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between series dragons Dragon world creatures magic books Walker fantasy mentors fierce humans warriors cunning adversaries mystical characters explores themes

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“I’ll go get Thomas,” Kirsten said and left them.  

“Are you okay?” Britt asked Max. 

“I will be,” he said. 

“That was the most serious thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Britt said. 

“What about when I told you that I loved you?” Max said, smiling for the first time in days.  

“I guess you were pretty serious then,” Britt said hugging him.  

When Red’s funeral ceremony was over, Britt stood on the muddy riverbank with Max, Kirsten, Anders and Maija. Thomas sat on top of Zahara while Raffa observed from her side. The small shuttle boat carrying Red’s body burned in the distance. Now nothing remained in Britt’s way to stop her from being the next Chief of the Rollo Islands.  

Britt felt Max’s arm wrap around her shoulder as he said, “Here’s a last farewell to a stubborn thorn in our side from the day I met him. Even though he was bull headed, Red helped fight for the good things in this world. In the end, he did what was right for his people and saved the person who was best fit to lead them into a time of rebuilding, peace and prosperity.”  

 Britt turned around to face the crowd of people who stood on the bank to watch the Rollo Island leader’s final fire.  

Anders stepped alongside her and called out to the Rollo Islanders. “Who is best suited to lead you now. Who was the one who fought for you and is best for your people’s future?!” he paused. In the silence that followed Britt heard members of her crew start to chant, “Britt, Britt, Britt.” Soon the entire host of Rollo Warriors was calling her name.  

She saw the heads of all the free nations in Kartania cheering with the crowd. The elf and dwarf leaders, Anders, Maija and Hannah of the Norfolk. Hensal and Helga, the two surviving leaders of Westland’s Revolution, and Inama, of Southland. In that moment Britt knew they had accepted her into their ranks, and she would be the undisputed voice for the Rollo people.  


Anders and Maija sat on their dragons’ backs watching the hosts of each army leading their forces away. The people of Aquina had recently returned to their homes and Kartania’s current leaders had agreed to meet in six months. Anders and Maija realized that their duty to see that the world returned to working order had been fulfilled.  

“Do you think they’ll all show up in Kingston for the summit?” Maija asked.  

“If they don’t, we can fly them there,” Anders said.  

“I think they’ll all keep to their word,” Kirsten said.  

Hannah walked into view with a dragon from one of her dead comrades. She came over to them and said, “Anders, Maija, I will see you both in two weeks?” 

“You can count on it,” Anders said.  

“Good. My people will look forward to assimilating into our ancestral homes,” Hannah said.  

“The people of Grandwood will be glad to have helping hands to rebuild,” Anders said.  

“And afterward, we’ll see to it that a protectorate of riders is established,” Hannah said.  

“And that you are groomed for your seat on the throne,” Anders added. 

Hannah nodded and wished them safe travels. She returned to the mismatched pair of dragons and riders who they’d managed to heal.   

As they flew north to return to their people, Maija asked, “You don’t think you’ll change your mind and decide to remain King?” 

Anders shook his head, “I won’t. Besides, Hannah is better suited for it. I’ll keep my word and abdicate the throne to her in six months.”  

“We have a lot of work to do. Do you think Kirsten will want to keep the position you’ve created for her?” she asked. 

“We’ll see how she does. If she likes it, then she can stay. I can’t think of very many people who would be better suited to be the Warden of Westland. With Hensal and Helga set to govern the local politics and me giving the crown to Hannah, we’ll want a trustworthy person seated in Grandwood while we’re training the new order of riders.”  

Maija nodded and without another thought, flew away from the sight of their army's last stand. They had their work cut out for them in rebuilding each of the nations after Merglan’s destruction.

Chapter 101

The Summit

Anders leaned forward atop Zahara as they soared over Kingston alongside Maija and Raffa. He looked to his side, toward the ocean, and glanced down at the port. Interspersed among the merchant ships, he saw several Rollo Island long ships and five elven ships carrying both the elves and dwarfs.  

Maija’s voice sounded in his mind, Kirsten and Thomas decided against sailing?  

Unless they got a ride on a merchant ship, Anders replied. Before we left Highborn Bay, Kirsten told me they might fly down with some of the new riders. She said something about giving them more practice with long distance flights.  

I wonder if she’ll show up with the Norfolk lad and his green dragon? Maija said. 

The one Thomas says is ruggedly handsome? Anders asked.  

Judging from the way he was eyeing her during our last practice at the new facility in Grandwood, I wouldn’t be surprised if he offered her a ride.  

Maybe she’s ready? You know, to be a little more vulnerable and try to make a friend, Anders said, referring to Kirsten’s sadness after the battle where they lost Bo. What do you think, Tarron? You're being unusually quiet about all this? 

Gregory is the lad’s name, Tarron started.  

Really? I thought it was Roy? Anders said. 

That’s his nickname and what I know about him is strictly from a teacher’s perspective. He will make a fine rider for our order. He and his dragon, Boldari, show more promise than the rest of the half a dozen that came out of the North.  

I wonder how Natalia’s trainees are coming along? Anders wondered.  

We should go to Cedarbridge soon. When we last saw my family, I didn’t get to introduce them to Raffa, Zahara chimed in. 

I was so wrapped up in trying to help Nadir get the city back to its original state, I didn’t take the time to even say hello to your family, Anders said apologetically.  

That’s perfectly fine. They were just happy to be returning to a community where nobody was trying to kill them or recruit them for war, Zahara answered and then angled down toward the castle courtyard.  

Flapping a bit, Zahara landed light on her feet in the Kingston Castle courtyard. Anders saw that Hannah and Inama were already waiting for them. Anders and Maija climbed down from their saddles and greeted Hannah and Inama.  

“Anders,” Hannah said, taking his hand in greeting. “I trust you and your bride-to-be had fine skies for your travels to the Kewian Islands?”  

With a nod Anders replied, “We did. Getting to see where Maija was raised was a treat for me.” 

“Are the beaches as nice as they say?” Hannah asked.  

“You wouldn’t believe how white and soft the sands are. You should go sometime. They aren’t far from here,” Anders said. 

“That’s one place I’ve been hearing a lot about lately,” Hannah said, then looked toward Zahara and Raffa. “Perhaps your dragons would like to fill their bellies on deer in the forests while we prepare for the summit?” 

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