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J.P. Morgan & Co. helped finance the Bolshevik revolution.

Alfred de Rothschild also helped finance the Bolsheviks.


The second World War was also controlled by Illuminati and Rothschild interests. The Great Depression did not only occure in America. It also swept Europe. The economic depression in Europe, coupled with an extremely harsh Versailles Treaty helped fan the flames of the nationalistic fires that swept Germany.

Hitier was a member of the most powerful occultic secret society in Germany. He penetrated the inner circle of this society where Satanism was practiced. Hitler was dedicated to Satan’s Empire - an evil puppet. He was brought into this evil group by Dietrich Eckart who is supposed to have said on his deathbed: "Follow Hitler. He will dance, but It is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine’; opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any German.’ In the last article we discussed the possibility of Hitler having been of Rothschild descendance. Consider this -

he probably had satanic bloodline, he had the backing of a powerful satanic society, he had sold his

soul to Satan, and he had the financial backing of the Illuminati. is it any wonder that he rose from obscurity, poverty and Imprisonment to become one of the most powerful men to ever live? I believe that It is even safe to specuiate that Hitler was totally controlled by a demonic spirit(s); that he simply gave himself over to Satan’s control. An ex-member of the Satanic Hierarchy of the Illuminati expressed a belief to me that there have been certain evil men through-out history that have totally given themselves over to possession by Satan. That these men (Hitler, Ghengis Khan, for example) have been anti-christ types, simply human containers for the residence of a very powerful demonic spirit, or even Satan himself. The ex-illuminati member believed that when Satan no longer had need for the body of his anti-christ he would discard It with death and find another willing soul to sacrifice his bodily control to the devil. These evil figures would not be ‘The" Anti-Christ, explained the informant, but would have allowed themselves to taken over by "the spirit" of the Anti-Christ. This is just a theory, but I believe it has certain merit. If it is true, it paints an interesting picture of Hitler and the ruling class that created him. Hitler’s main source of economic power was from the I.G. Farben chemical cartel, and I.G. Farben in turn was controlled by the Illuminati. The I.G. Farben cartel was created by loans from Wall Street in what has been called the Dawes plan. Carroll QuIgley calls the Dawes Plan "largely a J.P. Morgan production." The J.P. Morgan Group set up the loan to I.G.

Farben, which created Hitler. ,,Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I.G. Farben in the first place, and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and Worid War II." Henry Ford merged his German assets with I.G. Farben in 1928. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. It was also involved in the torture experimentations that led to mind control methods, such as Monarch Programming. Do you see what happened? A Rothschild agent set up a cartel that was directly involved in the horrible persecution of the Jews. Still the family maintains the illusion of being totally supportive of their race. At first Germany had a significant disadvantage if they were to embark on a second world war. The nation had a fuel shortage, but the Illuminati fixed this problem. The Germans were able to fight WWII through the use of synthetic fuels that were created by the hydrogenation process (turning coal into gasoline). This process was discovered by I.G. Farben. Hydrogenation technology would not have been fully developed by WWII, but I.G. Farben made a deal with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, who was able to complete the research, facilitating the war. Interestingly, I.G. Farben plants were not targeted by the bombing raids on Germany. By the end of the war the refineries had experienced only 15% damage. William Dodd, American ambassador to Germany before WWII, wrote President Roosevelt: "At the present moment, more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiaries here or cooperative understandings.

,,The DuPonts have their allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company... ,,Standard Oil Company ... sent $2,000,000 here in December, 1933

and has made $500,000 a year helping Germans limprove hydrogenation technology] ... ,,The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% year, but they could take nothing [earnings] out [except in goods]. ‘Even our airplanes people have secret arrangements with Krupps. ‘General Motors Company [which was controlled by the J.P. Morgan Group] and Ford do enormous business here through their subsidiaries and take no profits out." Germany needed the capital of these, and many more American companies in order to wage a war. I.G. Farben had a holding company in the United States called American I.G. Farben. Paul Warburg, his brother Max (head of Germanies secret police during WWI), and Warburg agent Herman Metz were some of the members of the board of directors of the American I.G. Farben. Other directors included Rockefeller/International banking men (Edsel Ford, Charies Mitchell, Walter Teagle, etc) . Three Germans on the Board of Governors were convicted as war criminals after the war, but the elite Americans fore-mentioned were not, even though they participated in the same criminal decisions as those who were punished. According to author Eustice Mullins, Hitier met with Allen and John Foster Dulles in 1933. The Dulles brothers were acting as legal representatives of Schiff and Warburg’s Kuhn, Loeb & Co, which was an Integral part of the Rothschild network. Mullins claims Kuhn & Loeb had extended large short-term credits to Germany, and needed to ensure the repayment of these loans. The Dulles supposedly assured Hitler he would receive the funds necessary to be installed as Chancellor of Germany, if he promised to repay the debts. One of the largest tank manufacturers for Germany was Opel, which was controlled by the J.p. Morgan Group. Another company connected to the J.p. Morgan Group was Bendix Aviation, ‘which supplied data [to

Germany] on automatic pilots, aircraft Instruments and aircraft and diesel engine starters.’ The examples go on and on. There is much more that could be written on this subject. The manufactured Pearl Harbor attack allowed Roosevelt to enter America into the war. A second worid war had been created by the Illuminati, with the help of the Rothschild/Morgan/Warburg/Schiff syndicate. After the end of the war, the Tribunals that investigated Nazi war criminals censored "any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler," said historian Antony C. Sutton.


World War II facilitated the American acceptance of a giobal ‘peacekeeping" institution - the United Nations. After the U.S. had rejected the first attempt to create such an institution in the League of Nations, the illuminatI decided to create an arm of the Rothschild funded Round Table groups which could help influence western society towards the embracement of globalism. The original idea was to create an international special interest group of advisors that would promote a New World Order, called the Institute of on International Affairs. The plan eventually changed, the Institute was split up so that separate groups could influence separate governments without having the appearance of a conspiracy. These groups were formed at what are called the Hotel Majestic meetings. Baron #1

Edmond de Rothschild of France was the main force behind these meetings, and all the founders of these groups were men who had met with his approval. Chief of these was Rothschild agent Colonel Edward Mandell House. One of these groups was the CFR.. The CFR Handbook of 1936 explains how It was established. ‘On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs.... It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of International Affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequentiy, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York. and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs [RIIA], in London, also known as the Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs

[and facilitated the Pearl Harbor attack] . Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg, the Hamburg branch being called the Institut fur Auswartige Politik. and the Paris branch being known as Centre d’Etudes de Politicque Etrangere..." I have never seen any research on the Institut fur Auswartige Politik in Germany. It wouid be interesting to see how this group was Involved with the elite and the creation of WWII.

A group of Illuminati wise men took the plans laid out at the Hotel Majestic meetings and formed the CFR. The founders included; Colonel Edward Mandell

House (a Rothschild agent), John Foster Dulles (of Rothschild connected Kuhn, Loeb & Co.), and Allen Dulles (also of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.).

The CFR was officially founded on July 29, 1921. Money for the founding came from J.P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and

John D. Rockefeller, among others. The funding for the RIIA in London came primarily from the Astor family. Rothschild-connected Paul Warburg was on the original board of directors of the CFR.

As you can clearly see, the Rothschild network had significant influence in the creation of the foreign relation groups. This influence continues today. The Rothschild’s power within the secret "Society of the Elect" and the Round Table Groups extended to the semi-publIc CFR, RIIA, etc. The House of Rothschild was up in arms with their feilow elites; managing the creation of the New World Order.

Should there be a part 3 to this series, it will Investigate individual Rothschilds from the worid war era up into the modern day world, and their continuing involvement in the Illuminati.


Cowles, Virginia. THE ROTHSCHILDS: A FAMILY FORTUNE. New York: Alfred A Knopf, Inc., 1973

Sampson, Anthony. THE MONEY LENDERS. New York: Penguin Books, 1983

Morton, Frederic. THE ROTHSCHILDS: A FAMILY PORTRAIT. New York: Collier Books, 1991

Wechsberg, Joseph. THE MERCHANT BANKERS. New York: Pocket Books, 1968

Still, William. NEW WORLD ORDER. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990


SKULL & BONES. Liberty House Press

Mullins, Eustace. THE WORLD ORDER. Boring, OR: CPA Book Publisher, 1985

Epperson, A. Ralph. THE UNSEEN HAND. Tucson, Arizona: Publius Press, 1985


It has been said by an Illuminati informant that the Krupp ramily is part of the Illuminati. It is clear that that the Krupp family must be at least in agreement to the plans of the Illuminati. This can be said because of the extensive power of the Krupps. The Krupps were the primary producers of the big guns for the German army in W.W.I. Lenin wanted the Krupps to help him make the Russian steppes productive. The Krupps have produced agricultural equippment, and train locomotives as well as tanks. After W.W. I had ended, the head of the Krupp family, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, began secretly planning to rebuild Germany’s military might. Gustav Krupp bought coal mines after W.W. I with an eye on using them for future weapons production. After the Allied Control Commission departed Germany in 1928, Krupp factories began secretly turning out a few tanks particularly at Krupp’s Garusonwerk Factory. The Christian Science Monitor which ties in with the occult system sent reporters to Krupps factories during the 1920s to report on how well the Germans were complying with the Versailles Treaty limitations. The reporters gave a clean bill of health to the Krupp factories even though the reporters should have questioned why all their film was destroyed during factory tours (infared rays were beamed Into their film while they toured Krupps factories.) Prussian-trained Gustav Krupp had married the daughter of Friedrich Krupp whose name was Bertha. Bertha was a powerful woman, and sole owner in 1902 of one of Germany’s largest steel firms. The Krupps have lived above Essen, German in a hugh palace called Villa Huegel, whose small wing has 60 rooms. They also have other castles and villas. At one time they owned (as far as I know they still do) a castle in the Austrian Alps named Bluehnbach. Gustav Krupp hosted and was one of the leaders of a secret group of 12 powerful German industrialists called the Ruhrlade which secretly made Germany’s industrial decisions during the Weimar Republic. This group also made political decisions. In 1932, Krupp began to help HItler. The secret governing body of the Ruhrlade covered their meetings behind the cover of having lavish hunting parties. The Illuminati kept close tabs and gave secret support to Hitler on his rise to power. Illuminatus William Randolph Hearst had his chief European correspondent William Bayard Hale met with Hitler early in the 1920s at Hale’s lavish suite at the Hotel Bayrisher Hof.


by Fritz Springmeier

Introduction to Part 3. The Rothschilds are one of the most prominent of the top thirteen Illuminati families. This newsletter has been singling out each of the top thirteen Illuminati families for a feature article. Articles in this newsletter have already been done on the Astor, Buady, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, U, Kennedy, Onassis, and Van Duyn families. The Rockefellers were featured in a December 1992 article just prior to this series. Because there is more Information out about the

Rothschilds than some of the other families, I decided to write more than just one feature article about them.

Reviewing the recent newsletter articles.

The first set of my recent Rothschild articles consisted of my Introduction and then main article. The Introduction covered the hidden lineages of the Springs, the Payseurs, the Beatty family and Abraham Lincoln. The main article by David Smith covered the 18th and 19th centuries of Rothschild power.

The second set of articles again consisted of my introduction along with a main article. In my Introduction I covered some about their secret power, their power in Latin America, and their secret power to manipulate financial things without playing the same rules as others play. David Smith’s main article covered the Rothschild’s influence in history in the late 19th century and during the 20th century.

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