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"Disney To Buy Stake In Web Company" 2/15/97, p.


"Heavy Disney" Sunday, Oct. 20, 1996

"The Ins and Outs of Allen" by Frederic M. Biddle and Renee Graham, On Q,, Sept. 29, 1996, p. 27

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (the following are examples of what was used:)

"Disney, Miramax Bond", May 10, 1996 "Disney Signs Asian Animator" "Miramax Plans To Make

‘Thoughtful" Films", 4/11/96

SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER (the following are examples of what was used:)

"Disney Institute Is A Short Course In Creativity"" by Catherine Watson, Sunday, May 26, 1996, p. T9 ,,Mouse Matriculation Is A Great Experience"" by Catherine Watson, Sunday, May 26, 1996, p. T9 "Tomorrowland Jumps Into The Future", Sunday, July 14, 1996, p. T3

the Spotlight’s Feb. 26, ‘96 p. 31 article "Disney Turns Back on Family Values."

Time Magazine, "Job Hunting With Mike [Ovitz]" 2/24/97, p. 50; ‘"Hilton Has Room For ITT’" 2/10/97, Wall St. Journal (many issues from several decades.) SOME OF OTHER SOURCES (used & not used).

· Various Disney brochures.//· Rush Limbaugh’s comments concerning how Disney had betrayed its viewers’

trust.//· Interviews w/ Napa Valley residents.

· Interviews with disgruntled insiders to the NWO.


· Interviews with various types of Disney victims. [Disney has used mafia-type tactics, i.e. death threats, to intimidate numerous people into selling their property. Roy E. Disney has been reported involved in these land thefts. Victims of this type of intimidation are in many states, but several prominent regions are Napa Valley, CA; Shenandoah Valley; Virginia, & FL Disney’s land-grabbing operations could be a book in itself. This author has lots more research which I HAVE NO PLANS to reveal, which has been left w/ key others, such as the connections of VaVin, near Leon,VA, who produce Prince Michel de Virginia, whose chef & others connect to Belgium. The background of several key people, like Robert Podesta. Financial records, such as Fed. Judge Fern M. Smith (Burrows). ETC. This para. is not indexed.]


Bloodlines of Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier, 1995

The Reynolds Bloodline

An examination of one of the leading Illuminati families. Part of my research on the family has been packed away and I hope to recover some more of it for another article.


The Reynold’s family is not one of the 13 primary bloodlines, but they are such a prominent Illuminati family within the 13 bloodlines that I have decided to single them out for another article on Illumanati bloodlines. Although the Reynolds are allied with many of the major Satanic bloodlines, including the Rothschilds, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, the Graces and the Grays, they are especially close and intertwined to the Duke and Cullman families. (One example of a Duke/Reynold joint project is the Research Triangle Foundation.) It should be remembered that The Temporary National Economic Committee of Congress in 1937 which studied the super rich found that the Dukes and the Reynolds were among the top 13 wealthiest families in America. Further, my research at one place or another has shown that the Reynolds of the Illuminati variety have interacted with all of the other major Satanic bloodlines. These elite birds of a feather all flock together.


During the course of putting out this newsletter in ‘92-’95, I have had repeated opportunities to include various members of the Reynold’s bloodline in my exposes. It must always be borne in mind that a large share of each of these bloodlines are hidden behind other last names.

Within this area, my newsletter has exposed Reynold family members of the Illuminati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goes with the Niother of Darkness level, and since wanting her freedom it is anybody’s guess what happened to her.


Some of the Reynolds family have written occult books. I don’t know how all the people mentioned in this section are related, but some or all of these people may relate to the Satanic Reynold’s bloodline.

One of the important ecumenical Christian leaders is Frank E. Reynolds who is an American Baptist Minister (ordained 1955, Program dir. Student Christian Ctr. Bangkok, Thailand, Minister for Chicago Ecumenical Ministries ‘61-‘64.) Frank E. Reynolds has been trying to introduce Buddhism to America. He and his wife Mani have written a number of books to introduce and teach Buddhism to Americans. Many of the Reynolds have been Episcopalians. Remember the Episcopalian Church is run by Freemasons and is thoroughly sold out to the occult. One of my Monarch survivors vividly recalls a human sacrifice done at the altar of an Episcopalian church. Anyway, getting back to the names of some Reynolds who have written occult books, here is a list of some: 1

Barrio Gordon Robert Reynolds--author of Magic. Divination & Witchcraft among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia (1963)

Charles R. Reynolds w/ Regina Reynolds--authors of One Hundred Years of Magic Posters (1977) David K. R. Reynolds--author of Naikan Psychotherapy: Meditation for Self-Development pub. by Chicago Press.

Denise AR. Reynolds--Sensitive Thoughts for the New Wave Soul.

Mani R Reynolds w/ her husband--Three Worlds According to King Ruana: A Thai Buddhist Cosmology Frank E. Reynolds--Guide To Buddhist Religion

Jane Reynolds--Cosmobiology

Lloyd J. K.-- Mv Dear Runemeister: A Voyage Through the Alphabet OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS OF THE REYNOLDS

Before we get into the nitty-gritty let’s take a quick overview of the Reynold’s financial interests.

Much of the family’s money has been well-hidden behind fronts, holding companies, etc. The Satanists of the Reynolds family have been involved in high level drug dealing during this century.

They have also had some important and major interests in Banking, Tobacco, and Aluminum, it seems like a fair number have gotten into the mortuary/cremation business, which is a great assistance for cremation after rituals involving human sacrifice. The financial interests of the Reynolds seem to be strongest in the Middle South, and strong in both Virginia and North Carolina. The Reynold’s financial interests are so tightly woven in with the Cuilmans and Dukes that I will have to deal with all three families together. A few years ago the financial heads of the three families were as follows: Angier Biddle Duke, Richard S. Reynolds, Jr., and Joseph F. Cullman, 3rd. All were members of the Pilgrim Society. It is possible that the family also has sonic type of secret spiritual hierarchy too. If so, it might follow along the lines of the top 13 families which have kings and princes, and princesses, etc.

of their bloodilnes. Richard S. Reynolds, Jr. has been a board chairman of Robertshaw Controls Company, which has a strangelhold monopoly on manufacturing car thermostats and other car parts.

The big three American auto manufacturers all buy from Robertshaw Controls Company; but then since all 3 of the American auto manufacturers are Illuminati controlled, they likely don’t care that the Reynolds family has such a stranglehold on them. Cadence which own theaters and has published occult comic books like the series, "Journey into Mystery With The Mighty Thor" is also tied to the Reynolds family. Cadence promotes the occult while making money. What American doesn’t know what ‘Reynold’s wrap" is. The Reynold’s name is a well-know household name just like DuPont paints, or the Rockefeller Center, or the Waldorf Astoria are well known American items named after Illuminati families. The Reynolds family controls several Aluminum companies which form a large part of the Illuminati-controlled Aluminum cartel. The Mellon family works with the Reynolds in this Aluminum cartel, and various Illuminati families also have their hands in the management of the Aluminum industry.


The Reynolds family is behind the RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Co. C. Boyden Gray of the Satanic Grey/Gray family is heir to the RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Co. But don’t let that sidetrack you, the Reynolds family still has financial interests and power in the company. If readers remember previous articles on top 13 Illuminati families--specifically, the Astor family article, the Onassis family article and the Li family article you will remember some details that will help you understand the secret 2

illegal drug trade that the Reynold’s got involved in. The British elite got involved in shipping opium.

The elite families got monopolies on the opium trade. The British empire’s military might and political clout was used to force China to allow the opium trade- Before the communists took over China, the British Illuminati families hid their opium trade behind the cover of the British American Tobacco Co.

Later the Red Chinese would hide their opium trading behind the same front tobacco, with their state-run People’s Republic of China Tobacco Bureau. In fact, the Red Chinese opium trade was controlled by another Illuminatus, the P.R. President Li Xiannian. Li Xiannian is from the occult U family who are proud that they are the leading oriental Satanic family. President Li, a drug lord was finance minister of Red China from ’57-’75. He sold so much opium to the west that he was able to help Red China pay off her debts, and he was nicknamed ‘the money god.’ RJ. Reynolds was a partner with British American Tobacco Co. and was also involved in trading in opium for many years. R.J.

Reynolds was also involved with the rigidly controlled tobacco industry. I have reasons to suspect that the family later got involved with running cocaine. Onassis also hid his early drug smuggling behind tobacco importing. The Dukes controlled Liggett & Nlyers Tobacco via their Duke Endowment, a family foundation. The Cuilmans are known for their Miller Brewing Company. The Culiman fortune was also originally derived via a tobacco company. The Duke family via underhanded tactics put together a monopoly of the tobacco industry called the American Tobacco Company. Later they merged and bought out 88 tobacco companies, and the capitalization of the company was $235 million prior to 1911. The Supreme Court made the American Tobacco Company dissolve since it had created an illegal monopoly. However, the Dukes rearranged things and kept on going. The Dukes intemamed with the Biddies who worked with the Rothschilds. The Dukes also intermarried with the Drexels, who in turn intermarried with the Harrimans and Goulds. Nicholas Biddle (1879-1923) was a trustee of the Illuminatus William Astor of the top 13 Illuminati family of Astors. Some of the Biddies intermarried with the Astors Illuminati family too! It’s a small world at the top. Researcher Ferdinand Lundberg in his book America’s 60 Families states on p. 36, "The Morgan firm and its affiliated commercial banks act, broadly, on behalf of such tremendous accumulations as those of the Vanderbilts, Goulds, Drexels, Wideners, Berwinds, Phippses, Hills, Dukes, Ryans, McCormicks, Bakers, DuPonts, Fishers, Jameses, and Others.’ Isn’t it interesting that my writings have exposed the Morgans, Vanderbilts, Goulds, Drexels, Phippses, Dukes, Bakers, DuPonts as families with members in the Illuminati?


Many of the Illuminati organizations which this newsletter has exposed have had members from the Reynolds family. Some examples of this follow:

COSMOS CLUB Joseph Melvin Reynolds, Lloyd George Reynolds

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