the Magic World View. p.209-210) Joseph Smith had a cane with a serpent on the top of it, and astrological seals below. Magick staff or canes are important in Satanism. The seal of Mars was carved on the Smith family athame which was used by the family to draw circles for magic incantations. (Mormonism & the Magic World View p. 142) In 1835, a ritual done by Joseph Smith to commune with a spirit messenger is recorder by Oliver Cowdery. Joseph Smith used two Seals of the Earth to conjure up the spirit. (Ibid, p. 120) Smith’s ritual was in accordance with the best occult guidebooks then The Book of Knowledge and Barrett’s Magus.
The 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon says that about itself ‘... their voice shall be as one that hath a familiar spirit ... They shall write the things which shall be done among them, and they shall be written and sealed up in a book.’ (2 Nephi 26:14-17). The Mormon scholar Quinn writes, ‘The Book of Mormon’s use of the word ‘sealed’ also suggested a magic context. Isaiah 29 uses the word
‘sealed’ only twice, but the Book of Mormon’s commentary on the chapter uses ‘sealed’ eleven times in eight verses (2 Ne 26:17; 2 Ne 27:7-8 ... Throughout the entire text, the Book of Mormon refers to itself with the words ‘sealed’ or ‘seal’ more than twenty times .. Modern Mormons have often pictured a physical seal ... but the Book of Mormon nowhere describes a physical seal, evoking instead the seal as a non-material restriction: ‘For the book shall be sealed by the power of God.’ (2
Ne [phi] 27:10) Quinn goes on to describe more about the magical sealing of the Book of Mormon.
33’ Masonic leader Manly P. Hail in his book on Masonic symbolop describes a seal involved with black magic and the Pact that is made with a conjured demon in a section entitled ‘Modus Operandi for the Invocation of Spirits’ on p. CIII. Within both the Generational Satanic covens and the covens made up of recruits to Satanism there is the office of Keeper of Seals. The Keepers of Seals show the importance of sealing to Satanism. Almost everything done in Satanism involves sealing. There are many vows that are made, and there are always exchanges made during these vows and then a sealing. In the exchanges there is always something lost by each person. Satanic Hierarchy individuals are sealed to others, and the part of a Satanist that is put into another is magically infused.
In one ritual, there is a black stone with the Satanist’s name written on it that is given to the Queen Mother. (See the chart 1/1/93 newsletter to understand this high rank.) By giving something of oneself, that item supposedly gives magical power to the person you have vowed before. If you break your vow, they can take the item you have given and work destructive magic against you. In the Satanic Hierarchy, they have a Moonchild ceremony where they demonize the fetus while in the womb. In the AntiChrist ceremony, the item that is exchange with Satan for a woman’s vow to Satan is to sacrifice her child. Then of course this vow is sealed. The Keepers of Seals hold the books full of written pacts, and the items exchanged in all these countless rituals.
A Mother of Light said, ‘Power is a transitory experience... it is very conditioned upon the myths you are in. It is important that the person knows the myth be is in.
He must have a feeling for it ....The tangible can become the intangible.’ I’ll leave the reader puzzled how I got this quote from a Mother of Light, but the idea of the tangible becoming the intangible is an interesting idea, because of two reasons. First, the United States Navy is reported to have found out in W.W.II in the Philadelphia experiment how to electronically make a force field around something that makes the object invisible. However, the experiment proved to be very dangerous, and it took them years before the technology could be applied to something safely. This technology is being used on the Stealth bomber. to make them both invisible to radar and to human sight. The second reason, is that an ex-Illuminati member states that an experimental box the size of a breadbox with controls was being used by the coven to make people invisible. The people had to stay where they were, they could not move around, but they were somehow made invisible by the box where they were standing.
Likewise, those who want to believe that Clinton is a nice guy, that he isn’t working as a lackey of the Illuminati, go ahead and believe these lies, God will even send you a strong delusion to allow you to believe these lies. But those who love the truth, and are tired of being lied to, and want answers as to why things are happening like they are will not accept the surface explanations that cover the 16
debauchery of Satanists. Instead of getting upset that someone like myself is showing you the double meaning behind Clinton’s hand signal--people should be upset that an attempt was made to trick them by Clinton. The Christian people have been told by several Christians (and I could name names but I won’t) that Clinton is going to lead this nation into righteousness. God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. The fact is that if Clinton really came to Christ, and really began leading the people toward righteousness, (which he doesn’t even now lead the people-the people who put him in office do the real leading), then the hierarchy would kill him. Christians are always saying we need to pray for our leaders--fine pray for them, they need to find God, just realize Clinton is not one of our real leaders, he is way down on the totem pole and is simply a shoe-shine boy for the hierarchy. Maybe the Christian people ought to learn who really leads them so they can pray better! Bush was a heavy-weight for the Illuminati, and he was picked by the Illuminati originally as their first choice to win.
That was before the primaries. Of course all the final presidential candidates Bush, Perot, and Clinton, (and maybe some of the others too!) were Illuminati men. It was a choice on their part who they wanted. Bush apparently antagonized the Rothschilds, and Clinton was placed into power to appease those who were upset with Bush. That the elite decided to change from Bush to Clinton became visible in Sept. and in October I notified my readers that the change of choice had occured.
Supposedly Bush had mishandled something that hurt the Rothschilds financially, but whatever happened it is clear that behind the scenes some big events happened. Clinton was close friends of Winthrop Rockefeller when he moved to Arkansas. Winthrop Rockefeller gave Clinton over $1
million dollars. In return Clinton was in his pocket. It has been well worth Clinton’s time to serve the Illuminati kings. So good in fact that Ace Hayes may be correct when he claims that he has information showing that Clinton owns $1.2 billion in treasury bonds. If so, then it is understandable that Clinton would want taxes collected. I had hoped that my photo of Clinton giving the Satanic signal at the inauguration would be finished by now. It isn’t, but I will go ahead with this article.
Since coming out with my Mar. 15, 93 newsletter I have found out that Texe Marrs came out with a photo showing Clinton’s satanic signalling at the inauguration. People need to spiritiually discern what Clinton is all about.
Clinton gave a speech before becoming president that insiders" would have no place in his administration. If people study the situation he appointments have all been insiders. This is just one example of many that show that the words Clinton speaks are simply the words that the American people want to hear. "Slick Willie" is an appropriate name, for this President has absolutely no integrity nor honesty. And yet I am hearing people in the churches that want to believe in Clinton. It’s sad to say they want this, because God will send them a strong delusion to believe the lies they want to believe in. Federico Pena is our new Clinton-appointed Secretary of Transportation. If he treats the country like he treated Denver watch out. Pena got the new Denver International Airport project continued against all logic. John Coleman’s WIR brings out in his newsletter the details about how Pena’s airport project and many other projects he sponsored are white elephants that are not what the public needs, but simply white elephants that help line the pockets of the rich. Those of you who don’t take Texe Marrs’ newsletter may find it interesting that Bill Clinton has ties to the Jesuits. Of course, I take it for granted that people realize that Carroll Quigley was Clinton’s mentor. Carroll Quigley was one of those intellectuals like H.G. Wells who believed in a New World Order and the elite that wanted to bring it in. Let me digress, and discuss men like H.G. Wells and Carroll Quigley.
These men believed that the west should lead the world into a New World Order. I suggest that people should read H.G. Wells’ book The New World Order (1940) and his The Open Conspiracy (1928). Another good book to understand what the elite have planned is Manly P. Hall’s book Facing the Future. Oswald Spengler also has a good book to read The Hour of Decision. The last few chapters of Lionel Curtess’s World Order (1939) also is good in explaining how they want a world commonwealth of states. People like Clinton were feed this type of stuff. But there is a much greater hidden agenda. Manly P. Hall for instance was part of Lucis Trust, as was late leader of the Scottish Rite Freemasons, as well as Rockefeller. Lucis Trust’s External isation of the Hierarchy tells us what the agenda is. The agenda is to externalize the Satanic Hierarchy, and on page 107 of Externalisation of the Hierarchy it tells us who will rule the world on the earthly plane--his name is Lucifer. And on the Spiritual level (shambala) it will be the Lord of the World Sanat. We Christians know the Lord of the World not as Sanat but as Satan. It’s all down in black and white on page 107. Greed and material 17
wealth play such an important part in the lives of all these people who Satan has inspired to help dream up schemes for a New World Order. Therefore, most of these people see economics as an important vehicle for creating a New World Order. But there is a hidden agenda. The conspiracy is not an economic conspiracy nor a political conspiracy but as The Externalisation of the Hierarchy reveals in page after page--their conspiracy is a religious conspiracy. People lets just lay it out on the line--Clinton is a Satanist, he knows what the hidden agenda is. It’s an eyeopener to read the books I listed by Wells, Hall, and Spengler, but believe me that stuff is just for the blind intellectuals. The real details of this New World Order have been written down in detail and they came directly from the Master of Evil himself, directly from Satan to his hierarchy, who copied the plans in detail. The people who will implement the New World Order are men like Clinton. Men who have no moral code. Men who will glibly tell one lie after another. They won’t implement H.G. Well’s plan---they will implement Satan’s plan. And prideful Satan will unwittingly implement YHWH God’s.
Bloodlines of Illuminati
Fritz Springmeier
Once again, I have opened up my files of research and tried to investigate the Satanic Hierarchy.
Sometimes in doing investigation one turns down a dead end. I hope I haven’t done that. There does seem to be a strong Dutch connection to the Illuminati and the Van Duyn family might be one of the keys to understanding that Dutch connection. My investigation with Van Duyn family is the only family that has left me without any solid facts that would place them within the Top 13 Families.
However, because bloodlines are so important to the Hierarchy and because it is hard to really investigate these families without understanding their genealogies, I have made the effort to give you a genealogy of Van Duyns that may have some importance.
In 1626, Peter Minuit traded some trinkets to the Canarsie Indians to purchase Manhattan Island. The history books like to report the value of the trinkets as $24. The purchase was supposedly a good deal for the Dutch. The Canarsie Indians didn’t own Manhattan Island, it belonged to other Indians, so it is debatable who got the best deal that day. That was the beginning of the Dutch colony of New Netherlands, and its capital New Amsterdam, built beside Ft. Amsterdam, all three later renamed New York. The Van Duyn family (also spelled Van Dien, Van Duyne, et. al.) was one of the Dutch families to come over to the Dutch colony of New Netherlands which was connected to the Dutch West India Company. Other early important New Netherlands families from the Netherlands include Van Sise, Van Cleef (also spelled Van Cleve and Van Cleave), Van Coorn, Van de Water, Dooren, and Stoothoff. In 1649, fifteen years before the British took New Netherlands from the Dutch, Gerret Cornellissen Van Duyn immigrated with his older sister from Brabant, Netherlands (Brabant is a district so. of Eindhoven in southern Netherlands, but at the time Van Duyn came over it included Belgium.) to New Amsterdam. (This date is according to Claypool, Edward A. Descendants of Dennis Van Duyn and Alice Tunison Chicago, IL. In contrast to this The National Cyclopaedia Vol.
4?, p. 258 states that he came over in 1640 which is a mistake because that was his date of birth.) For some reason, Gerret Cornelius Van Duyn returned to Holland to Zwolle on the east side of the Zuider Zee, although he had originally lived in Nieuwkerk in Zeeland before going to New Netherlands, America. Gerrit C. Van Duyn was a coarse, non-spiritual, ignorant man who did carpenter work. His lack of interest in Christianity seems to have carried down through quite a number of generations. After coming to the New World again, he moved away from New Amsterdam fairly quickly to New Utrecht. (Now I believe that is where Greenwich Villiage is.) In the long run his descendants (some related to the Castello family) moved to Michigan, Illinois, Kansas and elsewhere.
In the next century however, his descendents moved and created 5 branches- one in Queens Co., NY; one in Kings Co., NY; one in Dutchess Co., NY; a fourth in Somerset Co., NJ; and a fifth in Morris Co., NJ. It is possible a few other Van Duyns also immigrated from the Netherlands to America; information on the family is scarce. In Germany the privilege to use the title ‘von’ was a special noble privilege. I believe the same applied in the Netherlands, which would mean that the Van Duyns were a prominent family when they came over. The low profile of the family didn’t end when they arrived in the New World, it continues. The extremely low profile of the Van Duyns makes one wonder if they could really be one of the top 13 families. Still Mona Van Duyn was the first woman poet laureate, a Pulitzer winner (1991) and got a good review of her book in 1990 by the I have found that such awards take a combination of both talent and pull, especially in a field as subjective as poetry, it helps to have pull. Where did Mona Van Duyn get the political pull to get so many awards and many well promoted poetry books? Even before the British had consolidated their hold on New Netherlands the area was giving a foreshadowing of what it would become. Pirates which raided the East Indies and the Red Sea were outfitted in what is today New York and Rhode Island. William Patterson (born 1
c. 1655 in Scotland) was the evil genius behind the establishment of the Bank of Engiand. It is strongly believed that he was a trader in New York in 1668-69 and that prior to this he had worked with the pirate Morgan, who operated in the New Netherlands area. Witchcraft was part of some people’s lives in New Netherlands, but the colony was far more lenient toward them than in the Puritan colony in Massachusetts. The last Dutch governor of New Netherlands, Gov. Peter Stuyvesant’s sister-in-law was suspected of witchcraft, but acquitted. Ralph Hall of Seatalcott, Long Island and his wife were the only ones seriously tried of witchcraft in New Amsterdam and they were acquitted. In 1687, the British had taken the New Netherlands from the Dutch for the second and final time, and they made the Dutch take an oath of allegiance to the British Crown. Three Van Duyns of New Amsterdam are recorded having taken that oath. They were Gerrit Cornelis Van Duyn, Cornelis Gems Vanduyn, and Denijs Gerrise Vanduyn. However, in the 1790 census taken in New York state, there are no Van Duyn families at all listed. One of the best books on the Van Duyn family is New Netherlands Families by Wilson V. Ledley, Vol. 3 which is about the Van Duyn family. I obtained a copy of the Van Duyn part, which was able to assist me in my genealogy work. I count 378 Van Duyn’s in the fifth generation of Van Duyn’s in this country. Some of the families that the Van Duyn’s have intermarried with are Ailing (Allen), Brendel, Bullinger, Graeber, Hayes, Kennedy, and Robertson. Some of the other families which are definitely Dutch with which the family married with are the Van Burens, the Van Cleeves, and Van der Hoef. It would be exceedingly interesting to find out if the Van Duyn’s connect at all with the Dutch King William of Orange or some of William of Orange’s supporters. Many of today’s elite trace back to William of Orange or his prominent supporters. The Van Duyn last name has ended up with many spellings. For instance, in Bergen Co., NJ. the name is spelled Van Dyne, Van Duyn, VanDuyne, Van Dine, VanDine, & Van Dien. An informer states that Van Duyn is one of the top 13 Illuminati families. If that is so, then it certainly is the least known family of the thirteen. This article will show clues and evidence that have kept me from rejecting the possibility that the family is indeed one of the top thirteen. On the other hand, there are also some very puzzling things about this family that almost disqualify it from being a top family.
One puzzling thing is how rare this surname is. Considering that the name belonged to one of the earliest settlers in the New World one would expect quite a clan to have developed. But this is not so.
Another puzzling thing, is that the conspiracy has a great deal of activity going on in Brussels, Belgium. Belgium is half Dutch, half french. Many of the people in Brussels have Dutch names, and it would be expected that if the Van Duyn family were a top family they would have someone in Brussels, but I wasn’t able to locate any there. See the reproduction of the Brussels phone book to show that some places have been named after the Van Duyns but none live there, although two Van Duynens are listed.
Historically, there were a few Van Duyns that caught my attention.
Cornelis Van Duyn (1709-1779)--left an inheritance of 1,000 pounds of money to children.
William Van Duyn (1695-1773)--left two plantations to children in will Aaron Van Duyn (1830- 1899)--trustee & deacon of the Meth. Episcopal church Alfred Voorhees Van Duyn (1843-??)--an undertaker of Middlebush, NJ
Harrison Van Duyn (1845-1914)--member of NJ legislature in 1879, became Speaker of the House in 1881,
Scottish and York Rite Freemason, member of the Holland Society (see Holland Society Yearbook 1915), and numerous other business organizations and societies.
Horace N. Van Duyn--Stockholder in the Boston National Bank
Lewis Van Duyn-- Surveyor, organizer & president of Boonton Water Co., owned lots of real estate.