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between series dragons Dragon world creatures magic books Walker fantasy mentors fierce humans warriors cunning adversaries mystical characters explores themes

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“And that wasn’t nearly as bad as the elf woman’s dragon,” Anders replied, the words spilling out before he could think fast enough to realize that telling her about the gory scene would possibly sour her unusually cheerful mood. He glanced down at the browned blood stains on his lower body. “Her dragon was cut and wounded badly. Probably a slow death. The elf woman was being crushed under its weight.”

Maija shivered at the thought, “That is awful.”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine what I would do if that happened to Zahara, and I haven’t been bonded with her for that long. The rider’s going to be distraught when she wakes up.”

Maija pointed to a large tent where a group of elves had gathered. She let go of Anders’ arm and pointed to them, saying, “That’s where Ivan and the others took her last night.”

“Okay, thanks,” Anders said and began walking toward the tent. Maija didn’t continue walking with him. He stopped, looking back at her, “Aren’t you coming with me?”

She shifted uncomfortably, “Wouldn’t it be weird if I came?”

“I don’t think so. I’m sure it’s fine, come on,” Anders motioned for her to join him. After a moment’s hesitation, she relented.

As they approached the tent, the group of elves stopped their elvish chatter. One of them turned and bowed, saying, “Many thanks to you, young rider. Natalia has been taking to the healing better than expected. We are grateful for your efforts in returning her safely.”

Anders glanced at Maija and then bowed slightly to the elf, “That’s great to hear, and thank you for the update. It was Zahara’s and my honor to help a fellow rider in need.”

The elf bowed again as did Anders to show his respect. The elf separated from the others and led them into the tent.

Ivan and Nadir were standing next to a cot where the injured elf woman lay. They all looked tired, turning slowly toward the door as Anders and Maija entered. Nadir’s face instantly lit up upon seeing them. Ivan’s facial expression was harder to read, but he looked relieved to see them.

Anders and Maija came to the edge of Natalia’s cot. Looking down at the resting rider, Anders asked, “How’s she doing?”

“The healing was difficult, but the elves did a good job restoring her physical injuries. We have yet to see her awake. I would assume she’ll be distraught over the death of her dragon and fellow rider,” Ivan said.

“It’s possible that Merglan injured her mind as well,” Nadir said. “But based on the physical nature of the attack, it’s likely that she was able to defend against him on that front. If her mental barriers were susceptible, she would have wound up like Keanu.”

Anders peered down at the elf woman. She’d been cleaned up during her treatment in the medical tent and he could now see her features clearly. Her face bore hard lines, strong jaw and bold cheekbones. She was striking in appearance and shared the same color hair as Maija.

As they gazed at the elf woman, Natalia’s body slowly shifted. Anders quickly looked up at Ivan and then to Nadir. She moved again, this time more quickly as though she was becoming restless. Slowly she opened her eyes. To Anders’ surprise, they were bright green.

First, her eyes moved to Ivan and then to Nadir. Next, she shifted her head, her gaze coming to rest on Anders and Maija. When Natalia saw Maija’s face, her expression transformed from slightly confused to shocked.

With her eyes wide and mouth ajar, Natalia tilted her head slightly and said, “Maija?”

Chapter 22

A Hard Truth and a Difficult Goodbye

Maija stood alongside Anders at the injured rider’s bedside, bewildered at the elf’s joy upon seeing her.

How does she know my name? Maija thought to herself, not recognizing anything about the woman who clearly seemed to know her.

“Maija?” Natalia questioned again when Maija failed to show the same level of excitement upon seeing her. “Is it really you?”

Maija furrowed her brow, taken aback by the seeming familiarity with which the elf said her name. She glanced at Anders who responded with a quizzical look similar to her own. “Yes, my name is Maija, but how do you know who I am?”

The elf sat up in bed, wincing as she shuffled her back up against the headrest. “It’s me. Natalia,” she said, placing her hand on her chest.

Maija shot questioning looks at Ivan and Nadir who eyed her curiously in reply. Maija shifted uncomfortably, bringing her hand across her body and gripping her left elbow. She eyed the elf rider warily, shaking her head slightly.

“Don’t you remember me?” the elf asked.

Maija cringed slightly, “I don’t.” Shrugging, she said, “I’m sorry.”

Natalia moved gingerly to the side of the cot. Gritting her teeth and grunting through pain, the elf rider pulled the bedsheets off and swung her legs over the edge of the bedding. Anders moved to help Natalia, but before he could reach her, she held her arm out warding him off.

Anders wondered if the healing had gone as well as they thought.

Once on her feet, she faltered. For a moment, Anders thought she might fall, so he reached out to catch her. Waving him back again, she regained her balance. Natalia turned, using the side of the cot to steady herself as she moved on her recently healed legs. Natalia straightened and looked Maija over before she spoke. “It really is you,” she said quietly. “I’ve been searching everywhere for you, but never knew what they did to you.”

Anders watched Maija’s expression change slightly. She seemed to be grasping for a memory long since forgotten.

Natalia smiled, hoping Maija had suddenly recognized her. Maija furrowed her brow, the memory she’d been searching for vanishing like a puff of smoke.

“Maija, I’m your sister,” Natalia said with a smile.

Maija froze in shock, staring blankly at the elf.

Anders’ eyes widened. He turned to Ivan and Nadir, who both looked at him as if he might have held a clue to this discovery since he’d spent more time with Maija than the rest of them. Anders shrugged, shaking his head to tell them he was just as surprised as they were.

Maija shook her head in disbelief, staggering backward and muttering under her breath, “No, that’s not possible. No.”

“What? What do you mean she’s your sister?” Ivan asked in surprise.

Natalia stepped toward Maija and Anders but stumbled under her weakness. As she fell, Maija instinctively surged forward in a flash, catching Natalia before she toppled to the floor. Anders had been closer to the elf, but Maija reacted before he could. Anders gaped in awe as Maija helped Natalia onto the bed. She smiled as Maija assisted her. Catching her gaze, Maija quickly shuffled away, affirming the awkwardness she felt toward Natalia’s claims.

“Natalia, you should be resting. The healing process hasn’t run its course,” Nadir said coming swiftly to the bedside.

Natalia waved him aside saying, “I’ll be fine.”

Ivan interjected. “Please explain to us how you two could be sisters,” he said glancing to Maija as she slid behind Anders, hiding somewhat from Natalia’s view. “Maija doesn’t even recognize you,” Ivan said motioning toward the girl.

“That I can’t explain, albeit we were separated at a young age. It’s not likely, though, that Maija forgot for lack of being aware,” Natalia paused, eyeing Ivan and Nadir curiously. She continued, “Is it possible someone tampered with her mind just after the separation?”

“Like a memory swipe?” Anders asked. “I didn’t know that was possible.”

“It can be done, but it’s not something just anyone who possesses magic can accomplish. The mind is complicated, making it difficult to alter permanently with magic.” Ivan said. “I don’t know anyone living other than Merglan who could perform such a powerful spell.”

Maija tapped Anders on the shoulder as they spoke.

Anders turned to address her, “What is it?” he asked, causing Ivan and Natalia to take notice.

“Oh, this is embarrassing,” she whispered to Anders. Stepping out from behind him, Maija said loud enough for all of them to hear, “I can’t really remember anything from my childhood.”

Anders’ eyes widened as the words registered with him, “Really?” he blurted out. Seeing the disapproving look she gave him, he fumbled to recover, “I mean, that’s got to be hard. How far back does your memory go?”

Maija blushed, shying away from him slightly, “The first thing I can remember is the day I woke up in a bedroom that somehow felt foreign to me. I knew it wasn’t mine, but the place looked lived in. Two older people lived in the house. They told me I was their granddaughter. I knew my name and who I was, but nothing about where I’d been or anything that had happened to me before that day. They told me I’d been in an accident that killed my parents and my memory was damaged.”

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