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National Conference of Christians & Jews $5,000 (The Illuminati have always well financed this organization.)

Rape Crisis Center, Asheville, NC - $20,000

Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights Education Fund - $7,500


St. Andrews Presbyterian College - $50,000

Women’s Abuse Shelter - $15,000

I don’t want to take more time and space with listing foundation figures, 1 hope the reader gets the picture of how these foundations are able to control society for the Illuminati. We see government agencies, especially the ones that the Illuminati would want to make sure they controlled are well supported financially. People who live in the Carolinas & Virginia report that the corruption in those states in absolute. These statistics give some facts behind those statements. One organization receiving money above deserves exposure. The Drug Abuse Council (Council on Drug Abuse) has been headed by an Illuminatus & Pilgrim Society member Bethuel M. Webster.


R.J. Reynolds Industries of Winston-Salem, North Carolina had an annual sales of over $6 billion and 37,000 employees. I have the 1976 profit figure for the company was $353 million. I don’t know what the current figures are. The public thinks that the shares are widely held by the public, while in reality the control is very narrow. The Reynolds were careful when their stocks went on the market to retain secret control. R.J. Reynolds Industries chairman was Colin Stokes. Colin Stokes is an interesting person who works for the Reynolds. He was a member of Kiwannis International, and a director of several key things, dir. of Winston-Salem Savings & Loan, Integon Corp., and NCNB Corporation which is the bank holding company of North Carolina National Bank. The NCNB, which at one time had assets of $4.647 billion (it may be more now) has been the largest of the Middle South banks and is a key component of the Reynold/Duke/Cuilman clique. From 1958 to 1964, Stokes was a director of the William and Kate B. Reynolds Memorial Park, and further serves the Reynolds as trustee of the Wake Forest Univ. Another interesting liaison person for the Reynolds has been J.P. Sticht, a director of R.J. Reynolds, who has acted as a liaison between the Reynolds, Duke, and Rockefeller dynasties.

Sticht is a member of Rockefeller University Council, and a member of the board of visitors to Duke University. Leighton Hammond Coleman, who is in the Illuminati from the Satanic Coleman family, also sits as emeritus director of RJ. Reynolds Industries. His father and him both belonged to the Pilgrim Society, which is a level above the CFR in the Illuminati political section. His father was a director of the corrupt American-Russian Chamber of Commerce which has been previously exposed in my writings. Now readers can see why RJ. Reynolds Industries has been one of the top companies trading with Communist Russia in the past. Another director of RJ. Reynolds Industries is John D.

Macomber, a 1950 Yale graduate. (I don’t know if he belonged to one of the Illuminati’s 5 fraternities at Yale or not.) Macomber married into the Illuminati Morgan family, and is a member of the Pilgrim Society. Besides being a director for Li. Reynolds, he serves the Rockefellers as a director of Chase Manhattan. He is also dir. of Norlin Corp. Gordon Gray, of the satanic Gray family, also sits on the Li.

Reynolds board. Both Gordon Gray and John Macomber belong to the CFR.. Gray also went to Yale (‘33 grad.) and was with Triangle Broadcasting run by Pilgrim Society member Walter H. Annenberg (who is close to being a billionaire). As you can see, some heavy duty Illuminati men direct Li.

Reynolds Industries. Gray, a member of the CFR., also served as a liaison to the Corcoran financial interests. William W. Corcoran was a corrupt Washington banker who had a lily white front. Corcoran bribed the chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee so that he could illegally profit a half million dollars for being the middle man of the transaction of the U.S. paying off its debt to Mexico for lands taken during the Mexican War. (See Reports of Committees, Thirty-third Congress, First Session, Volume iii, # 354:4.) The U.S. did not need a middle man to pay off Mexico, but due to corruption in Congress, Corcoran was able to make a bundle of money with no effort. Riggs Bank is associated with the Corcoran fortune. CFR & Yale Grad & Pilgrim Soc. member William McChesney Martin, Jr. has worked for Riggs National Bank as their advisor. The multitude of connections of people serving the Reynolds to the elite are mind-boggling. Many of the institutions in the Middle South connect back to the Illuminati and their front organizations such as the Freemasons and the Chambers of Commerce, the CFR etc. etc. Some of the companies that R.J. Reynolds Industries interlocks with are Arista Co., Avon Products, Charlette, NC branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Dun & Broadstreet Companies, Foremost-McKesson Inc., Hatteras Income Securities, Hayes-Albion Corp., Jefferson Pilot Corp., McClean Industries, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, 6

Perkin Elmer Corp., Richardson-Merrell Inc., S.C. Johnson & Sons Inc., Southern Broadcasting Inc., Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, Standard Savings & Loan, Stauffer Chemical Co., United States Filter Corp., United States Steel Corp., Wachovia Corp. I doubt if this is current information, but needless to say, Li. Reynolds Industries today interlocks with many other corporations.


The Reynolds Metals Company- notice I wrote "Metals Company"- interlocks with a large number of companies too. The Reynolds Metals Company has had most of its directors from the Reynold’s family. Recently, four were on the board of directors and one was the company treasurer. One of companies that the Reynolds Metals Company interlocks with is the Bank of Virginia. The Bank of Virginia in turn interlocks with a long list of companies. A large share of these companies have directors that tie back to the elite. Some of these corporations have directors who are members of the Pilgrim Society, others are with other Illuminati organizations. If the entire set of interlocks and there directors were exposed it might have an emotional impact on the reader, but it gets wearisome to the eyes to be stressed with so many lists, so I will dispense with listing other interlocks. Terry Sanford has worked for the Duke family as a director of the American Arbitration Association, which is an Illuminati front. The Astor family is represented in the AAA by David W. Peck. Terry Stanford has been an FBI agent, is the former governor of North Carolina, and president of Duke University.

Stanford is also chairman of the Cordell Hull Foundation for International Education which had another Duke/Reynolds henchman Dean W. Colvard as its trustee. Colvard also has been an advisor to the Illuminati controlled Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, MI. Reynolds Securities in New York has been run by William Christian Miller, a member of the Pilgrim Society. William Christian Miller, an Illuminatus, has sat on the board of many corporations. Richard S. Reynolds, Jr. of the Illuminati has sat on the board of Central National of Richmond Corp. which is a holding company for the Central National Bank of Richmond. His younger brother David has sat on the board of United Virginia Bancshares Board. Hugh Culiman is a director of United Virginia Bancshares. Hugh’s cousin is in the Pilgrim Society. Hugh is also president of Philip Moms Inc., Richmond Corp., and Foreign Policy Association, and the International Chamber of Commerce. Also working with him on the board of United Virginia Bancshares has been Herbert Stein, a director of Reynolds Metals Company. Stein also worked for L.F. Rothschild and Company as a consultant from 1976 onward. Another director working with Stein, David Reynolds, and Hugh Cullman is Kenneth A. Randall, a Mormon. Kenneth A. Randall is a trustee of the Rockefellers Council of the Americas and works with various Illuminati members at other places too. Some of the Reynolds are Mormons. George Reynolds wrote Commentary on the Book of Mormon and Commentary on the Pearl of Great Price. Eskimo Pie Co. is just one of many that the Reynolds have controlled. Julian Louis Reynolds is on both the board of the Metals Co. and the Eskimo Pie Co.


This article has only touched on what the Reynold family operates. However, the thrust of what this part of the article is saying is that the Reynold family works with many other elite Illuminati families, and is active in banking, aluminum, and tobacco. SUMMARY OF PART 1.--The Reynolds family is an elite Illuminati family which ranks right up there with the top 13 Illuminati families. They have a very extensive power base but are strongest in the Middle South.



Mrs. Mn. Reynolds Forsyth- Officer of Richard S. Reynolds Foundation A. William Reynolda*** - CFR

Billy I. Reynolds-script writer for television and radio, Methodist, lives in VA Dana Drummond Reynolds-worked w/ UN symposium for New Inter. Econ. Order in 1979, mmbr World Future Society, advisor for USOM to Libya, extension training advisor to Afghanistan, worked 7

for ABC network ’47-48, mmbr Planetary Citizens (A New Age globalist group), Kappa Tau Alpha, Ctr, for Study Democracy, went to George Wash. University

David Parham Reynolds-dir. Reynolds Metal Co., Reynolds Alum. Sales Co., Eskimo Pie Co., Reynolds Jamaica Mines, Ltd. Presbyterian living in Richmond, Virginia.

Debbie Reynolds-original name Mary Francis Reynolds, movie actress, had the Debbie Reynolds show

Donald Worthington Reynold-owner of 6 radio stations, and a newspaper/book publisher, lives in ARK

J Berkley Reynolds-Sd of Directors Billy Graham Evang. Association in Canada.

John W. Reynolds-Fed. Judge

Joseph Allen Reynolds, Jr-banker, mmbr several fraternities, Episco.

Joseph Melvin Reynolds-mmbr Cosmos Club, physicist, univ. official, grad. Vanderbilt Univ. '48 & Yale '47

Jullan Lewis Reynolds--Libby Holman Reynolds-chief donor for the Christopher Reynolds Foundation

Lloyd George Reynolds***-economist, eco. professor Yale ’46-47, Guggenheim Fellow 54-55, lives at Yale Univ. mmbr Cosmos Club

Norman Eben Reynolds, Jr-lawyer, b. Muskogee, OK & lives in Okia. City, belongs to several fraternities

Randolph Nicholas Reynolds-son of William Gray Reynolds, has a son Robert Gray Reynolds, banker, dir Dominion Nat Bank, VA. Episco.

Richard S. Reynolds, Jr.*** - Pilgrim Society

Russell Seaman Reynolds, Jr.- pres. Russell Reynolds Assoc., Yale 54, important figure in Republican party, on Adv. bd. for Greater

NY’s Salvation Army, worked for at least two Morgan companies (J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty), likes Yachting, Society of Colonial Wars (an elite organization) William Francis Reynolds-b. Boston, married a Fitzgerald, Harvard 51, instruc at MIT, William Glasgow Reynolds-lawyer, Judge, government employee, married Nancy Bradford duPont, worked for E I. duPont de

Nemours & Co. from 1935-71, Mem. vis. com. Law School, Vanderbilt Univ., Episcopalian, wrote a history book on the Reynolds.


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995

McDonald Family

When one thinks of the name McDonald one immediately thinks of the fast food hamburger chain which has francises all over the world. The McDonald’s Corp. has been rumored for years to be connected to Satanism. In fact a book which tries to debunk belief in a Satanic conspiracy entitled Satan Wants You reported the rumor that Mc Donald’s owner Ray Kroc tithed to the Church of Satan.

(see Satan Wants You, pg. 140). Ray Kroc does spend time with NWO elites and is a member of the Bohemian Grove. There is no doubt that the McDonald’s Corp. has an inside track with the Illuminati, because the U.S. government has given according to one source 40 million dollars in public tax money to McDonalds to help them set up McDonald Restaurants in foreign countries under the disguise that this was money spent on foreign policy. In 1991, the total of McDonald outlets (restaurants) in the 3 primary European nations of Britain, France and West Germany totalled 959


In spite of the millions of dollars of tax dollars the U.S. has given to McDonalds Corp., the money doesn’t seem to be directly connected to the McDonalds family, because the McDonalds family (Richard and Maurice McDonald known as ‘Dick" and "Mac") which started the restaurants in 1937

were bought out by Ray Kroc around 1954. By the time Ray Kroc had bought out the McDonald brothers, they had a very successful business going. The McDonald brothers lived in the rich section of San Bernadino, and had around 11 McDonald restaurants. The brothers made about $100,000

profit a year and were quite content. The McDonalds had designed the golden arches and had put together the tast food concept and had been selling franchises. However, the McDonalds were too content. The McDonalds didn’t want to expand, and when Ray Kroc formed McDonald’s System.

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