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PASADENA Foundation -- $5,000

PITON Foundation -- $80,000

PITTSBURGH Foundation -- $55,000

PHILADELPHIA Foundation -- $23.000

PUBLIC Welfare Foundation -- $30,000

RIPLEY Memorial Foundation -- $5,000

SAN FRANCISCO Foundation -- $32,209

SANTA BARBARA Foundation -- $20,000

Florence & John SCHUMAN -- $25,000

William G. SELBY Foundation -- $18,700

SKILLMAN Foundation -- $30,000

Harry G. STEELE Foundation -- $418,950

Eloise & Richard WEBBER Foundation -- $20,000

WESTERN Electric Fund -- $6,000

Robert WILSON Foundation -- $50,000


If the reader is wondering what happened that some of the other top Illuminati families are not on the above list, the reason why is that the other families were supporting other organizations similar to Planned Parenthood Foundation which are also working to promote sterilizations, abortions, and sexual promiscuity. For instance, the Rockefeller family runs hundreds of foundations, and just two of these --the ones named after the Rockefellers-supported the following groups in 1984 which have the same goals and agenda as Planned Parenthood-- Center for Population Options (donation given -

$29,730), Population Council ($1,235,000), Alan Guttmacher Institute ($300,000) this is a dangerous organization doing research to promote these things, Population Institute ($10,000). On top of this, in 1984 the Red Chinese Academy of Medical Science was given several Rockefeller grants to do contraceptive, sterilization, and genetic research. One of these was a $6,647 grant given to the Red Chinese Academy of Medical Science to study male contraceptives. Has abortion, sterilization, sexual promisculty, population control, and genetic research been part of the Illuminati’s long range plan?

You bet. But it was important that the Illuminati convince the experts, (at least the experts they control) that these things were needed to save mankind. Three studies were made by the elite to determine that a population explosion was threatening the earth. according to William Cooper in Behold a Pale Horse, pp. 166-67. The first was during W.W. II, the second at Huntsville, AL in 1957, and the third by the Club of Rome ending in 1968. All three studies concluded that population growth must be curtailed. Last year at a meeting of the elite, George Hunt obtained a handout which shows that the elite are committed to stopping the population growth by any means available. Years earlier, Illuminatus Dr. Aurelio Peccei advocated a plague similar to the Black Plague, and when the idea was developed it became the AIDs epidemic. The Illuminati have the cure for AIDS. Actually, there are many cures for AIDS But the one they had before the AIDS epidemic began will not be given to the population until enough people die, or until the elite are exposed enough that they are forced to give out the cure. Dr. Wolf Szmuness. Pope John Paul II’s ex-roomate was one of the masterminds behind the AIDS epidemic. The National Security Council has had an ad hoc group on Population Policy to strongly encourage other nations to have birth control, abortions, and sterilizations. This group drafted the Global 2000 Report which was given to Carter. Whether the population explosion is a threat or not--(having travelled world-wide and having a father who was considered one of the better agricultural scientists, I contend it is not a threat)- -the world’s elite believe it, and they make the decisions. Further, they have a vested interest, an immoral need to believe in the overpopulation lie.


Van Duyn Candies has its kitchen and administration at 739 N.E. Broadway, Portland, OR. They operate 10 retail candy stores in Portland, one in Silverdale, WA (near Bremerton). The 63 year old company has 16 shopping mall leases, and wholesales candy to other candy distributors. It also operates a subsidiary Miss Saylor’s Candies, Inc. of Long Beach, CA. Van Duyn has in turn been bought out by Van Rian Corp, 2360 NW Quimby St., Portland, 97210. In 1990, American Confectionery, Inc. of Chino, CA was listed as owner of Van Duyn Candies. (These statistics were the ones I was able to get, they may be outdated.) One informant felt that Van Duyn Candies might play a role in the distribution of poisoned candy to American school children, which was an Illuminati plan on the drawing boards years ago. I contacted a Van Duyn representative about any company plans to distribute candy to schools, but got no information. The company has had its share of strange things happen. Richard McCall who was the president borrowed $391,000 of the company’s funds for his personal use. This theft of company funds was forgiven when he gave up his position and his share of stock so that he no longer had control over a large block of stock. On April, 27, 1988 The Oregonian reported that the company had gone bankrupt, and had filed for bankruptcy in Mar. 1987.

However. company officials declared that the bankruptcy was merely a reorganization which involved the resolving of the equity split in financial control of the company. The Van Duyn Candies reported $10 million in sales in 1986. If they play any role in all of this or not I cannot say. I certainly do not suggest that any of my readers boycott their candies. That would be rather rash and certainly is not what I want to see happen. Besides because they wholesale to others, I don’t what other labels the candy gets sold under.



A strange thing that happened to me that may be just coincidence or another piece of the puzzle. I will not mention any names, because I do not know how this all fits together. One of the men who owns two Van Duyn stores is an ex-Missionary to Taiwan and a minister. This ex-Missionary still is on best of terms (close friend) with the most powerful Free Chinese Army generals. He drives Cadillacs, and when he visits China is given the red carpet by his military general friend. This ex-missionary/minister was a friend of mine, and in 1990, when he heard I had written a book, he was excited to buy my book because we were friends. When he found out the title was The Watchower & The Masons, he immediately lost interest in the book and never bought it. I asked him if he knew anything about the Freemasons and he said he knew absolutely nothing about them. I thought that was a strange reply, because he was a leader of the Kiwannis in this area, and I have been to his Kiwannis breakfasts which were held in the basement of a Masonic Lodge here in Portland. How did this minister arrange for his Kiwannis club to meet in a Masonic Lodge, yet know nothing about the Masons? Further, there are many Masons with his surname, so that at least within his extended family I would expect some of them are Masons. Later, this man’s son-in-law (also a minister) called me to this son-in-law’s office in a particular church and told me I should be excommunicated by Christians for trying to expose Billy Graham, even though this ministers church doesn’t excommunicate. He gave me mean looks and further told me, "You will die for your sins. I dont know if this owner of Van Duyn stores has any relationship to the larger picture, or if all this is Just a number of strange coincidences.

I don’t even know if the Van Duyn candy company is related in anyway to the Van Duyn family, although one informant claims it is.


MI6 was intimately involved in the creation of the CIA and MOSSAD. And MI6 is the guiding hand behind those two organizations. British Intelligence was integrated under the title British Security Coordination which was the world’s largest and most powerful intelligence beast in the world. This beast has been under total control by the Illuminati since its beginning. Since 1940 when the BSC was set up in New York the Americans have worked for the British. But the intelligence community in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ has gone a step beyond the secret intrigue of intelligence agencies secretly controlling other intelligence agencies. They have actually signed formal agreements which completely make all these acronym monsters into one intelligence agency. There is The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) and the ABCA Agreement which concerns intelligence information exchange in the areas of defense research and development. The ABCA Agreement concerns military intelligence. The BRUSA Agreement on May 17, 1943 established exchange of personnel and the most intimate cooperation at the highest levels by the various national intelligence agencies of all high-grade COMINT. A Secret Treaty of 1947 linked all the major commonwealth and American intelligence groups. This is just one of countless agreements, most secret, for the exchange of information. At that point in time, levels of secrecy were ULTRA (very secret), Pearl (moderately secret), and Thumb (secret). Pearl and Thumb later became Pinup. On 17 February 1972 a National Security Council Intelligence Directive (NSCID)-6 directed the NSA to be the principal US SIGINT

agency, with the FBI and CIA basically working for the NSA. Although some people are claiming that their is friction between the NSA and its front organizations the FBI & CIA, it is hard to picture that this friction is anything serious because many people in these front organizations work for the NSA. The CIA, MI6 and the Mossad all worked through the BCCI which was scandalized recently, although the elite kept the lid on the scandal. Together the UKUSA intelligence community (or what is better termed the NWO’s intelligence world-wide intelligence agency, of which MI5, MI6, CIA, NSA, FBI, NZSIS, RCMP, SIS, ASIO, GCHQ, NRO, DIA & the SASB are simply departments, have together at least 300,000 people employed full time. If there was in the 1968 time period a Van Duyn 8

serving as the liaison between these various intelligence "departments’, he would be a very powerful man. (There is a way open to me to confirm this about a Van Duyn if I get the time.) TWO OTHER PROMINENT EARLY DUTCH AMER. FAMILIES

One of the men who has worked for the NWO in their think tanks and with their intelligence agencies is Professor William R. Van Cleave, who is a descendent of the New Netherlands families. His name is mentioned now because it is quite possible the Van Cleave’s and the Van Duyn’s intermarried. (I know that William Van

Duyn married Sarah Van Cleef in Somerset, NJ in around 1750. Prof. Van Cleave worked for RAND, Stanford Research Institute, Dept. of Strategic and Defense Studies at the Univ. of So. Calif. and was an advisor to the Pentagon, the SALT conferences etc. The Van Cleves are said to have originated from an ancestor Jan Van Cleef who was the son of Dutch nobility--the last Duke of Cleves. He is said to have come to America in 1653. Two of the Van Cleaves were Scottish Rite Masons in Chicago around the turn of the century.


William Collins Whitney, a member of the Illuminati via the Skull & Bones Order, is someone who I suspect was part of the Collins family. The Collins family is without doubt one of the top 13

Illuminati families. William Collins Whitney was a directory of Guaranty Trust, as well as his son H.P. Whitney who served later. William Collins Whitney married Flora Payne, daughter of Standard Oil’s Treasurer Oliver Payne. William Collins Whitney’s two sons were both members in the Skull & Bones, and one of them married Gertrude Vanderbilt (another originally early Dutch American family). The money that the Whitney family had amassed from the Payne’s and the Vanderbilts then was put into Guaranty Trust, J.P. Morgan, and Guggenheim. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt was a member of the Skull & Bones Order (init. 1899). A. Vanderbilt was sent a warning not to sail on the Lusitannia, because the elite knew it was to be sunk, but he failed to get the telegram and sailed to his death. Whitman Vanderbilt was part of the group of Illuminati that made up the Round Table in which the Satanic Astors and Satanic Cecils played a big role. I have sometimes wondered if rather than the Van Duyn’s that the name we should be dealing with is Vanderbilt. In any case, the point is that several of these originally Dutch families are in deep with the Illuminati. The origin of the Vanderbilt fortune is an obscure mystery. It was close to 1 billion in 1924, and must exceed numerous billions today. One reference states that Cornelius Vanderbilt, the original Vanderbilt who made it rich, made his large sums from blackmail (Minnigerode, Meade. Certain Rich Men. New York: G.P.

Putnam’s Son, 1927, pp 112-113.) Lindsay Russell (of the Russell family--another top 13 Illuminati family) worked for the Vanderbilts. It was Lindsay Russell who started the Pilgrim Society--which is the 6° of the branch Illuminati. Lindsay Russell was also chairman of the CFR, which is the 4°.

The Vanderbilts, the Whitneys, the Goulds, and the Rockefellers gave large sums of money to Billy Graham for his New York Crusade.


Many ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in the Garderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building a superhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved in building the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connection to the Illuminati is not trivial. The Dutch William of Orange deposed English King James II in the fighting of 1688-91. That is significant, because it appears that Illuminati financial headquarters were in Amsterdam prior to William of Orange’s victory. After that victory they moved 9

to London. One only has to note how important Brussels has been to the New World Order to realize that the lowlands of Belgium and the Netherlands continue to be important for the elite. For instance, the Beast--the supercomputer which is notified within seconds of every financial transaction you carry on at an ATM is located in Brussels. If the Van Duyn family were indeed one of the top 13

families it might break open some big clues to understanding thc Belgium connections and elements within the Illuminati. Earlier newsletters and the Be Wise As Serpents book have described high level rituals carried out in a castle (burg) in Belgium. There are dutchmen in the genealogy of the Roosevelt presidents in the line that goes back to the British royalty. Other prominent elitists tie back to the Netherlands & Belgium also. Elizabeth Van Buren wrote The Sign of the Dove which is a book about the Merovingians [the 13th Top Illuminati bloodline] and Jesus. The book takes a gnostic approach to religion, and puts forth the idea that the Merovingians were of extra-terrestrial descent. I had expected to find the town of Duyn from which the Van Duyn would have taken their name, but none of the maps so far have shown it. I had expected to find more important Van Duyns in the Netherlands and in the U.S. Instead, I only found a Hidde Hendrick Van Duym, who came over from the Netherlands and became a state educational official. Clearly, I have only broken the surface in trying to understand the Dutch connection in the Illuminati.


It has been theorized by others that at the top of the Illuminati are unknown superiors, so this should not scare anyone that I don’t have all the details, and that the family is unknown. On the other hand it is very hard to hide people who wield immense power. So far, I have dealt with families that were definitely within the top 13 Illuminati families. If the Van Duyn family is part of the top 13, it may represent the ‘Dutch-Flemish-Belgium segment of the Illuminati, just as the Astors & Rothschilds came from Germany, the DuPonts from France, the Li’s from China, and the Kennedy’s from Ireland.

Actually, the entire 13 top families are related in various ways and their heritages go back to the ancient nobility of Europe, to the tribe of Dan, and to the Khazars. Many of these top families feel they are descendents of the House of David. One researcher has even told me that the royal house of Japan is blood relation to the thirteenth top Illuminati family. (Truth is often stranger than fiction, but this sounds truly incredible.) That would be interesting if the genealogy (which he claims does exist) does actually show that. It would help explain why Japan is being brought into the picture. I was able only to identify that the Van Duyn family was a very early colonial American family of status, and that the few modern members of this family which I could identify are suspiciously tied to the establishment and fit the type of persons we would expect from a top 13 family. If anyone has any information concerning this subject, that information would be appreciated.


The Dutch-Belgium connection is one link that is very powerful in the Illuminati, but an area of which my knowledge is very scattered. I am trying to rectify that ignorance. Since my big article in the July 1, 1993 issue about the Van Duyns, I received more confirmations and tips from ex-Illuminati informants. So I have continued my search for details on the Van Duyn family. I was given the tip that the Illuminati members of this family were located in someplace [ike Michigan, and I did indeed find that the Grand Rapids area has a large number of Van Duyns. There are also a small smattering of Van Duyns (there are a few variant spellings such as Van Duine) at Lansing, MI; North Oakland, MI; Minneapolis, MINN; and St. Paul. I was also able to identify one more Van Duyn who has been part of the power structure, and might possibly then be part of the actual secret generational Satanic cult activity. This man was an official for UNESCO. I have had ex-Witchcraft sources tell me that UNESCO was passing NWO instructions on to them. UNESCO is one of the more directly controlled and more dangerous U.N. organizations. My writings have referred to it before. This man’s name is Robert Gerald Vanduyn. He married florence Elizabeth Noyer. Robert Vanduyn served as the associate director of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which is a large foundation with HO in Battle 10

Creek, Michigan. The Kellogg Foundation gives grants to Catholic Universities, to research along the lines of Illuminati goals, and a variety of other causes. For instance, a 1984 $100,000 grant was given to the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. The purpose? ‘To implement a national recruitment effort to enlist the support of government and corporate leaders to improve policies concerning adult education and training." Of course as you know, most national government and corporate leaders are part of their power structure so of course they (the Illuminati) would like these people in the decision making process of our junior colleges. The Foundation contributed almost $10,000 in 1984 to the Battle Creek Board of Education. That should give the foundation quite a bit of clout in the local school board’s decisions. Many of the grants of the Kellogg Foundation are to promote things in health care and agriculture which are in the general trend of what the Illuminati is pushing for. The American government loaned Robert Vanduyn to UNESCO from 1972 onwards.

He was given the position of Coordinator of UNESCO Service World Bank Education project. To be in that position shows he was part of the elite, whether he was or wasn’t a Satanist. UNESCO is being used to push a NWO education agenda on the world. Recently, the death of Patricia Van Cleve Lake opened up some more clues about the Van Duyns. In the July 1 article I mention on page 52 that one of the other early Dutch families in New Amsterdam which intermarried with the Van Duyns was the Van Cleves. Ten hours before Patricia Van Cleve Lake died on Oct. 3, she called her son and told him the truth about who she was. The 3 paragraph death notice was buried on page 14 in an LA. paper (I think the LA Times). What she told her son on her death bed was that she was the daughter of William Randolph Hearst and movie star Marion Davies. Various people noticed her resemblance to Hearst, but dared not speak about it publicly. Her son told people after she died, ‘She lived her life on a satin pillow. They took away her name, but they gave her everything else." Patricia was always introduced as "the niece" of Marion Davies, who in reality was her mother. The rumor mill since the 1920s had claimed Patricia was Hearst daughter, but it wasn’t until just this last month that it had been publicly said.

The news links the Van Cleve family to Hearst. All this news is very interesting in light of several previously establish facts. First, Hearst who funded Billy Graham’s first 3 years of Crusades was part of the Illuminati. Second, the Illuminati often adopt out their children to hide their paternity and ancestry. Third, the Van Cleve family is linked to the Van Duyns, which raises the possibility of links between Hearst and the Van Duyns.


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