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& failures, get new assignments, and decide upon new short & long term goals. In 1927, the Mishpucka worked with Mafia to highjack a bootleg shipment of whiskey travelling from Ireland to Boston for the Kennedy Illuminati family. Most of Kennedy’s guards were killed in the shootout, and J.P. Kennedy had the widows of the guards besieging him for financial assistance. Billy Graham’s good friend Mafia Chief Joseph Bonanno was one of the chiefs who attended the yearly conclaves.

He also met with J.F. Kennedy in the Winter of 1959. John Kennedy was known to have said that mobster Sam Giancana worked for his Kennedy family. The mob/Illuminati alliances and infighting are too complex to deal with in this book, but both groups had to put plans into action to deal with the repeal of Prohibition, which would end their lucrative bootlegging. The short term plan for the Mafia was to control the film industry in Hollywood, and to penetrate the unions better. The long term plans called for sending their next few generations of children off to the top schools and getting them into legitimate respectable corporate positions. By learning the ins and outs of honest, legal operations, they could then mix in the illegal operations with their legal ones & look legal. They planned to extend their power base into politics, the Harvard-Stanford business schools, as well as the finest corporate board rooms. They intended (and have succeeded) in getting some of their offspring to produce/direct T.V./films. They would have an increasing presence within the Bohemian Grove membership, as well as some of the other great social & business clubs. Their plan to take over the film industry hinged on their union control over unions and theaters. The Chicago mob controlled the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Union. The mob controlled the projectionist’s union, and if the film makers had the theaters where their movies were shown shut down, what good would it be to make movies? The film makers and the mafia both had power & money. Rather than fight a protracted war, they made a deal. The major studios would give about $50,000 a year to the mafia, and the small ones $25,000, to be allowed to function. Other agreements were also reached. Mob henchmen Willie Bioff and George E. Browne were mob lieutenants who orchestrated the mob’s "Hollywood takeover".

Time Magazine, Nov. 1, 1943, wrote, "In the witness chair in Manhattan’s Federal Court sat bland, wily Willie Bioft (pronounced Buy-off), blackmailer, panderer, labor leader, and now star witness against eight ex-pals, who are charged with shaking down $1 million from the movie industry...Question: Was it true that Bioft once had a five-year plan for taking over 20% of Hollywood’s profits-and eventually 50% interest In the studios themselves? Bioff (wistfully): "If we’d lasted that long, we would have. Question: "Did you ever say you were boss of Hollywood and 39

could make producers do whatever you wanted?" Bioff: "Yes-and I could make them dance to my tune." Although Bioff rolled over on his pals and ended up getting car bombed, that didn’t stop the mob/Mishpucka infiltration & control of Hollywood. (Bioff had tried to save his public image by helping Walt Disney settle his labor dispute with the mob-led unions, but Walt wisely relected his offer of help, and made sure he didn’t offend the Chicago mob leaders who were disgruntled with Bioff.) Hundreds of millions of dollars were poured by the Mafia & Mishpucka into real estate in southern California, by using legitimate local businessmen to launder the money. Hollywood was declared a "free zone" where all the Mafia/Mishpucka families could operate without a fear of a turf war. Let us backtrack slightly to 1930. Columbia distributed Disney cartoons from 1930 until 1932, when Disney switched to United Artists, because Columbia wasn’t bothering to pay Disney the money they owed. In 1930, Cohn, Pres. of Columbia Pictures, got Disney off the financial hook with Powers by intimidating Powers with some street toughs carrying a legal suit. If Disney wasn’t indebted to the mafia before, he was at that point. Biographers have been puzzled why Disney went into such a traumatic depression after Henry Cohn "helped" him. Tough guy Henry Cohn made sure Walt knew who was boss. His attitude was that Walt should be happy to be paid at all by him for the cartoons Walt supplied Columbia. After this, Walt would lock himself in his room and weep uncontrollably for hours. He was impossible for anyone to get along with. He was unable to focus on anything, and would stare for long periods out the window. Biographers blame Walt’s behavior on the fact that his wife was pregnant. They also blame it on his friend Iwerks defection to another company.

Frankly, Walt had treated Iwerk like a dog, and deep down must have known why Iwerk left such an abusive relationship. To claim that he wept for hours day after day because he realized he might become a father is too much to swallow. When Walt was asked years later about why he was so depressed he said it was the stress of the financial situation. Walt said, ,,I had a nervous breakdown.

..Costs were going up; each new picture we finished cost more to make than we had figured it would earn when we first began to plan it...I cracked up." This author submits to the reader that part of his breakdown may have indeed been the financial stress from having come under the heel of the mafia.

They had all the means to make or break him, and he had no choice but to surrender to their overwhelming power to blackmail & destroy him OR to get out of the business. What this did was place Walt in a position where his two strongest traits had to clash--his overwhelming obsession to be his own boss, and his creative obsession to create animation which was wrapped up with his ego & his deep phobias and psychological needs. His mind couldn’t give up its independence nor its creativity without great mental anguish, and therefore Walt was very saddened, knowing that he would have to admit defeat, and buckle under the heels of the big boys. Just when he needed emotional support his wife was going to have a child, and his best animator left. Walt had abandoned Iwerks years before, and Walt’s wife had wanted a child for some time. Iwerk’s departure and his arriving child do not in themselves account for the long intense nervous breakdown that Walt experienced. Biographers point out that Walt was very reluctant to have children, and that he was impotent with women including his wife much of the time. His impotency to carry out normal sex may help explain his secret sexual habits. Walt’s masonic brother Carl Laemmle offered Walt a good deal to help him recover from Henry Cohn’s abusive control of Walt, but Carl wanted the copyright to Mickey Mouse in return for the help, and Walt wouldn’t part with Mickey Mouse. Instead, Walt signed a contract offered by Joseph Schenck of UA (United Artists), who was one of the Mafia’s illegal drug kingpins. In 1935, the mob’s illegal drug dealer Joseph Schenck went on to found 20th Century, Inc. which later merged with Fox in ‘38 to form Twentieth Century-Fox, whose board of directors would include two Illuminati kingpins William Randolph Hearst and Malcolm MacIntyre.

Joseph Schenck’s brother Nicholas Schenck and Marcus Loew merged Metro Pictures and Goldwyn Pictures and named Louis B. Mayer as its head. Meanwhile over the years, MCA, headed up by Illuminati Kingpin Lew Wasserman gained a monopoly over the American film industry with the secret backroom deals that they made with Ronald Reagan’s Screen Actor’s Guild and Petrillo’s American Fed, of Musicians. (By the way, Lew Wasserman would try to revive Reagan’s acting career in the early ‘60’s. Frank Sinatra and Walt Disney were both friends of Ronald Reagan, and all three believed in mind-control.) Ronald Reagan and Petrillo in turn worked with the Mafia’s NCS

Council of 9 (which incl. Anthony Accardo and Sam Giancana), which at one point divided the U.S.

into 24 mob territories. After J. Schenck went to jail (very briefly), he was replaced as Pres. of 20th-Cent. Fox by Spyros Skouras. Before his arrest, while Schenck was still in charge of 20th-Cent. Fox, 40

he made numerous offers to Disney for Disney to incorporate his studio as a subdivision of 20th-Cent. Fox. Disney worked for a few years with them distributing his films, but he would not let go of trying to be independent. The FBI and American Intelligence turned to the mob to help them as the U.S. entered WW II. Perhaps Walt’s mob connection added impetus for his recruitment. Walt went to a number of American Nazi meetings prior to Pearl Harbor. This author believes from knowing Walt’s personality that Walt may have been on assignment, rather than a Nazi sympathizer. Still, why does one of Disney’s pre-Pearl harbor cartoons display a swastika? Disney’s Epcot Resorts is close to the mob’s Atlantic City Board Walk with its nightclubs. The resort was designed by Robert A.M.

Stern. (This author doesn’t know about Robert Stern, but there are programmed multiples and Illuminati members within the Stern family.) At Walt Disney World, the nightclub there was named

"Cage", and then later ’8 TRAX". Comedy Warehouse, which is a nightclub at Pleasure Island in Walt Disney World opened on May 1, 1989 and has used slave comedians as well having people who are mind-control abusers. On Feb. 11, 1987, Walt Disney Co. was reincorporated in Delaware.

Delaware is the only state that allows total corporate secrecy. No one can find out who really is running a Delaware corporation, and many other secrets can be hidden under Delaware’s corporation laws. Capital Group has considerable shares in Disney, as well as 29% of the shares of the Robert Mondavi winery at 7801 St. Helena Hwy, Oakville, CA. Wellington Group and Mellon bank also have shares. Behind Capital Group are mob controlled groups like Debartolo Reality Corp. and La Quinta Inns (a Bass bro. operation.) Sam Bronfman operates Sterling & Monterey Vineyards. There are countless people walking around that have felt the ruthless, impersonal, controlling, money-grabbing side of the Disney Corp. Also, there are a number of journalists who have experienced first hand the secrecy and paranoia that the Disney corporation has. Most journalists are not used to the secrecy that pervades Disney. Because Disney has shaped the myths of America for several generations, the public takes more concern over who is running Disney, than they would other institutions. Because most of America believe in the image that the Illuminati have built for Disney, they are rooting for it to succeed.

How the Disney Executives have figured out how to steal land all across the U.S.

Over the years Walt Disney has developed several very sneaky reliable techniques to acquire land.

They acquire land through their executives and large stockholders and family members of the execs and stockholders. After all the deals are made in an area, and when everything is in place over a period of time, these people then turn their land over to Disney. Disney works with government officials and local bankers to line up special deals so they can succeed in their plans. After everything is lined up, the corporation announces their plans and goes forward. This methodology has been used repeatedly, for instance the American History Theme Park in the Manassas Civil War battlefield area of Virginia for which Disney has acquired 1,800 acres and has access to at least 1,200 more. In Nov.

‘94, after a new Virginia governor was elected, the Virginia "Disney’s America" project was announced, and Virginia voted almost instantly for the money for transportation and infrastructure improvements to the area so that Disney’s theme park would be viable. Disney set up 3 banks in Napa, CA. Their banks made loans to old families in the valley. The trusts and the wills for these families were made up by Stanford Univ. grads. These people set on the boards of these banks or connect with the boards of these banks. They charge large fees, and know every trick in the book to rob people of their estates and their living trusts. The Stanford grads, who connect in with intelligence agencies & the mob use certain code words when they set up their businesses, such as RESOURCE, EVERGREEN and PACIFIC. There are a number of scared landholders who are being intimidated to sell their land in the Napa Valley region.


Just prior to W.W. II, the FBI recruited Walt Disney. His job was to spy on Hollywood or anything else that looked suspicious. Documents obtained from the Freedom of Information Act, in spite of 41

heavy censoring, clearly show that Walt Disney became a paid Special Correspondent asset of the FBI. He reported to FBI agent E.E. Conroy. In 1954, Walt was promoted to Special Agent in Charge (SAC) which means others reported to him. After "leaving" the CIA, ex-DCI (ex-head) of the CIA William Hedgcock Webster became a lawyer for the Wash. D.C. based firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and McCloy. In 1993, when news broke about Walt Disney’s FBI membership, ex-CIA head Webster worked with the Disney family to cover up to the public that Walt Disney was an FBI agent.

Webster went on TV and had interviews to spread the fabrication that Walt was not connected to the FBI. Why? One of the countless items that Disney was involved in was the investigation into the disappearance/rape of a six-year old child Rose Marie Riddle on 1/12/61. According to documents gotten from the Freedom of Information Act, W.G. Simon was the FBI agent who met with SAC

Walt Disney in L.A. about the case. W.G. Simon has been one of those people who has been publicly lying by claiming that Walt Disney never was an FBI agent. The paper trail proves otherwise. Why is it so important to the FBI and CIA to cover up that Walt was an FBI agent? Walt also worked for the CIA, even though documentation of that is not available. This author theorizes that the reason the FBI and CIA are so touchy about letting people know that Walt worked for the government is that the Network knows how the FBI and CIA worked together to procure children for mind-control programming purposes. Because Disney and Disneyland played such as enormous role in Mind-control, Disney’s connection to them, although on the sufface a seemingly minor fact, is in reality a minor fact setting on top of an enormous ghastly secret. When W.W. II started, the government incorporated the Disney studios into the war machine. The military paid Disney $80,000 for 20

training cartoon, which cost Disney $72,000 to make. Disney studios also made some secret films for the military. Mickey Mouse and Goofy cartoons were slanted to have war themes, for instance, the Goofy cartoon of 1941 "The Art of Self Defense" and "How to be a Sailor" in 1944. Perhaps in honor of the contribution Disney had made to the war effort, "Mickey Mouse" was the password of the Allies for millions of men on the big D-Day invasion on June 6,1944. Walt Disney produced a cartoon showing Donald Duck paying his taxes faithfully. The film was entitled The New Spirit. It was very successful in getting Americans to comply with the IRS. In 1946, Disney made a film for the public schools for sex education entitled The Story of Menstruation. For the United Nations, Walt Disney created "It’s a Small World" attraction for UNICEF for the ‘64-65 World’s Fair. This attraction was moved to the theme parks & has been a major feature for mind-control. After learning of the enormous amount of mind-control programming going on during after hours in secret tunnels at Disney as well as in the public facilities, it makes more sense why the Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev would be denied a visit to Disneyland by the U.S. government "due to security considerations" when he was visiting the U.S. in Sept. 1959. Khrushchev obviously had his own security working in tandem with American security and the intelligence people for whatever reason(s) didn’t want the complication of these Russians going to a major programming site. Some powerful military men have been connected to Disney films. Two former commanding officers of the USS

Alabama nuclear sub were technical advisors for the Disney film Crimson Tide. Walt Disney was tied to the U.S. government, and recent disclosures show that he was tied to the FBI. Walt used his FBI connection to destroy the life of Art Babbitt, who had led the strike against Disney in 1940. Babbitt found that everything he attempted in life after the strike was ruined by some hidden power. Was Walt part of naval intelligence attached to the FBI? Was he part of the FBI that is involved with child procurement and mind-control? In the 1950’s the Illuminati began organizing covens on the West coast and began solidifying their power. (This comes from several independent sources.) Likewise, it’s clear that Disney didn’t have the clout in 1953 with local governments, that it does today. Walt Disney was unsuccessful when he tried to get permission from the city of Los Angeles and the Burbank City Council for the construction of Disneyland (called Disneylandia at that time), in the Burbank area. One Burbank councilman told Walt, "We don’t want the carny atmosphere in Burbank."" Inconsistently, within a few years they gave permission to Universal to build an amusement park in Burbank, which opened in 1964. Disney then ask the Stanford Research Institute to locate a spot for Disneylandia (Disneyland), which they found at Anaheim. In recent years, Disney decided they wanted to build another amusement park (called California Adventure) across from Disneyland. In order to do so, the Interstate highway will have to have changes, and the Anaheim city council needed to approve the large 55 acre expansion. In contrast to the Burbank City Council in 1953, Anaheim’s City Council was enthusiastic about the expansion in spite of lots of local 42

opposition. The locals complained at council meetings to the City Council that the city had no business going hundreds of millions of dollars into debt to help a corporate giant. (Anaheim will issue $400 million in bonds.) Locals also raised concerns that the public school system in Anaheim is stressed to the breaking point where they are considering going to half days, and that Disney Corporation should give as much consideration for the school children of Anaheim as they do to their Amusement park. Disneyland’s Pres. Paul Pressler bragged about Disney’s new California Adventure amusement park, "Disney’s California Adventure is really a celebration of the fun, the beauty, the people and the accomplishments of this magical state. We really have set out to try to capture a bit of what the California dream is all about." (Sounds like the dream is to be wealthy and control people. The elite would rather give us BREAD & CIRCUS than an education.)

The Dragnet films were done in part at the Disney studios. In an Office Memo from the 66-new LA SAC FBI agent to Hoover (12/16/54), which was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, the typed memo states, ,,Mr. Disney has volunteered representatives of this office complete access to the facilities of Disneyland for use in connection with official matters..." Historically, we now know that Disney’s use for "official matters" included mind-control.


Once the reader is familiar with the programming scripts, the reader merely needs to watch the Disney "Adventures in Wonderland" that come on TV in the morning to see Disney mind-control at work. Within a few minutes one morning, this author had seen a white rabbit create "a world in your mind" (the quote is what the show said!) with a ring, watched Alice go through the mirrors, watched a White Rabbit [the programmer] read a book to a little girl, and the TV listener be told by the show

"The White Rabbit is our only hope!" The deeper alters of Illuminati slaves who are programmed for espionage, for spying & blackmail, & seduction & assassination, are given programming to live in a fantasy world. They never touch base with reality. Much of this type of programming has gone on at Disneyland. Disneyland visitors are taken in a boat where dolls sing an around-the-world theme song

"It’s a small small world". These doll world parts of the amusement parks are used for programming assassination & espionage alters. The song & dolls play important roles in these alter’s mind-control programming. Some slaves at around age 19, have this type of programming tested to make sure it is solidly in place. The song ,,It’s a Small World" was composed by the Sherman brothers for Disney originally as a theme song for a ride at the ‘63-’65 NY World’s Fair. The Sherman brothers were talent that Disney discovered. They were born in NYC, and both graduated from Beverly Hills High School. They wrote Disney songs for at least 29 films. Mind-controlled slaves, who repeatedly bump into each other, but don’t know why, will be found saying, "It’s a small, small world." Both rituals & programming go on at Disney amusement parks during both the day & night. Steven Rockefeller and Walt Disney travelled and spent time together with Dr. Hadley Cantril, an establishment expert on human behavior. (See There Was Once A Time of Islands, Illusions & Rockefellers. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.) When Walt Disney began Walt Disney World he sent Card Walker to the Florida capital to request quid pro quo, and the governor gave it to Disney. What that meant is that Disney’s property in Florida was totally controlled under Disney’s jurisdiction, they had their own laws, their own police force, their own hospitals, and their own tax rate. No outside authority would interfere with Disney’s jurisdiction. DisneyWorld’s finances would be untouchable and out of sight by the state of Florida. Never had so much power been given away. DisneyWorld became its own crime syndicate within the syndicate. Disney amusement parks are like a city within a city. They have there own security forces, and the local police allow the Disney security forces to take care of their turf. Disney has their own policies (laws). Some of the security forces can be identified in plain clothes with clean-cut hair styles and have communication devices. The security forces have a headquarters room where TV monitors display-live the exit points at Disney as well as other locations. America ‘s Most Wanted has a fairly large file on children who have been kidnapped at Disney Amusement Parks. One mother, who got separated from her child when getting off a train, 43

frantically told a guard her child was missing. The guard took her to the monitor room, where they saw the kidnapper carrying the child out of the park with the boy slumped over his shoulder. In that short of a time, the kidnapper had drugged the child, cut his hair different, and put a different shirt on him. (This anecdote was mention in Inside the Mouse, pg. 52) As written before, white slavery is part of what Disney is all about. This mother was one of the fortunate few who did manage to find their kidnapped children. An insider states that the Disney police are definitely part of those moving and abusing innocent children brought in for occult rituals. In addition, the Disney security forces spy on their own employees. Employees do not enter the theme parks like the visitors, nor do they move around like the visitors. They have underground tunnels and underground entrances and facilities for that. One victim of total mind-control mentioned that a tunnel entrance was at the Matterhorn mountain at Disneyland. (The Matterhorn was opened by Walt and his good-friend Richard Nixon, who rode in the first car down the mountain.) The Disney productions has given the Illuminati the cover to bring together Illusionists, magicians, and special effects artists without anyone being suspicious. Some of these men were able to apply their talents toward programming children. As an example of their talents, Disney special effects artists were able to create 16 realistic-looking cadavers for the 1989 film Gross Anatomy. Walt Disney, Inc. has teamed up with Los Alamos and Sandia Labs, two other groups which are heavily involved in mind-control and people control to develop body scans, branding and access codes for the visitors to Disney’s theme parks. Each of the Disney Theme parks, such as Disneyland, DisneyWorld, EuroDisney etc. have vast underground facilities.

These underground facilities allow many of the workers to get to the ride areas via underground passages. Each theme facility also has a vast infrastructure underground in order to maintain it. The underground areas contain wardrobe design and repair units, fitting rooms, restrooms, cafeterias, security units, computers, freight ramps, utility encasements, and large connecting tunnels. The underground areas also have programming rooms. They have their own power plants and water systems and their own police force. Disney company employs 71,000 people at several locations, tone recent TV show used the figure 40,000 Disney employees.] People are coming and going 24 hours at the Disney theme parks. Three shifts keep up the 24 hour business. The night crews maintain and repair the parks for the thousands of people that will soon arrive in the morning. Disneyland makes a natural prop for carrying out mind-control. The items they sell are also natural props--such as the Goofy watch ($19.95) which has hands that move backward to confuse a slave as to what time it is.

Was Walt Disney aware of how Disneyland was used for programming? There is no doubt. Disney lived much of nights at Disneyland, and had an apartment at the firehouse near the train station on Main St. At night, if he was not doing anything else, he’d roam the grounds of Disneyland scribbling notes on his own distinctive blue paper, which he’d leave for workers to follow the next day. The notes would say such things as "Replace these flowers," or "Move that bench". (Prince of the Magic Kingdom, p. 25) Walt Disney knew everything that went on in his Magic Kingdom. The Epcot Center and the Disney amusement parks market all kinds of occult triggers, including crystals, rainbows, wizards etc. that reinforce the programming. The Epcot Center has two glass pyramids along with its

"Journey into Imagination". Disneyworld has the Island of Atlantis on its sub tour. Fantasyland is one of the most used tours of Disneyland for mind-control purposes. It has carousels, merry music, an incredible castle, boat rides, story book characters etc. Sleeping Beauty Castle with its blue turrets and gold spires is the central visual object of Disneyland. You cross a drawbridge to get into it. Inside Fantasyland are Illuminati programming sites such as the Mad Hatter teacups, the King Arthur carousel horses, and Snow White’s forest.

In the far corner of Disneyland’s New Orlean’s Square is the Haunted Mansion. This mansion is designed to frighten and scare, it has an ingenious design and many special effects and illusions.

Realistic ghosts, a screeching raven, howling voices, and other scary things welcome the visitor. Life size holograms are created at the Haunted Mansion, and dance in sync with the music and then fade out at certain points. There is a hologram of a woman’s head in a crystal ball who chatters non-stop.

A real good laugh for the programmers of a little child. When you are toward the end, you will have a chance to look into a mirror where a hologram ghost will nestle up beside you. Star Speeder is another great programming location at Disneyland. It was the creation of George Lucas and the Disney Imagineers. The technology is borrowed from Star Wars, and is similar to flight simulators 44

used by the military to train pilots. Disneyland Hotel offers Character Breakfasts, where children eat breakfast with Disney characters, to people who make special arrangements. U.S. Special Forces, which carries out mind-control, owns two hotels near Disney World, and the Mormons have one also.

Knott’s Berry Farm with its Ghost Town, Amusement Park, & its Charlie Brown themes and characters is near Disneyland. One of the Disney executives began one of the most horrible trauma-based mind-control programming centers in Los Angeles called Magic Castle a comedy warehouse.

This trauma center had horrible torture chambers. Children were brought in from South and Central America to be programmed at the Magic Castle. A brave L.A. policeman exposed the place--for which he lost his job, and eventually was able to get the site closed. One of Disney’s recent ventures in their

Disney Institute, which Newsweek labeled "the Disneyland of the Mind". (Newsweek, Mar. 4, 1996, p.

61) A private club called Club 33 at Disneyland located upstairs in the New Orleans Square is believed to be involved in mind-control. Cub’s Den supervises children’s activities at the Wilderness Lodge Resort at Walt Disney World.

At Disney-MGM studios the major attraction is the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. Guests take a strange scary trip through the hotel, where guests are finally sent into an elevator that drops out of control 13 stories. The ride has been advertized on TV. Disneyland now has a Temple to the Forbidden Eye--which is simply a Temple to the All Seeing Eye, the Illuminati symbol. Visitors, who have the patience to wait in line, can strap themselves in for a ride that is like a jack hammer that jars the rider through a temple filled with snakes, rats, and mummies. One aerobics teacher couldn’t walk for three days after the jarring ride, which comes across as ,,hokey". The experience is more traumatizing than fun, but then maybe that is what was intended.


Years ago this author’s newsletters exposed Hilton Head Island, SC as a watering hole of the powerful elite incl. retired generals and admirals, and the site for the elite’s Renaissance Weekend

"meat market". Remember, that at one time Hilton Head Island was private, with imported alligators in the water around it. A person was only allowed on the island by going through security gates with a clearance. In a later newsletter, Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort was mentioned. This resort, built by Disney Vacation Development, Inc., is located on a 15-acre private island linked to Hilton Head island by a narrow bridge. Members to the Disney Vacation Club can exchange time for vacations at Disney and other resorts around the world. Memberships cost minimum $9,412.


Right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland is the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center, the birthplace of TEN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). The Assembly of God denomination has been heavily infiltrated by the Illuminati, and has been heavily used as a front for programmed slaves. Paul Crouch, president of Trinity Broadcasting Systems, Inc., was affiliated with Melodyland in 1973 when TBS was getting started. At that time, Melodyland was a rich heavily infiltrated charismatic church, with its share of programmed multiples. In 1973, closet homosexual minister Jim Bakker, and his wife Tammy Faye, a programmed multiple were with Paul Crouch in Anaheim at Melodyland. Paul Crouch had been the assistant pastor of Bakker’s home church in Muskegon, MI.

Crouch’s right hand man was Alexander Valderrama, a charismatic Roman Catholic. TBS used an abandoned military base as their TV complex, using hangers as studios. In the early 70’s, ABC put Bakker & Crouch’s early shows on their affiliate stations on Sunday morning. Bakker had already gotten his career kicked off with Illuminatus Pat Robertson and his 700 Club. Jim Bakker split and went to the east coast. To help Bakker with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore came to help Bakker run his ministry’s finances. Later, televangelist Bakker began building Heritage USA, which 45

Are sens