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The long Van Duyn article of the July 1, ‘93 newsletter indicated that I was puzzled that I hadn’t found more clues about the power of the Van Duyn family, which an informant had told me was one of the top 13 Illumanati families. Since that time, I have spent time with a very knowledgeable ex-Illuminatus, and it was confirmed that the initial information was indeed correct, the Van Duyns are one of the top 13 Bloodlines. Some of the Satanic members of this bloodline are in the North Central area of United States, such as in Michigan. I found out that this bloodline keeps much of their money in Europe, and that they are linked to some ltalians -- (the Mafia?).

With some more clues to pursue, I hope to discover some more about this top Illuminati family which has gone to such great lengths to be hidden. It is clear that they have kept their money and businesses well hidden, via holding companies and other gimmicks.


This collection of articles has tried to take the reader back stage to meet the families that control the Illuminati and the world. One of the best places to see representatives of the different 13 families together are when they gather for the Feast of the Beast. The back stage story is tar from being told.

The Van Duyn family is a fitting way to end this book, because the mystery that surrounds them highlights the work that still remains to tell the complete story. The Van Duyn articles do not mention Roel Van Duyn of Amsterdam, Netherlands who founded/headed in modern times the 11

socialist/communist movement in the Netherlands. He was a powerful man. The movement was lead by Provos (provocateurs) whose demonstrations at times got violent. What is the nature of the relationship between the Van Duyn family and the Van Cleve family? I know there was some intermarriage, but due to time restraints I never completed my investigation down this avenue. While Roel Van Duyn was leading his radical movement, Miss Davies father was livIng at Heart’s Riverside Dr. No. 336, and her brother-in-law George Van Cleve was an executive in Hearst’s film corporation.

The mystery of the Van Duyn family is also reflected in the mystery surrounding the Romanov family. The Romanov family had more than the Russian branch, there was for instance a Prussian branch. And some of their family like the Grand Prince Alexis Romanov came to America, where his granddaughter Mary Teissier (the cousin to Alexander Romanov) was one of J. Paul Getty’s main lovers. J. Paul Getty if you have forgotten was at one time listed by Fortune Magazine as America’s richest man. Not only does Romanov blood flow in some of the Illuminati, the Romanov name pops up among the friends of Frank Sinatra. Mike and Gloria Romanov were friends of Frank Sinatra.

Frank Sinatra’s social activities were like a Who’s Who in the Mafia and Illuminati. Frank Sinatra would travel to France to spend time with Baron Guy de Rothschild, or could be found doing a charity ball for the World Mercy Fund with Laurance Rockefeller.

Mentioning the Rockefellers brings us right back to the Romanovs. And then who was Anne Marie Rasmussen who married Nelson Rockefeller’s son Steven Clark Rockefeller? When one reads her book There Was Once A Time of Islands. Illusions. & Rockefellers (NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975) one learns that she was from Norway, a maid in the Rockefeller home, learned TM, and was shocked by the Rockefeller’s abundant ‘primitive’ art of the Rockefellers. ‘Primitive’ simply was a Rockefeller expression for all the nude art that they have all around. In her book, she talks about ‘The Playhouse’ at Kykuit, about Margaretta (Happy) Rockefeller’s close friend Mrs. Vincent Astor, about Laurance Rockefeller’s St. John Island, where he built the Caneel Bay Plantation, and the Rockefeller’s ranch at Jackson Hole, WY. Talking about the Astors brings us back to Frank Sinatra who bought Mary Astor’s large rambling property in the Toluca Lake area of the San Fernando Valley. Frank bought the land without even seeing it. Frank is not the only one not seeing things. So much of what is being told us by our media is outright distortions. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. would get together secretly with WIlliam H. Vanderbilt and Jay Gould to scheme against the public. They took oaths to cooperate while the public thought they were antagonists. And what about the Rockefeller-Rothschild feud? And why did John Archbold (John D. Rockefeller’s right hand man) go overseas and secretly work out business arrangements with the Rothschilds in the 1880s? One CIA agent described the ‘Company’ as a worn out whorer who needs to come in off the street and get cleaned.

The Illuminati have made the CIA and used it for their own ends, and have let the CIA be the fall guy.

When we start looking

closer at the CIA, we see men like Archie Roosevelt of the Roosevelt family, who was a leader in the CIA., going to places such as Nigeria to visit the Emir of Kano with David Rockefeller. This Rockefeller/Roosevelt visit to the Emir was close to going to Timbuktu. (David Rockefeller took along his own private professor of Egyptology when he went to the pyramids and to Egypt. Perhaps his love for Egypt relates to David’s fixation and love for beetles.) (Another aside, is that America’s foremost Egyptologist Dr. Charles Breasted was underwritten by the Rockefellers. But then those few who understand the one to one correspondence of the Book of the Dead’s rituals and modern Satanic rituals might not be surprised.) Nelson Rockefeller was part of the National Security Council which sits even higher than the CIA in Intelligence affairs. Speaking of far off places, what about Mis Osman Ali Khan who was the principal Moslem ruler of India at one time? And what about the multimillionaire possible billionaire Aga Khan Ill? These men interacted socially with the Illuminati families. And how far does the Rockefeller wealth go? We know that through the Chase Investment Corporation they have such far off holdings as a steel mill in Turkey, and a cotton textile mill in Nigeria. Creole Petroleum of Venezuela is owned by Nelson. Chase Manhattan has a full-time envoy to the U.N. and the Secretary Generals of the UN visit the Rockefellers at their estate at Pocantico. A number of families threw their selves in with the Rockefellers and owe their family wealth to the fact that they served the Rockefellers. These include John D. Archbold, the Harknesses, the Bedfords, the 12

Chesebroughs, the Cutlers, the Flaglers, the Folgers, the Paynes, the Pierces, and the Rogerses. The Rockefeller’s have had a number of senators who he ‘owns’. In 1904, Senator Penrose received $25,000 and Senator Bliss received $100,000 given via Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. One scholar wrote against the Rockefeller control of politics, ‘The Standard [ Oil] had done everything to the Pennslyvannia legislature except refine it.’ (Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth Against the Commonwealth. When the Rockefellers wanted to build a highway they would summon people like Interior Secretary Stewart Udall to Nelson’s apartment, where he talked Udall into permitting the Rockefellers to build an unpopular highway. In 1968, Hubert Humphrey wanted both David and Nelson Rockefeller in his cabinet. The Rockefellers cooked up the idea to have a World Trade Center in NY and their cronies were involved in the scandal to promote the idea. David wrote letters of advice to Pres. J.F. Kennedy. Where do all these elite connections end? All these top 13 Illuminati families tie together at the Feast of the Beast rituals. In addition to this grand meeting, where Satan puts in his personal appearance, these families have smaller meetings and rituals frequently all over the world. Their Council of 9 and their Council of 13 meet and send out their orders regularly.

Volume 2 will examine how the Illuminati rule, what their organizations are, and what their life and rituals are like. An Appendix so to speak. As I failed to provide a genealogical chart for the Rockefeller Family while doing my newsletter articles, I will as an appendix add that to this page.

One of the families that intermarried with the Costellos was the Van Duyn family. But who are the Costellos? Frank Costello (died 1973) was the underworld boss of New York for many years until Vito Genovese (died ‘69) took control. Carlo Gambino took over from Vito until his death and then in 1976 Carlo in turn died and his heir Paul Castellano with some of the Gambino family took over.

Now Roosevelt (Rosy-or Rose) Gambino runs the Gambino family, The (;ambino family is related in marriage to the Eli Lilly Illuminati family. Frank Costello had Jerry Catena working for him, and Eddie Torres was a close friend of Jerry Catena. Eddie Torres was the President of the Las Vegas casino Riviera, before Gus Greenbaum took over. Greenbaum was connected to all the Mafia, and was a casino manager for Meyer Lansky in Havana and other places. Lou Costello’s father was from Italy. In Italy the name was spelled Cristillo. Lou Costello got Dean Martin into show business. Lou provided Dean Martin the money for his nose job before Dean made it big in show business. Lou’s daughter later married Dean’s son. Lou Perry and Costello both got Dean Martin into show business.

Costello had great clout with MCA. Costello got disgusted with Dean Martin in 1945 when Dean ran up bills which he charged to Lou Costello. Later Dean ignored Lou at a Casino and also got Lou Costello ticked off. Dean’s first wife was Betty McDonald. Betty’s father was Bill McDonald. (See what I’ve written on the McDonald’s role in the Illuminati.) Betty McDonald Martin became known for being a party-throwing alcoholic while neglecting her children. Carole Costello married Dean Martin’s oldest son. One of Lou Costello’s friends was Mickey Cohen. Frank Costello rubbed shoulders with the Rockefellers, with Lucky Lucianno, and other powerful underworld figures.

Costello controlled NY Mayor William 0’ Dwyer. Frank Costello was also the owner of Alliance Distributors who are the sole American distributors for Whiteley Co. of Scotland. Scotch drinkers like the orange brown scotch of the famous King’s Ransom Scotch as well as the House of Lords Scotch.

They may not realize that Costello was the sole distributor of these drinks which were imported through him from Scotland. Ray Ryan, a young Texas oil Tycoon went into at least one petroleum-lease venture with Frank Costello and Frank Erickson. Ray Ryan was friends also with Dean Martin.

Ray Ryan was the godfather for Ricci Martin. His Mount Kenya Safari Club had an elusive membership, incl. such Illuminati members as Winston Churchill and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Ray Ryan was involved with the malia when someone blew his Lincoln Continental up.

The blast had been so powerful part of Palm Springs had its power knocked out. Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop were known as the Rat Pack. All of these men were connected to the Mafia and some (if them were satanists such as Sammy Davis, Jr. and Peter Lawford. In 1960, these men posed together outside of the Sands casino for a picture where they performed together. This picture of the Rat Pack is in the book Dino. Living High In the Dirty Business of Dreams by Nick Tosches. Another picture of Dean Martin taken around 1954 shows him with Marilyn Monroe and Averell Harriman. Averell Harriman was in the Illuminati. Marilyn Monroe was a Monarch sexual slave for the elite. Marilyn was a Presidential Model sexual slave for JFK. JFK was part of the Kennedy Illuminati family and he often spent time with members of the Rat Pack. The Hollywood Reporter described Dean Martin as a "hypnotically attractive, homegrown 13

American monster." Frank Sinatra was a very cruel man too. Dean Martin (Dino Crocetti) grew up in Steubenville which was known for its gambling and prostitution. A white-slavery ring that kidnapped beautiful woman for whorehouses was headquartered in Steubenville. James Vincent Tripodi of the Mafia ran Steubenville. A popular saying in Steubenville among the youth was ‘Learn to steal, learn to deal, or go to the mill.’ Dino became a dealer at the Rex in Steubenville, run by Cosmo Quattrone.

Jerry Lewis, a close associate to Dean Martin said, "No one ever got to know him, not even Betty [his wife]." Herman Hover, who lived at 606 North Bedford Drive in Beverly Hills, bought his mansion from the Vanderbilts. Howard Hughes did a lot of his business at the mansion. Mickey Cohen, Gen. J.

Wainwright, Howard Hughs, James Roosevelt (FDR’s son), and many other prominent people would go to Hover’s Ciro nightclub. Later they would go over to Hover’s Mansion. The mansion was a place of frequent parties that Dean Martin and others of his group would go to. In defiance of NBC’s standards, Dean Martin for his Dean Martin show was going to show off women trained as animals.

Dean Martin would walk on the show with a voluptuous gal in a tiger outfit on a leash that Dean would hold. The girl would then be telling Dean at every chance that she was not a girl but a fellow.

When Dean married Kathy Hawn, in 1973, Frank Sinatra was his best man. Frank received a diamond-studded golden cigarette lighter with an obscene inscription. Dean worked many years for MGM Grand, which now is built as a pyramid in Las Vegas with Monarch programming going on in it. The theme inside the MGM is the Wizard of Oz which is for Monarch programming. (To understand the Wizard of Oz mind control programming the reader needs to get this author’s various writings on the Monarch Programming, which includes an Illustrated Guide To Monarch Programming and other writings.) Bob Hope, an MI-6 agent who was used extensively in W.W. II to trigger mind-controlled military men with the proper hypnotically embedded trigger words, received his own mind-controlled sex slaves after the war. One of these slaves of Bob Hope also worked for the Illuminati’s Council of 7. This author (Fritz Spnngmeier knows her) and she is one of the few Illuminati slaves who has been deprogrammed. While she was a slave for Bob Hope, he loaned her to Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and Richard Nixon to name a few. More about this Monarch slave, which was used as a courier and a sexual slave, shortly. Let’s explain some about Bob Hope. Because the previous paragraph may present the reader some difficulties let’s temporarily digress into the entertainment field’s connections to the elite. The Caesars and the medieval kings recognized the importance of controlling the people with entertainment. The occult world has long been connected with entertainment. during W.W. II, the U.S. and U.K. used almost everyone in the entertainment fields to help with the war effort. There have been numerous connections in this author’s research about the llluminati/CIA mind control which connects back to the U.S.O. (the American military entertainers that travelled in USO units on tours.) The story about how the USO was used to carry messages to mind-controlled agents and military men would include many names including Quent Reynolds, Bruce Cabot, Joe E. Brown, Andy Devine, Candy Jones (Jessica Wilcox) and some many lesser knowns such as Wheeler (who later became known as the programmer Dr. Black). The military apparently was already using programmed killers to carry out deadly assignments. Bob Hope & the USO was used to carry trigger words to these mind-controlled people. For many years the world’s experts in running spies--the British empire under the control of the Illuminati.-have been using certain professions for spying. For instance, Postmaster Generals are used for spying because they can control the secret spying on mail. An example of this, Benjamin Franklin, postmaster general for the colonies, was an important spy for the Illuminati’s British Trading Companies/British government in the colonies. (To understand his role in the Illumminati contrived American Revolution read chap.

3.4. in my Be Wise As Serpents). Likewise, what better person to pick than Bob Hope to run messages worldwide. Bob Hope, was british, and MI6 knew they could trust him. Bob Hope has an excellent ability to learn and say lines. Bob was and still is great with words, knowing how to fit them together and to make puns and double and triple meaning sentences. His ability to construct sentences with double meanings, was a great cover for the hidden messages he transmited for allied intelligence during the war. If you want to keep a secret the best place is out in the open. The British and American intelligence agencies know this. Some of their greatest secrets are out in the open, where no one suspects what they are. Bob Hope. who was already a radio and movie star before W.W.II, was given wide publicity as he travelled all over for the U.S.O. (the entertainment groups for the military).

Bob Hope was ‘just an entertainer,’ and yet he visited Roosevelt. Churchill, Eisenhower, Pattan, and all kinds of military men. Bob travelled all over the world to every front during the war, including 14

England, Africa, the South Pacific. the East & west coasts of the U.S. the Caribbean, Panama, etc. He could fit all kinds of signals into his jokes and talks, and no one would be the wiser. Under the disguise of building moral by being a comedian, Bob could go anywhere and because he always was making jokes, no one took him seriously. Bob Hope was a courier, a message bearer of coded messages. Sometimes the coded messages almost seem to jump out when you look at his wartime talks M16 and MIS’s Section BIA under the supervision of London’s W Board and 20 Committee oversaw the running of double agents and mind-controlled couriers and mind-controlled spies.

Special Intelligence Service (SIS) for the British dealt a great deal with mind-control of all types.

Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was part of SIS’s mind control capabilities. Men like Tavistock’s hypnotist/mind control expert Eric Trist were willing to perform mind-control on British civilians/military men. Over the last 45 years perhaps the most popular place for couriers to be signalled to meet was by someone holding a bird in a cage or at a shop with birdcages. The allusion to carrier pigeons is so obvious. Look at a caption ‘Speaking of WRENS’ with a cartoon from Bob Hope’s book I Never Left Home (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1944) written in 1944 during the middle of W.W.II. The cartoon shows Bob chasing a girl with a bird cage and saying ‘Tweet, Tweet, Tweet.’

Hypnotic commands are given 3 times. What seems like a harmless cartoon, looks more like a signal telling people that Bob Hope is in charge of a flock of carrier pigeons (couriers). When talking to a group of soldiers during the war Bob said, "in London the bobbies caught a guy walking around in the fog with a bird cage giving the mating call but the American consul got me.’

There is a great deal more that could be written, perhaps books, but Americans need to understand that MI6 (British intelligence) started, trained and still control American intelligence. Remember, that Canada entered W.W.II along with Britain, and the British set up one of their best secret agent training schools between Whitly and Oshawa, Ontario in a place called Intrepid Park. The agents called it "the camp" or "the farm." (Now the CIA has their own "camp" or "farm’ which is Camp Peary where they carry out mind-control.) The British named this British Security Coordination Special Training School No. 103 & Hydra. STS 11)3. Some people called it Camp X. When the war broke out the Amer. FBI, OSS, SOE, SIS, BSC, and the Canadian RCMP all sent people to be

"trained" at the secret Camp X hidden on Lake Ontario’s north shore across from the US-CAN

border. British SOE (Special Operations Executive) set itself up for business in New York City, and during WW II directed operations from there. Let’s get back to explaining about Frank Sinatra, a man who spent time visiting with the Rockefellers, the european and american Rothschilds, and other powerful figures including Bob Hope. Frank Sinatra, who is well known world wide for his cruelty would serve as the handler for Bob Hope’s Mind-controlled slave(s) when she sexually serviced men in the Rat Pack. In other words, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin knew the cues, the trigger code words to get this slave to sexually serve them, especially Frank. Because Dean knew about the Monarch programming, that is why he had the audacity to want to bring a slave on his show on a lease in a tiger outfit. During the obedience training of a sexual slave they have an expensive collar put on them and their mind-control programming for all sexual alters from infancy up is that they are cats. These slaves have cat alters (personalities) who are spin-kitten alters. When Dean Martin as an older man would sexually get younger women like Andre Boyer, a 19 year old student at UCLA there is a good chance that Andre and others like her were under mind-control.

Frank Sinatra’s parents were Natalie (Dolly) Della Garavante from Genoa and Anthony Martin Sinatra from Catania, Sicily. His mother was a cigar-smoking cruel foul mouthed woman. Dolly was a midwife and abortionist (before it was legal). Dolly didn’t always escape legal detection for her illegal abortions. Just one of the times she was hauled into court was on Feb. 27, ‘39 in a Hudson Special Sessions Court. Frank’s parents always had money, and so Frank grew up as a child who always had money. He would share it with other kids, if they would be his friend. Frank was known as a lazy and mean boy as he grew up. He still did not have a steady job by the age of 20 and was still living off his parents. Frank’s mother then decided to get him into singing. Due to his mother, Frank got some singing jobs and started going somewhere in life. After struggling for years, Tommy Dorsey got Frank Sinatra on the road to success with his band. Tommy Dorsey and Frank’s mother got along great. Frank Sinatra wanted to emulate Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel who was boss of Niurder, Inc. Let’s digress for a minute and explain that the Illuminati will use the Mafia for murders which don’t have 15

formal approval of the Illuminati hierarchy to carry out. About 30% of the dirty work for the Illuminati is carried out by the Mafia. The Illuminati have their own death squads which are superior to the Mafia, but individuals must approach one of the Councils for approval to assassinate. Often its easier for those in the Illuminati just to put an unauthorized contract out on someone. The Mafia are often willing to make a business deal. The Mafia are intertwined with the occult and some of the Mafia are involved in rituals, mind-control programming etc. However, there are a number of Mafia who are only in it for the business end, like many in the Yakusa. They are appalled at the heartless things that the Illuminati are doing such as turning a whole generation of young people into drug addicts, etc. Some of the Mafia have much higher codes of honor than the Generational Satanists.

Frank Sinatra’s hero Bugsy was associated with all the Mafia heads such as Charlie ‘Lucky’ Luciano (who controlled Marilyn Monroe as a slave) and Frank Costello. The New Jersey Underworld kingpin Willie Moretti (aka Willie Moore) was Frank Sinatra’s neighbor in Hasbrouch Heights. Bugsy was a cruel man. Frank was in total awe of Bugsy (almost enthralled to the point of worship). The Illuminati turned to Bugsy and then later to the Gambino family when the needed someone killed. Later, Bugsy got on the bad side of other Mafia chiefs and was killed by them.

Frank Sinatra had a quick way of alienating people with his controlling anger. Frank alienated William Randolph Hearst, Jr. at a party by fighting with him. The Hearst papers started giving Frank bad publicity after the fight. Frank’s agent and friend George Evans flew to Hollywood and through Marion Davies, who was William Randolph Hearst’s mistress for many years, he was able to get in to see the old man William Randolph Hearst, Sr. who was ill. Frank was properly contrite and got the old man to like him. Apparently with Marion Davis and the old man Hearst on his side, Frank was able to overcome the son’s orders to the Hearst papers to give Frank negative publicity. After his visit with Marion and Hearst, Sr. Frank began to get positive publicity again. For those who need to be reminded, the Hearst family is an

Illuminati family, and the Hearst castle in Calif. which is owned by the State of California as a Park continues to be used for rituals for the Illuminati hierarchy. Of special note is that Marion Davis was connected to the Van Cleve family which is another family which has intermarried with the Van Duyn family along with the Costellos. In case the reader missed it in a previous article, a prominent member of the Van Duyn family who headed California’s Teen Challenge helped get Billy Graham’s ministry started. This person is a member of the Illuminati as well as being a Christian minister. (I am intentionally not mentioning his name.) William Randolph Hearst paid for the first 3 years of Billy Graham’s ministry. There are a number people of the Van Duyn bloodline in the Illuminati who are also Christian ministers. (I can’t give my sources-needless to say they are several people who have been escaping the Illuminati.) In the final analysis, we can say that several Illuminati members of the Van Duyn bloodline helped in the establishment of Billy Graham having a big crusade ministry.

Frank Sinatra rubbed shoulders with many of the Illuminati. That doesn’t mean that he was a member, it is possible that his mafia ties are why he was so well received by Illuminati kingpins. The Illuminati has a history of sharing their mind-controlled slaves with the Mafia, even slaves who are members within the Illuminati are shared. However, the Illuminati always insures that they have final control over a slave’s programming. One of the people who was a drummer with the Tommy Dorsey Band for a while was William Joseph Bryan, Jr. (aka William Joseph Bryon, and William Jenning Bryan III, etc.) William Joseph Bryan, Jr. was a CIA Mind-control programmer. He programmed people when he was with the Air Force as Chief of Medical Survival Training, which was a covert brainwashing section (If the Air Force. Bryan opened up his own hypnotherapy Institute on Sunset Strip in Hollywood where he programmed some people in acting for the Illuminati. Bryan was the person who programmed Sirhan Sirhan to kill Robert Kennedy. He also hypnotised Alvert Di Salvo.

After Bryan died in spring, 1977, the CIA cleaned out all of his files including his home files. Bryan was a 6’ 1 1/2" fat Satanic priest in the Old Roman Catholic Church. The CIA and the Illuminati have connections in this offshoot of Catholicism. Bryan was a descendant of William Jennings Bryan, the Mason who supposedly defended the creation view in the Scopes Monkey Evolution Trial. WJ.

Bryan, III (or Jr.) was a frequent guest in many fundamentalist churches in Southern California. Its interesting how the Tommey Dorsey Band had both Bryan and Sinatra in it, since both men would go on to be involved with Satanic mind-control in the future. William J. Bryan spoke to many judges, so 16

it is possible he used his law degree to get him appointments with dirty judges that needed training about the Illuminati’s Mind Control program. In William J. Bryan, Jr.’s book entitled The Chosen One The Art of Jury Selection, Bryan teaches how to use hypnosis on jury members to win one’s case. On the back of the book the author is described, "in addition Dr. Bryan served as an Electronics Engineer in the Navy in World War II, was Director of all Medical Survival Training for the United States Air Force, and a leading expert on brainwashing." William J. Bryan was the technical director for Frank Sinatra’s movie Manchurian Candidate, which is a film which was used to scare American’s into thinking the enemy was carrying out mind-control. This was so that if the Illuminati-CIA horrible trauma-based mind-control was ever discovered that the CIA would be justified in the minds of Americans for the horrible things they were doing. Illuminati Mind-controlled slaves were forced to watch the movie Manchurian Candidate to further enhance their feelings of helplessness.

Frank Sinatra made the movie by getting the rights from the book’s author for the story. The author had as far as I know only stumbled upon what the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies were doing. Frank Sinatra squelched the second release of the Manchurian Candidate film, so it is clear that the entire movie was an affair carried out by the CIA to squelch the true story and to intimidate those thousands of Mind-controlled slaves that they’d created. This article has elaborated on the Costello family and the Van Cleve family which are branches of the Van Duyns. Interestingly, the elite Bohemian Grove which has been used as a site for Satanic rituals for over 25 years, has Joseph V.

Costello, Jr. and Peter Van Cleave as members. Peter Van Cleave stayed in the bungalow called Oz when he was at the Bohemian Grove. Several Illuminati survivors have indicated that the Van Duyns have power in California. If the Van Duyns family power is via the Costellos and Van Cleves and other unmentioned offshoots of the family, then finally the secrecy protecting the powerful Van Duyn Satanic bloodline may be cracking for the first time. The Van Duyn family have changed the spelling on their name. One group spells it, Van Dine. Vance Van Dine is an important NWO figure who graduated from Yale. He is an Episcopalian, and has worked with the big international bankers. He was born in San Francisco, but lived in New York City area. He has been on the board of dir, of the german connected Vereinsbank Capital Corp. Another Van Dine of note is Harold Foster Van Dine, Jr. who has been a famous architect. He has been a major figure in the Troy, MI company of Straub, Van Dine & Assoc.


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995

Are sens