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George William Russell (1869-1935) - leading member of the Dublin Theosophist lodge, wrote art.

for the theosophic periodical The Irish Theosophist. Initiated into the Lodge of Isis (with it sexual rites). The keynote of his work is from the Bhagavadgita. He was a good friend of Golden Dawn leader William Butler Yeats who wrote some of the Satanic Masonic Rituals for the Golden Dawn.’15

James Russell- President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh which was associated with esoteric groups like the Masons.16

Archibald D. Russell (1811-1871) - A Presbyterian Mason who graduated from the Univ. of Edinburgh, Scot. He studied at the Univ. of Bonn, Ger. and was active in setting up various organizations in the United States. 17

Benjamin Russell (1761-1845)- Mason and early American Journalist.18

Charles H. Russell - Governor of Nevada, 1950-58, and 32º Mason, also in the York Rite, and a Shriner. 19

J. Stuart Russell - Mason and newspaper editor and deputy chairman of the Fed. Reserve Bank in Chicago.20

Lee M. Russell (1875-1943) - Mason and Lt. Gov. of Miss. 1916-20. (21) Louis A. Russell (1854-1925) - Mason, organist for South Park Presbyterian Church, Newark, N.J.22

Richard B. Russell (1861-1938) - Mason, judge, editor & business exec.22

Richard B. Russell, Jr. - Mason and Gov. of Georgia, 1931-33 and Sen. from Georgia since 1933. 24

Before going to our next section would be worthwhile to cover the family that Bertrand Russell came from. They hold the title of Dukes of Bedford. Ordo W. Russell served in Lord Palmerston’s office from 1850-52. He served as unofficial ambassador for Great Britian to the Vatican from 1857-70. His son Baron Ampthill was Grand Master of the English Masons 1908-1935. He joined the English equivalent of the Knights of Malta - that is the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and served as the Grand Master of the lodge formed at the Bank of England! He was appointed head of the Indian Masons of Madras, India (home of the Theosophical Society). Ordo Russell’s son also served in some high political positions.


Charles Edward Russell, Jewish Socialist who worked for N. Y. Life controlled by J.P. Morgan, and also for N.Y. Tribune and Herald.25

James E. Russell, Columbia University professor who introduced Wundt’s Hegelian philosophy to his students at Columbia.26

Thomas Russell (1767-1803) - a revolutionist of the Illuminati-stream of Revolution.27

Samuel Russell - represented Baring Bros. Helped open up the Port of Shanghai for the International Financiers.28

Bertrand Russell - famous Fabian socialist, and One-World Order .29

Alys Russell- ex-eccentric Quaker, wife of Bertrand and also a Fabian Socialist.30

Rev. Matthew Russell (1834-1912)- Jesuit writer.31




Charles Taze Russell, Sr. - Pastor RusseU’s uncle, broker and real estate agent.32

Moses F. Russell, Postmaster of Saltillo, Hopkins Co. ,TX near where Hayden Cooper Covington’s parents moved.33

Brother Russell- an early elder of the Belfast Ireland IBSA congregation.34


Elder Isaac Russell- a prominant early Mormon missionary to Great Britian in 1837.35

Captian Joseph H. Russell- original investor in stock in the Mormon Deseret Manufacturing Co.

which was intended to be an umbrella company for many early

Mormon enterprises.36

The Russell who opened a store with Mormon blessings in the newly created Salt Lake city. The store was called Miller, Russell & Co., a branch of Russell, Majors, & Waddell, and was a primary source of goods in the area of Utah.37


Baron Charles Russell (1832-1900)- Solicitor (Lawyer) in Ulster and advocate for Ireland.38

Jerome Russell a Greyfriar, burned in 1539 for heresy with John Kennedy in Glasgow, Scot.39

Philemon R. Russell- editor of the Christian Herald & Journal, in the Mar. 19, 1840 issue he stressed 2,520 years in prophecy, which was an idea C. T. Russell would later pick up and promote.

William Howard Russell- first war correspondent for London’s The Times newspaper in 1854. The London Times has long been part of the World Order, that William was the first of his kind is quite significant.


1. Michels, Robert. Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy. (orig. 1915) reprint: New York: Free Press, 1962, p. 70.

2. This Author has colloborated the connection of the Mormon leadership to the Satanic bloodlines and the Priere de Sion through several independent sources. One descendent of Joseph Smith who took part in Satanic rituals has been willing to tell about the family’s occult history. A Christian who was once part of the Satanic hierarchy who ran verbal instructions to the Mormon First Presidency from the Council of 13 colloborates their connections. The historical roots, even those that the Mormon leaders themselves have printed, expose the genealogical ties to some of the most powerful occult bloodlines.

3. This subject is very controversial. One of the few books even willing to touch the subject in a scholarly biblical manner is Crawford, Jarah B. Last Battle Cry, Christianity’s Final Conflict With Evil. Knoxville, TN: Jann Publishing, 1986.

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