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31. Boylan, Henry. A Dictionary of Irish Biography. NY: St. Martins Press, 1988, p. 345.

32. Springmeier, Fritz. The WT & the Masons , pp. 9, 215.

33. Author’s geneological research in Hopkins Co. TX history.

34. Early Convention Report

35. Evans, Richard L. A Century of Mormonism in Great Britian. Salt Lake City, UT: Publisher’s Press, 1937, pp. 34-35.

36. Gibbons, Francis M. John Taylor Mormon Philosopher Prophet of God. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Books, 1985, p. 129.

37. Utah Historical Quarterly, 1941, Salt Lake CIty, pp. 190-211.

38. Boylan, op. cit., p. 344

39. ibid., and Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. NY: The NY Public Library, 1962, p. 705.


There was enough circumstantial evidence to lead one to question several assumptions. I began to question the assumption that the W. T. presidents were unconnected to each other. Another supposition that was questionable was that the WT Society did not have a hidden agenda.


Once there was a Jewish family whose name was Roessel. They lived in early 17th century Germany.

They moved to a country called Scotland. There they re-spelled the name Russell. They took on the ways of their new homeland. The English tried to settle Protestants from Scotland in Ireland in order to control the Irish. When the opportunity opened up to go to the Emerald Island (Ireland) with the Scottish settlers who went to the plantation Ulster they went. It is possible, but not known for sure that they learned to know the Rutherfords either in Scotland or Ireland. Scotland repeatedly appears as the source of much of the religious heresy connected with the Power. That C . T. Russell’s family were in Scotland for a period, and also from the German states which seem to be a hot bed for Jewish Satanism may be only a coincidence and then again it might be a clue to understanding the origin of the Watchtower Society. This Author’s previous book The Watchtower and the Masons tells the story how the Arian heresy began at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and spread to the the Presbyterians of the Synod of Ulster. The book gives this Author’s reasons for believing that the C .

T. Russell’s family in northern Ireland were Arian in belief before coming to the U. S. and chances are they were involved with Freemasonry also.



In The Watchtower and the Masons the early history of C . T. Russell is given. Charles and his father married two Ackley sisters a number of years after Charles’ mother died. What is an intriguing item is that C . T. Russell’s mother’s will indicates she owned land in Iowa. A description of that land shows it was north of the town of Ackley, Iowa. It turns out that a man named William Ackley had purchased the land in that area, and had sold it in large part to Scot-Irish settlers of the Presbyterian faith as they were coming to America. At the time C T. Russell’s mother died a town named Ackley had been staked out in 1857, but the Civil War had interferred with construction plans. A Presbyterian congregation had been formed in the area during the early 1860s in the Ackley area, which indicates some settlers had arrived. What connection did the Russells have with the Ackleys years before Charles T. and his father married Ackley sisters? Who are the Ackleys? Maria Ackley, who was Charles T. Russell’s wife, was well-educated and an excellent writer. Interestingly, in the 19th century she believed a socialist revolution was coming. She wrote, "This great revolution has not yet come, but where is the statesman or the intelligent citizen that does not see it coming?" (Russell, Maria. This Gospel of The Kingdom, p. 26.) She was the ghost writer and ghost editor for much of her husband Charles Taze ‘ s work. Her family was well-off. William Ackley, the land speculator/seller in Iowa, traces his ancestry back to Prence Doane and Elizabeth Godfrey. Elizabeth Godfrey in turn was the great-granddaughter of William Brewster of the Mayflower fame. The Ackleys were Puritans to begin with and seem to have been concentrated in the Connecticut area, and from there their family members moved out into NY and PA. Another Ackley (1832-1881) at that time was Richard Thomas Ackley, a Freemason who worked for the Miller, Russell and Company store in Salt Lake City in 1858 soon after the Mormons built Salt Lake City.


Of course, these are all simply tantalizing leads for the investigator but nothing solid. There seems to be much more to Charles Taze RusseU than the little that the public has been told. In the next few chapters we will attempt to dispel some of the mystery surrounding the man.

God’s "Annointed Seed"

In 1852, the Joseph Lyttle Russell family had a baby who they gave the same name to as his uncle had. This baby, named Charles Taze Russell had a brother Frank who was two years older, but Charles ended up the favorite of his father. Later Charles would get a sister Margaret M. Both Charles T. and his sister Margaret spoke on various occasions that his had been chosen before his birth for the work that he was to carry out.1 Margaret referred to her brother as the greatest man alive "a giant unmatched." She stated that he had been choosen for his religious work before his birth. Perhaps, Charles’ Russell family, and his father Joseph L., (like Joseph Kennedy who had goals for his son to be president) had goals for Charles. If Charles had been encouraged to meet such expectations and had gone forward, then that could account for his sister’s great admiration for him. He had fulfilled her father’s wishes. At the Put-In-Bay Convention his sister Margaret had outlined how God planned and chose her brother. First God had planted a seed with the early church. But the seed had laid dormant for centuries. "In due time", she says, the seed of truth grew and was watered according to God’s plan. During the Dark Ages the seed of truth was barely kept alive waiting for God’s Chosen One to bring it to fruition. When it was time, God "annointed the eyes" of her brother at age 17, and

"God’s smile of favor rested upon him." Margaret said her brother was the one, the faithful one who God could depend upon, the "one despite the burden and heat of the day" would remain faithful to God.2


1. C.T. Russell is noted to have privately admitted his belief that he was chosen for his great work before his birth. The Finished Mystery. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Soc. 1917, p. 53. A testimony speech given by his sister at the Put-In-Bay Convention where she said similar things is commented on the The Laodicean Messenger, pp. 179-180.


2. The Laodicean Messenger, pp. 179-180.

The Illuminati’s SECURITY SYSTEM

Russell Trust is the legal corporation that is the Order of the Skull and Bones, financed the creation of host of security co. under the Wackenhuts, incl. a Security Service called Wackenhut Corporation.

Another part of this is Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. or WWT Inc. Wackenhut operates worldwide. Their headquarters are in Florida. They have branch offices even in places like Portland, Oregon. Wackenhut handles all Intelligence-related and Super Secret work-classIfied ULTRA for the US. worldwide. They are the ones who guard the UFO bases topside, along with the CIA’s Delta Teams, and various MP units, etc. Their branch in Las Vegas provides security for the Groom Lake UFO facility. Las Vega’s Review Journal on Fri. 7/26/91, p. A1 & 3A had an article about 3

Wackenhut agents who lost their lives in a helicopter crash near the Groom Lake. The telephone number to Wackenhut World Technologies, connects first through the Russell Trust - it is 702-646-4406, and it will be answered by the Russell Trust. Wackenhut’s board of directors are CIA, FBI Div.

5, NSA, ISA, and NRO officials. The girls who answer the various local Wackenhut Corporation numbers are not in the know about what Wackenhut Wd. Tech. are all about. Their 1-800 # is 929-2431. Their San Reme Ave, Cerel Gabels, FL 33146 # was 305-666-5656. Their local no. here is 256-3996, and one of their local CA # is 714-9794966. George Russell Wackenhut is their security services executive. He is also the Chrm & Chief Exec. Officer. He worked for the FBI, and is a Christian Scientist. Richard Russell Wackenhut is the President & Chief Oper. Officer. Wackenhut has in the neighborhood of 40,000 employees.



Rather than having an article this time about an individual family-and we will return later to our articles on the 13 top families, Lord willing, -this article is an article about the 13 families in general.


In the first part of this article we will deal with actual people. In the second part of this article, we will discuss some about the top secret inner workings of the Satanic religion that the top 13 Illuminati families participate in.


One of the thlnp that the Illuminati has done is instill apathy in people toward resisting their wickedness. A letter by an ex-Mormon says it better than I could,

"There are many reasons why these people (Mormons) will not come forth even though they know of the corruption in the Mormon church. One is due to their belief in Mormon scripture which they associate with the Mormon church. The leadership has usurped power and authority over this scripture. Thus, the members of the Mormon church think that God expects them to support their misguided leaders. This is much the - rationalization that many Americans make about our government. They all know of the corruption, but rationalize that it is unpatriotic to talk against the government or ungrateful to complain when they enjoy superficial prosperity."

Are sens

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