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Perhaps part of my motivation is that I’ve tired of Christians talking and acting like Disney stands for sainthood. Christians, who should have known better, are some of the ones who have swallowed

"hook, line and sinker" the enormous deception that entails Disney. They feed their children a steady 6

diet of occultism and witchcraft because they have been programmed to think of Disney as wholesomeness and everything that is good about America. Many writers over the years have tried to expose Disney, most have been stopped before they could get their books published. The few authors who have managed have faced vicious attacks on their character & integrity, and have faced enormous struggles against public relations campaigns paid for by the Disneys. The Disney’s power, and the power behind them, has frightened most people away from challenging them. But someone needs to speak on behalf of the victims. Whether anyone listens or not, the victims will know that somebody cared enough to stand up & write the truth. Disney has not only left mind-control victims in its wake, but they have harassed land-owners, stolen employee idea’s and left all kinds of hurting victims in their path. Disney has risen to become the unquestionable largest media-entertainment conglomerate in the world, & was ranked company no. 48 in the top 500 companies by Forbes 500.



There are numerous Illuminati homes, restaurants, wineries and other institutions that are today carrying out the same type of strict standards upon their employees that Walt Disney Studios maintained. While Hollywood was immersed in moral filth from the start, Walt Disney Studios had strict standards. In the 1930’s, Disney had a dress code that required men in ties, and women in sober-colored skirts. If a man looked lecherously at a woman at Walt Disney Studios he risked being instantly fired. Walt was a shining example of the strictest legalism. Even during the ’50's, if an employee were caught saying anything considered a cussword such as "hell" they were instantly fired no matter who they were. Walt would not allow his male employees to have any facial hair, even though he himself sported a mustache. He never allowed employees to have alcohol at the studios, (which might not be a noteworthy standard except that Walt himself drank heavy amounts of alcohol in his private office at work for decades). Initially, Walt was very reluctant to have his young artists, who were being trained by Don Graham, draw live nude models, but reluctantly gave approval. Again the motive was not to serve God, but to make sure the Disney reputation remained untarnished. With the power of the establishment media behind Disney, Walt had nothing to worry about, news about the nude drawing classes and their detailed drawings never reached the light of day. Behind such strict fronts of legalistic morals, cleanliness & soberness, you will often find lots of guilt and high level satanic ritual. For instance, Hitler (who was by the way also a failed artist & who liked mechanical things more than people) obsessively washed his hands many times a day (out of guilt), and so did Walt Disney. Walt obsessively washed his hands several times an hour, every hour. Walt liked animals & his trains more than people. This author has seen some alters who were forced to take another human’s life, and when they relived the memory, the alters then tried to physically wash the blood guilt off of their hands. Another example is that over the years this author has discovered that many of the exclusive restaurants that are meticulous in every detail are tied in with the mind-control and criminal activities of the elite. Dirty money is keeping the places looking sparkling clean.

Walt Disney worked very hard at maintaining a great image for himself and his company. An example of this, is how he exploded in rage and wrote an angry memo when a Disney character was placed in a beer ad. (Memo mentioned in Thomas, Bob. Walt Disney An American Original.

Hyperion, 1994, p. 7.) He had a personal image builder, Joe Reddy, who worked full time to build Walt’s image. Joe Reddy was a cigar-smoking irishman who loved the catholic college Notre Dame’s football team. He also was a publicity agent for Shirley Temple. But the Disney deception entails far more than Joe Reddy’s decades of image making, and Walt’s own abilities to create good images of himself. Just as with Billy Graham (see Vol. 2 about Billy Graham), the entire Illuminati threw their weight behind promoting Walt Disney. Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney were good friends and both cut from the same die in many ways. Both men were high ranking Freemasons, both came from socialist backgrounds (Ronald’s mother was Eleanor Roosevelt’s best friend, & Walt’s Dad was a socialist leader), both were paid FBI informants, and both were involved heavily in the abuse of mind-controlled slaves. Walt always generously supported Reagan’s political campaigns, and in turn Reagan did political favors for Walt as Gov. of California. For instance, Disney’s Mineral King mountain resort needed an access route through the Sequoia Nat. Park at a time when there was lots 7

of congressional pressure to preserve the last stands of redwoods. Gov. Reagan got his friend Disney his road through the park.

Reagan served as the emcee for the opening day of Disneyland on July 17, 1990. He returned with Illuminati TV host Art Linkletter for the 35th anniversary. Ronald Reagan & Art Linkletter both pumped Disney publicly. Another slave abuser that spent time with Disney was Bob Hope, who would spend time on the golf course with Walt. On the opening day’s telecast, cameras showed Sammy Davis, Jr. (a member of the Church of Satan) and Frank Sinatra (a mind-control slave handler) driving the pint-sized Disney ears at the Autopia ride. When Disney celebrated its fifty yr-anniversary with a two hour special on May 20, 1991, the program included people like occultist Bill Campbell and was named "Best of Disney, 50 Years of Magic." For the silver anniversary of Disney World in Oct. ’96, the Clinton’s were invited to help open 15 months of celebrations. The theme of the anniversary celebrations was "Remember the Magic". A Boy’s & Girl’s Club sang ‘When you wish upon a star’ (a popular programming song). Hillary Rodham Clinton (herself an Illuminati Grand Dame and a mind-control programmer) shared with the audience that she and Bill "first brought daughter Chelsea to the Magic Kingdom when she was four." Roy E. Disney, nephew of Walt, told the public that Disney World "is the story of men and women who took hold of a dream and never let go." There is a double meaning to that. Many victims of trauma-based mind-control have taken hold of the illusions that were programmed into their mind secretly at Disney, and never let go. Among the visitors to Disneyland have been all the American Presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton, over a dozen kings & queens, as well as Emperor Akihito of Japan, Anwar Sadat, and Robert Kennedy (who rode the Matterhorn with astronaut John Glenn.) Both Denmark’s & Belgium’s kings who are in the Illuminati visited, as well as the dictators of Indonesia, the Shah of Iran and Ceausescu of Romania. (As a side-note Roy E. Disney was forewarned by Arab leader that the Shah was to be deposed.) Organizations that have been actively working for a New World Order for many years gave big awards to Walt in his early years such as the B’nai B’rith (Man of the Year Award to Walt) and the Chamber of Commerce. In 1936, Walt was given the Chamber of Commerce’s annual

,,Outstanding Young Man" award. The establishment’s Yale & Harvard Universities gave him honorary degrees. Walt Disney biographer Leonard Mosley, who researched Walt Disney for years (as well as writing books on the duPonts, the Dulles brothers, and Hirohito) wrote in his book on Walt Disney, "The studio publicity machines in the film colony had, as usual, gone out of their way to try to persuade me, as a writer for a powerfully influential British newspaper, that this was a city of lawless gods and goddesses, full of clean-living, sanitized stars.

"It was even more of a deodorized world at the Walt Disney Studio where the publicity men insisted their boss was faultless--never drank too much, never used a swearword, never lost his temper, never quarreled with his wife or family, never let down a friend. And woe betide anyone who tried to suggest otherwise. Members of the resident foreign and local press risked their jobs if they dared to write stories inferring that Walt Disney could be domineering, implacable, and unforgiving (as was the case, for instance, before, during, and after the 1941 studio strike). The Disney flacks were capable of exerting heavy pressure on editors and proprietors or, through the advertising pages, against anyone who inferred Walt Disney was not the epitome of well-scrubbed and benevolent perfection." (Mosley, Leonard. Disney’s World. New York: Stein & Day, p. 10.) Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images. They have created great images for things Disney, incl. Walt Disney, Disney movies, and Disney’s Amusement parks. In some cases these things have been overrated, in other instances the sinister side to them has been carefully hidden. In order to make movies that contain the typical smut of Hollywood, sex and violence, Disney did a slight of hand and created subsidiaries which Disney runs, which has allowed them to keep their good image. They also never showed the public the hard core porn that was made for years in secrecy for the elite. Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. Disney’s involvement in these kind of things will be explained in this chapter. Nobody has sold America witchcraft as well as the Disney brothers. Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp & woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment. For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a "triumph of the human spirit" (a direct quote from Disney’s Touchtone Producer Robert Watts 8

concerning Disney’s movie "Alive" featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism). Under the disguise of entertainment & showing us how "triumphant" the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism. Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice." And yet when this author has suggested that Disney movies aren’t wholesome, many Christian parents come unglued and have gotten angry with this author. The deceptive image that Disney movies are wholesome is a triumph in Illuminati deception. Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons. In Disney’s "The Little Mermaid" the castles are male sexual organs. In one cartoon Mighty Mouse is shown without comment clearly snorting cocaine. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchtone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures, which were all created to camouflage the Disney production of adult films.

Disney operates in a clandestine manner regarding the promotion, distribution and rating of the films produced by their subsidiaries.


Roth oversaw Disney’s subsidiary Hollywood Pictures’ Evita film. Evita has as its main start

"Material Girl" Madonna. Madonna is in reality a mind-controlled slave who has appeared in numerous underground porn/& ritual porn movies. (This author has an underground catalog from a porn business, that has recently changed its location of business. The catalog offered a film of Madonna performing an actual blood sacrifice.) She also was the main actress in Disney’s Dick Tracy film which is reported to be used for mind-control. During an Arsenio Hall show, Madonna, who as a guest acted dissociative, was picked up by the cameras during the show kissing her Baphomet ring.

Disney controls the products that are associated with the movies of their subsidiaries. In Evita’s case they are marketing hats and other items, as just one more of Disney’s countless artificially generated consumerism campaigns. In Ruth Stein’s interview of Madonna, Madonna appeared bored with plugging Disney’s consumer products. When asked about the tango dresses and hats inspired by Evita that popped up in stores after the film, Madonna said, "Believe me, I have nothing to do with it.

Disney is pushing the whole thing." (San Francisco Chronicle, 12/29/96, Datebook section). In one interview Madonna states she wants her daughter to grow up knowing Catholicism, but she doesn’t believe that it would be good for her daughter if Madonna narried the father of her child from Lourdes, Carlos Leon. In another interview, Madonna says, "Actually, I’m a very good role model, because I say, ‘Look, these are my standards’..." She then goes on to plug homosexuality, same sex marriage, and single families in the interview. Walt Disney stated that it plans to release an album by DANZIG, a heavy metal band whose songs contain "dark themes". The Disney press release announces on its by-line "Mickey Mouse is going heavy metal." Disney’s album ,,BLACK ACID

DEVIL" was due to hit the music stores Oct. 30, 1996 during Halloween time. According to Disney this music has no satanic references, but does have "dark, Gothic and sexual" overtones. Glenn Danzig denies that he is a satanist.



a. an introduction

b. an overview

c. Who was Walt Disney?

d. Who was Roy O. Disney?

e. Who is Roy E. Disney?


f. What do we know about the in general?

g. A history of Disney

h. Disney and its mob connections

i. Disney and its government connections

j. Disney and mind-control

k. Detailed Script of how one Disney movie is used for programming.

1. Partial List of Sources


Disneyland and Disneyworld are world famous and the pride of America. They are also extremely important programming centers for the Illuminati to create total mind-controlled slaves. Disneyland is also involved with providing a place for rituals, porn and other satanic activities. In terms of deception, Disney movies and Disney Amusement Parks rate as one of the best deceptions. According to deprogrammed ex-Illuminati slaves, the Illuminati in the 1960’s needed to shift their programming away from the military bases, because too much publicity (heat) was shined on the military bases.

Their goal was to have someplace that people from all over the world could come to without raising any suspicions, and a place which would be the perfect cover for many of their criminal activities.

According to a witness, the Illuminati Programmers got a big laugh out of using Disneyland as a major Illuminati base for criminal activity. Under the disguise of entertaining the world, they carried out money laundering, child slavery laundering, and mind-control. They nick-named Disneyland "the little syndicate of mind-control." When a child of 3 or 4 was kidnapped, they could torture the child and then put him on a ride such as a ferris wheel or carousel that a. created dissociation from the pain, while also b. going along with some fairy tale programming script. An abducted child while waiting to be picked up from one Illuminati non-parent caretaker by another, could be kept happy and distracted while waiting for the pickup. For years, Disneyland was an Illuminati center for many of their world-wide activities. Now Disney has created other sites around the world such as EuroDisneyland 20 miles east of Paris and Tokyo Disneyland. Tokyo Disneyland in 1991 had 16

million people attend. With such hugh crowds, it doesn’t take much imagination how the Illuminati have been able to do sneaky criminal activities right in front of people, and the public never sees it, in the middle of all the activity. EuroDisney has been a money losing affair, but the Saudis who benefit from its mind-control, gave Disney the money to keep it financially in business. Walt Disney Records is the largest children’s record label in the world. Disney through their movies, books, toys, records, etc. has made a tremendous impact on the children of the world. Their movie Return from Witches Mountain was one of the most powerful witchcraft promotions ever made. Ducktails, which has deliberate Monarch mind-control triggers written into the script, is also broadcast in Poland and the former USSR.

From the time of the Roman Empire (at least, if not before) the oligarchical leadership, who have been in control of both the Mystery Religions and European aristocracy, have known about BREAD

& CIRCUS. Bread and Circus refers to the concept that IF the masses of people are given entertainment and food staples, THEN they are easy to control. Walt Disney movies have played a key role in providing entertainment for the masses to insure Illuminati control. Walt Disney’s friend the Masonic prophet H.G. Wells in his book A Modem Utopia that there would be lots of shows in the New World Order. The World Future Society in a book review in their publication Future Survey Annual, 1993, (ed. Michael Marien, Bethesda, MD: World Future Soc., p. 91) describes Disney:

"Control of commodities [such as entertainment] and access to commodities translates into control over people. ‘The postmodern US is a massive rush of disconnected commodities, each seeking a 10

moment of our attention." The world of commodities is our soma, and entertainment is the current form of public discourse. Walt Disney World, spread over 27,400 acres of central Florida swamp and scrub forest, ‘is the most ideologically important piece of land in the U.S.’ What goes on here is the quintessence of the American way. It is visited by over 30 million people a year--not only the major middle-class pilgrimage center in the US, but by far the most important entertainment center in the world. It is clearly Oz, utopia as a marketing device."

Two Disney brothers Walt (Walter Elias) and Roy O. Disney have been at the center of the creation of amusement parks and popular Disney films. In more recent times, two other men, Eisner and Katzenberg have been notable at Disney. Eisner & Katzenberg, as well as others will be discussed later. One of Disney’s directors, Victor Salva, was convicted of molesting a boy and filming one of the sexual molestations. Recently Disney Director Salva produced the Disney movie "Powder".

(Victor Salva’s sexual molestation conviction was covered by newspaper articles such as Robert W.

Welkos of the LA Times, in newspapers such as The Oregonian, Weds. Oct. 25, 1995, A sect.) The impact of the Disney brothers is monumental. Mickey Mouse teeshirts can be seen being worn by natives all over the world. Disney World and Disneyland are the quest for a large segment of humanity, who often esteem these amusement parks as the highlight of their life. What is highly esteemed among men, is an abomination to God according to the Word of God. The Bible arbitrarily makes this claim, but sadly, research by this author over the years proves that a close examination of Disney & mankind’s esteem for "Disney" things does vindicate the Biblical expectation. In other words, as readers of this article will find out, behind the appearance of wholesomeness of the Disney brothers and their creations lays abominations-- some of the most grotesque aspects of generational occultism the world has ever seen. Disney’s Magic Kingdom has become an American Institution that impacts people all over the world from the cradle to the grave.


In the large book The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom by Christopher Finch (N.Y.: Harry

N. Abrams, 1975) on page 11 an interesting and revealing statement is made: "By definition, public figures are known to everyone; yet, even after talking with some of Disney's closest associates, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that nobody really knew him. Always there was some aspect of his personality that was just out of reach."

Are sens