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The question catches me off guard. ‘He’s, uh… he’s not here.’

‘I’m not asking where he’s not.’

Shrugging, I look away. ‘I don’t really know where he is. Not here apparently.’

A few moments of silence feels like an eternity. I glance back; his eyes linger as if debating whether to say something. All that results is a deflated ‘I see’.

William sits down beside me on the grass and my nerves immediately stand on edge. It’s an interesting sight, one I never thought I would see. Back slightly arched, knees raised and arms loosely looped on top of them. He doesn’t say anything, just stares straight ahead. He’s so close. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him up close before. Have his eyelashes always been so dark and long? And his jaw, defined but not angular. I pause. Wait. Is he attractive? How have I never noticed this before? I blink rapidly, expelling the thought from my brain. I look out at the lake quickly, aware that my own lingering stare may spook the wild animal. Making sure to end the discussion on Rye here, I flip the focus back on him. And despite grappling for something to say, I instantly regret the tactless words that slip from my mouth.

‘So how did you know Marina?’

I wince. It must have been in the back of my mind, swirling around just like the sea creature herself. Though the question is not without its reward. The ice demon’s stoic expression falters for the smallest second, revealing a somewhat stunned look before tightening once more. I have my own theories, of course. Despite her face’s devilish and malicious characteristics, Marina couldn’t be any older than fourteen, and William, despite his flawless complexion, no younger than nineteen. This sits in my mind for a moment. It would be highly unlikely they were together but then again who knows how things worked back in those days. That’s another thing – I don’t even know when those days were. Just how old is the demon sitting next to me? From his clothes, I’d guess the early 1900s. Surely that sort of age gap was not acceptable even back then. I frown. ‘So were you two involved somehow?’

A visible disgust ripples through his body, quickly turning to reveal a horrified grimace. ‘God, no. She’s my sister,’ he says, the words vomiting out. Surprised at his forthcoming, I pause. Oh, well that makes more sense. William continues to stare at me with disgust.

I throw my hands up. ‘H-hey! Don’t give me that look. How am I supposed to know that? You’re not exactly an open book.’ The conversation lulls to silence. ‘So anyway, what’s her deal then?’

His eyebrow twitches ever so slightly, indicating some level of irritation at my persistence. After a few seconds his expression flattens to something more exhausted. ‘Must we talk about this?’

I throw on a haughty demeanour. ‘We must. I tend to take an interest in the demons who try to kill me, especially if they end up trying to kill each other.’ He frowns, contemplating.

‘She’s a drowned one.’ He pauses. I lean in, coaxing further explanation. ‘That day… things didn’t exactly go according to plan. You weren’t supposed to go with Marina.’

I grunt. ‘Oh, so it’s my–’

‘No, that’s not what I’m saying.’ Will’s usual facade slips, a form of frustration biting in his tone. He releases his arms, repositioning them behind him as support.

I pull my knees closer to my chest. ‘If you had just told me, it wouldn’t have happened to begin with.’

He shakes his head, a stifled laugh escaping. ‘Surely you jest. You would never have gone.’ He’s not wrong. I would have resisted. The ice demon turns his head away. ‘I thought… I thought you would be safer away from Xander and myself. I have a lot of enemies.’

It dawns on me. This is his version of an apology. It’s poor, but I’ll take it. Taking the lid off the coffee cup, I swirl the last cold remnants. I shoot the bitter coffee down like liquid courage.

‘Maybe you’re right,’ I proclaim. In the corner of my eye, I swear I see him flinch. ‘But it’s too late for that now. So I suggest you try a little harder this time because you’re going to be stuck with me for a while yet.’ William gives a humoured grunt through his nose, accompanied disarmingly by a dark smirk. My heartbeat quickens in my chest. ‘S-So Marina is a drowned one. That’s it? There’s not more to that story?’ I spit out, intentionally ruining whatever mood was forming.

The demon’s eyes glaze over, staring out into the distance, focusing on nothing in particular. ‘It was a long time ago. There’s not much else to say.’

‘Sure there is, like maybe the reason why she hates you so much. That seems like a good place to start.’

Holding my attention for longer than seems necessary, the edge of his mouth twitches. ‘People tend to hate their killers.’ My stomach drops, though I make a point not to show it. He rises and begins making his way back to town.

I frown. ‘Hey, is that really what happened?’

He raises his deathly pale hands in a half-hearted shrug, not looking back. ‘Maybe. Either way, we have some place to be, remember?’ The conversation is over. I sigh, also picking myself up from the ground to follow behind him. Once again, he has etched a solid line between us.

‘Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.’

‘This is it here,’ William mutters, pulling an old water-damaged photograph from a stack of prints. He slides it across the table to me and I slap my hand against the wood to stop it from flying past. A grand manor sits by a seaside cliff, its essence of grandeur nurtured by stone walls and large windows. Old sepia tones of the photograph don’t do the property justice. I’m sure it is much more enchanting in person. My mind fills with romantic nostalgia, a warmth spreading in my heart. My fingers brush the grains of the photo. It is much more beautiful in person. I frown. No, that doesn’t make sense. I’ve never been there before.

‘Very fancy,’ I say, clearing my throat. ‘What’s its significance?’

William doesn’t respond; in fact, I think he’s been avoiding me since we got back to the house.

Xander switches off the television and hops off the couch, pinching the photo from me in a quick motion.

‘It’s actually not that far from where we first met you, Siara,’ Xander chirps, giving a side glance to William. ‘I thought you said this place wasn’t–’

‘Things are different now,’ the ice demon remarks. ‘The estate is no longer occupied.’ Xander seems to understand his meaning and passes the photo back to me.

I release a dramatic sigh as I gaze at the ludicracy of its wealth. ‘Must be nice to have this much money,’ I say. ‘To not have to work for anything at all. I can only imagine the sort of people living in a place like this. Just living the dream, I’m sure.’

William snatches the photo back. ‘Money isn’t everything.’

I roll my eyes. ‘To you maybe, you’re dead. I, on the other hand, would–’

‘Love to be able to live in a place like that.’ The old man smiles at my yearnful wish, leaning in across the back of the automobile so our driver doesn’t hear. ‘One day you very well might.’ Father gives a small wink. An uncharacteristic charm. I can feel myself blushing at his implication. He knows my favour for William. How cruel to play into a young girl’s wishes. But I can’t help but dream, what a life it would be indeed.

Something touches my arm. ‘Siara.’ I stand suddenly, the chair falling backwards and clanging against the wooden floor. Xander jumps back, wide-eyed. Usually he’s the one causing people to jump out of their skin. The memory fades and I’m back in the room with Xander and William. The young boy shakes my arm, anxious. ‘Siara, are you okay?’

I nod, my breathing shallow and rasped. I hold my breath, releasing it steadily to try and take back control. ‘U-uh yeah… that was weird.’

His worried eyes peer up to me. ‘Are you sick? Maybe we should wait…’

‘No, I’m fine. I’m probably not getting enough sleep, that’s all.’ Xander narrows his eyes, giving an anxious glance to William for support. The ice demon doesn’t take notice, or if he does, he doesn’t reciprocate.

‘Master.’ The boy’s small plea pushes William into speaking, his jaw clenched.

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