with the other elves. If Red tried to harm Nadir, they would be there before Red could close the gap. 

Nadir stopped halfway between the elves and the Rollo Islanders and called out to Red, “I thought our people had an agreement? No more violence.” 

Red turned his head to the side and spat. Folding his arms across his chest, he replied, “And how do we know that the elf scum haven't betrayed us? Where are the others, eh? I think that you elves are planning to take control once again. You are in bed with the enemy and have come to try to push us out of the way so the dark sorcerer can take over.” 

He’s insane, Natalia thought, seeing that Red truly believed what he was saying. 

“My people were attacked,” Nadir called back. “We have suffered massive casualties at the hands of Merglan and his followers. The elves do not support anything that Merglan stands for. Haven’t we shown enough support to the point where we can trust one another? We are fighting a common enemy here. What of our collaboration in Eastland and the show of support in Southland?” 

“My father was a fool to trust you in Eastland!” Red bellowed. “You elves gave us your word that you would be there before the attack came, yet where were you? It was only when your beloved dragon was in trouble that you came to rescue her.” 

Natalia couldn’t hold back any longer. She shouted as she came to Nadir’s side, “The elves were under attack the same as you! I lost my better half that day and I'll be damned if you're stupid enough to think that we were just sitting back and watching from afar!” 

Red shouted in anger, “My subordinates would never talk back like that; keep her in line, elf!” 

Before Natalia could retaliate, Nadir yelled, “We have shown nothing but good faith and support in bringing our people together! My race has shed far more blood and suffered greater losses than any other in Kartania! There is a war on and you stand there accusing us of betrayal. I would take a good look around you and see who’s still beside you when the enemy is here.”  

“You place the blame on us!? We did not ask to be in this war; your dragonrider had to beg us! If it weren’t for our help in the Ramhorn, you wouldn't even be here! I am here to save the human race. We have no interest in helping the elves.” 

“I was there, Red!” Natalia shouted. “I was at the Ramhorn and fought hard for your people. But where were you!? You were at home in your longhouse, pouting because your Navy had sailed against your commands to stay home. I don’t think you speak for them anymore.” 

“I said enough!” Red shouted. “I am sick and tired of these damn elves trying to manipulate us humans. This ends now!” 

Natalia fumed as she watched Red push his way back behind the shield wall. She heard him call his warriors to draw their swords. Steel collectively rang as it was drawn out of three thousand sheaths. A second command was given and the warriors began to advance. The shield wall remained a blockade as the Island warriors stepped steadily forward.  

Natalia looked back to see the elves pulling out their weapons, ready to protect their king. Nadir called for them to stay put. He turned his focus back on the humans again and shouted, “We will not fight you! You are not our enemy!” 

The elves remained where they were, but Nadir’s words fell on deaf ears with the Rollo Island warriors. The shield wall continued slowly toward them. Natalia pulled her sword from her belt and gave Nadir a stern look. 

“Natalia, we can’t give in to Red’s pressure. We will not attack,” Nadir said. 

“You heard what he said. They hate us,” Natalia spat. “I could kill that self-righteous goon right now,” Natalia said, clutching the pouch of crystals tied to her sword belt. 

“No,” Nadir commanded. “That would only cause more conflict between us.” 

“What do you suggest we do then? Run away?” 

Nadir nodded, “If we must. We can stay just out of reach. We can’t let this distract us from our goal.” 

The Islanders were just twenty yards away and Nadir had just started to motion for the elves to back up when Natalia heard shouting. At first the shouts were muted by the marching of the warriors, but soon the shouts became clear. They were calling the warriors to stop. Natalia stood with the rest of the elves in surprise as the three thousand warriors stopped.  

Britt and Max ran into the gap between them. Despite Red’s command for them to continue, the warriors stood still and most lowered their shields. 

Natalia could see that Red was furiously trying to get the men around him to hold the shield wall. The slurs were in native Rolloan so Natalia could only assume what he was saying to them. Some of the warriors returned to their stance but none continued marching.  

“What are you doing?” Britt called at the warriors. “The elves are our allies. We have bigger problems than whatever this is!” 

Red pushed his way past the front line again and walked toward Britt and Max. He gripped his axe so tightly his knuckles were white. Natalia thought he might attack Britt, but he stopped before meeting her and said something in their native language.  

Britt replied in Landish, “And now they are our friends, our allies! We need to work together. There are demons inside the city and you want to use our people to settle a personal issue you have with the elves?” 

“It’s more than personal. These elves betrayed us in Eastland and welcomed the evil sorcerer right into their capital city. I won’t allow their betrayals go without punishment,” Red said. 

“You are too blinded by selfishness to see that they have suffered more than any of us. If you hadn't abandoned me in Westland, our people would have answered Anders’ call to action. Many of you did!” she shouted, addressing the people behind Red. “And they did it behind your back.” Britt formed her hands around her mouth and shouted at the warriors, “Demons in the Horse Lord’s city have chased everyone out and killed six of our own. Four more are badly wounded. Red has led you away from our only escape route. Our ships offer our best chance of survival if we’re overrun. As a Captain among us, I urge you to return to the ships. Now is not the time for us to settle our differences. Now is the time to join together and hold our ground until the allied armies arrive!” 

“Lies!” Red shouted. “She is lying to you. Our fight is here with the elves.”  

Natalia stepped forward, put her sword back into her sheath, and said to the Rollo forces, “Britt is telling the truth. I was with our dragonriders yesterday when they came to wait for your arrival. Fairnheir and an enemy dragonrider were attacking the city. Because I am capable of speed, I ran to gather more forces while my sister and Anders stayed behind. Whatever happened after I left in part worked; they drove the enemies away and left the city for us to secure. Though some monsters may remain, the orc and kurr armies are not here yet. I do not see any dragons in the skies. We have been given the opportunity to hold the city until our reinforcements come.” 

“The dwarfs and humans are far behind you,” Red called back. 

“We left camp this morning. They will reach the city by nightfall. If we can hold on until then, we could win this fight,” Nadir shouted, putting weight behind Natalia’s story. 

“Trust what we are telling you,” Britt said urgently. “Trust me. Don’t let the current Chief’s personal differences weaken our chances. Together we’ll be stronger. Believe me that I will always hold our people’s future before my own.” 

“Are you challenging me?” Red asked, stepping forward to come toe-to-toe with Britt. 

Britt returned his cold stare. Max stepped forward to place his hand on Britt’s, “Right now is not the time.” 

 Natalia held her breath as she awaited Britt’s response. After a tense couple of seconds, Britt said, “No, Max, now is the time. The clan leaders chose the wrong leader when they selected him over me. The Rollo Islanders have been led under a fool for too long.” She stepped to the side and shouted loud enough for all to hear, “I challenge you, Red! As a Captain, I have the right. You are not fit to lead our people, but I am.”  

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